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"We’re the only mammal on this planet that has a quantum computer in our head that allows us to break the laws of nature." --Dr. Jack Kruse

Think of illness not as God's will, but as our deviation from God's will. Disease is an adaptation, triggered by changes in the terrain. There are only seven reasons why we develop disease. And among these seven, exposure to parasites and toxins is the primary cause. All disease is ultimately related to a lack of love, or to love that is only conditional, for the exhaustion and depression of the immune system thus created, leads to physical vulnerability. All healing is related to the ability to give and accept unconditional love. Unconditional love is the most powerful known stimulant of the immune system.

If you tell patients to raise their blood levels of immune globulins or killer T-cells, no one would know how. But if you can teach them to love themselves and others fully, the same changes happen automatically. The truth is: love heals. The most important law of the universe is LOVE. Love of self and love of others. We cannot wait to be loved before we love. We just need to love! Whatever the problem, love is the answer. If we truly love, that love casts out all fears.

Illness is the result of imbalance. imbalance is a result of forgetting who you are. Forgetting who you are creates thoughts and actions that lead to an unhealthy life-style and eventually to illness. The illness itself is a signal that you are imbalanced because you have forgotten who you are. Illness can thus be understood as a lesson you have given yourself to help you remember who you are. Disease requires a spiritual reexamination of our lives, particularly if the disease is severe. In order to understand and resolve any disease, self-examination is the first step and fundamental basis in accomplishing this.

Parasites thrive in polluted internal environments. The more we eat food rich in refined sugar, starches, and other foods that are a part of the Basic American Diet (BAD), the more they thrive. Cancer can be caused by a lot of different things, including infections, and even parasites. Certain parasitic infections can lead to cancer. Infections from certain parasitic worms like schistosomiasis, opisthorchiasis, and clonorchiasis are known to be highly cancer-causing.

It is apparent that the worst enemies that our efforts face come from within us, in the shape of the deep indoctrination we have all received from the schools, churches, corporate employers, military service, and other government interactions we have had. This indoctrination is so pervasive, so insidious, and so generally accepted that most people have a hard time recognizing it when it rears its ugly head.

The average person is exposed to more than 700,000 toxic chemicals a day, and this doesn’t even include things like parasites. From harmful pesticides in our food, contaminants in our water, chemicals in our environments such as phthalates, flame retardants, and many, many more. Our bodies are constantly being overwhelmed with deadly toxins. And now, one of the worst of all time is the toxic C0VID jab. All of these toxins are enough to send your body into overdrive, leading to all kinds of serious diseases. Your body needs a month’s supply of glutathione to detox from a dose of Tylenol – which is why natural remedies are recommended.

Parasites inside our bodies rob the systems and organs of the necessary nutrients. Lab studies and animal experiments looking at the connection between parasites and cancer have shown that some parasites can directly cause cancer, while others can indirectly trigger cancer growth in different ways. Parasites are primarily attracted to undigested food or food not timely removed from our gut. When we are constipated or have less than two to three bowel movements daily, waste accumulates in the gut, creating a viable and friendly environment for parasites to thrive. An immune system deprived of nutrients and a gut filled with accumulated waste cannot function properly. Cancer and other diseases can evade detection and elimination, proliferating, multiplying, and flourishing.

Detoxing is one of the cornerstones of good health. In healing, we cannot just focus on incorporating the good things into our lives—we also have to focus on removing the bad stuff. Experts even emphasize that the first step to healing is always removing the trash. Cancer thrives in the trash inside our bodies. To heal, we have to remove the trash and then add the good stuff.

The macrophage in the immune system is like little Ms. Pacman that goes around the board eating up the little dots and the little dots would be microbes, bad bugs. So the macrophage, which eats the bugs up, is put to sleep, literally put to sleep by too much sugar in the blood. And Americans now consume 500 times as much sugar as they did 50 years ago. So by eliminating the consumption of refined sugar, you automatically help the macrophage to do its job, to be everything that it can be.

You should eat more protein because your immune system is made from protein, a lot of people don't understand that. Your bones are made from minerals. Your immune system's made from protein. So, if you are deficient in protein, that's no good. So consuming more protein is a good idea when you're sick.

Sometimes fasting is also a good idea when you're sick. It depends on whether or not you've done the preliminary steps. If you haven't done the preliminary steps, then one of the reasons that your immune system is funky is because you're too toxic. And one way that your body facilitates the removal of toxins from the body is by exciting fevers and by fasting, this is why fasting is also one of the keys to longevity. So if you've done the first three steps, and heaven forbid, you get a seasonal cold or influenza or whatever, fasting is a smart idea. There's a number of different botanical medicines which are effective for infectious disease. Olive leaf is an awesome all around immune stimulant. It's a alcohol extract of olive leaf, really, really good supplement to take both preventively and in the moment if you feel sick.

Your body wants to fix itself. Your body's trying to fix itself. So what do we do? We nutrify, clean the diet up, and detoxify. And then, support the immune system here, support the bone and joints here, support the liver here, support the brain here, whatever. A lot of different ways to do that. We do that by supporting and promoting the body's ability to be healthy and again, health.

So in order to figure out how to do that, it would perhaps be important to have a working definition of health. Because if you don't know what health is, how can you have somebody secure it? You can't. And by the way, if you'd like to see your medical doctor's head explode, ask them to define health. You would think that to a medical professional, that would be easy. But medical doctors do not have a working definition of health. They simply don't. Health is the ability of a living organism to experience stress and remain symptom-free in a state of dynamic equilibrium.

So life is a great big bowl of stress. There's microbial stress, there's weather, toxins, crap in the air, crap in the food, crap in the water. Political stress, financial stress, emotional stress, aging, climate. Lions and tigers and bears, stress everywhere all the time. There's also positive stress like exercise, but negative stress is referred to as distress. So when the body experiences a negative stress, there are only two possible outcomes. The body defends it, the stress bounces off, and you're good. Or the stress is too much, body can't handle it. The stress impacts and destabilizes the body. And in a destabilized state, the body compensates and generates symptoms. This is very, very, very important to understand, a healthy body is symptom-free.

Any supplement you take, any chiropractic adjustment, acupuncture, chlorine dioxide, urine therapy. It doesn't matter what you try, if you don't believe it's going to work, it isn't. If you don't believe you can be healed and there's any part of your psyche that actually believes, "I don't really think this is going to work, why would you even try it?" The moment you thought that it wasn't.

The placebo effect is when people believe they're getting the drug or the surgery, but they're not. And then all their symptoms still get better, but they never even received a treatment. And this goes for surgeries. They did knee surgeries that were all faked. They just made little slits in the skin that made the person think they got surgery. And these people never got surgery. They never had their ACLs fixed, their MCLs fixed, their meniscus fixed nothing. These people left the hospital believing they had their surgery, went through rehab, and recovered, but never had the treatment ever.

Do you really think we have 70,000 different reasons for problems in the human body, or are we just making it look more complex than it really is?” When you do a deep-dive into this, you find we only have about seven reasons for disease, and one of them is parasites. And parasites turn out to be cancer. We are suffering because we all have parasites. There is no evidence that viruses exist. There’s no evidence of airborne transmission of viral disease that they could ever prove. They tried it multiple different ways.

They’re making a lot of stuff up right now. But if you go back in time, they’ve never proven it for influenza. They can’t isolate a virus. 90 countries, including the CDC in America, could not produce an isolate of SARSCoV-2. What does that tell you? So there’s something wrong with the whole viral paradigm. Neurologic diseases, for example, one pathologist found that in 100% of his series of dead MS patients, they had parasites in the brain and spinal cord. We are being told that there are all these different diseases, but there are parasites and there are poisons. Those are the two big ones: parasites and poisons.

Virus in Latin doesn’t mean a germ. It means poison. We know they’re poisoning us from the air, the food, and the water. Wouldn’t it be great to have an antidote for those two things? And that’s where chlorine dioxide shines. It’s death to parasites. Parasites hate chlorine dioxide. And it also is super at neutralizing toxins. There’s nothing good about fluoride in the water, but they keep doing it. But, you don’t really have to worry about it when you put chlorine dioxide in the bath.

Fluoride is so toxic because it’s an electron stealer. Chlorine dioxide is the opposite. So fluorine like parasites is deadly to us because it takes our electrons at a very high level. And so chlorine dioxide works for parasites. It also works for helping to neutralize the fluoride, but it also neutralizes other chemicals, and that’s why they use it in water treatment. It’s good for lots of things.

When discussing the reasons for disease and other things, we can talk about nutritional deficiencies obviously, lack of exercise, and psychologic disease. But a lot of psychologic disease, psychiatric disease turns out to be parasites. Even the CDC admits that up to 50% of Americans have some form of toxoplasmosis in the brain. And we know that’s highly associated, with schizophrenia. So a lot of these mental illnesses may, in fact, be parasitic in nature as well. So, you want to make your own chlorine dioxide and put in your bath. You need to activate the crystals when you take the bath.

These things are opportunistic problems. In other words, you don’t get thrush when you’re completely well. You get that when your immune system is damaged, when you’ve got an imbalance, probably when you’ve taken antibiotics or something and gotten rid of the good bacteria. It’s when your immune system is out of whack. You just don’t see sick people who take chlorine dioxide regularly. That’s why they don’t want us to have it.

Autoimmune disease probably is going to turn out to be parasites. And the reason that you get autoimmune, that your immunity would get inflamed is because your body is desperately trying to keep the parasites in check. As you get older, your innate immune system isn’t as effective, and it runs amuck trying to keep these things in check. The answer is get rid of your parasites, and you'll probably get rid of the inflammation. So chlorine dioxide is a good way to deal with this.

Chlorine dioxide does not lose effectiveness over long-term, because the reason antibiotics lose effectiveness is because the bacteria can alter their susceptibility to them. Bacteria get killed because of certain properties of their membranes and the antibiotics attack and make little holes in these membranes in certain ways, but they can pass these plasmids back and forth, and they can develop antibacterial resistance.

You’ll notice you have less obvious changes because you’re getting rid of your toxins. As you become less toxic, you won’t see the diarrhea, you won’t see the rashes, you won’t see these things happen to you because you don’t have as much toxicity to get rid of. If I had cancer, the first thing I would do is bump up my chlorine dioxide level and use ivermectin and fenbendazole. One of the things that we know about cancer is that it’s often associated with night sweats. Before people are diagnosed with cancer, it’s one of those things you look at. That’s not the only thing, but we know about weight loss that happens a little later. But night sweats are one of these early signs. And we’re talking about soaking the sheets. Not postmenopausal type night sweats, but real nightly or almost nightly soaking the sheets. After the first three days of parasite medication, the night sweats are usually gone.

Your gut is the first line of defense. Think about hypochlorhydria, low stomach acid, low hydrochloric acid in the stomach, literally being one of the major causes of all disease. It causes three major things, and parasites living in your gut has everything to do with this. Number one, when we eat food, it could be the best organic strength-eating diet, if we’re not breaking down that food, we’re not going to get those nutrients into the cells. So you could be eating a very healthy diet and suffer from malnutrition. The first symptom of malnutrition is low energy, chronic fatigue.

The second thing that happens from low hydrochloric acid is we develop food sensitivities. Same concept, you’re not what you eat, you’re what you digest, absorb, and assimilate. So you could be eating the best foods in the world, if we can’t break them down because we have insufficient levels of hydrochloric acid, and/or not enough digestive enzymes, and/or not enough bile salts from our gallbladder, we’re not breaking down those foods. Now when those foods go into our gut, the gut’s going to attack it, which creates inflammation, again, creating this state of dysbiosis. Parasites love dysbiosis, parasites love a very sick garden. Look at your gut like a garden. You want lots of flowers, you don’t want lots of weeds. Well, a parasite is a form of a weed.

Now here’s the crazy thing, when you have a healthy gut microbiome, and things are in relative balance, in harmony, and homeostasis, things like a parasite, or an inflammatory type of bacteria, or H. pylori, doesn’t stand a chance against your immune system. We’ve got to give our immune system more credit than it’s actually given out there. Our immune system is so powerful, these things are so afraid of it, they can’t stand a chance. This is why we call parasites and bacteria like Klebsiella or Pseudomonas or Citrobacter, these are inflammatory bacteria, we call them opportunistic pathogens, because a lot of us have them living in our gut and they’re basically dormant.

But what happens is they’re waiting for an opportunity, when there’s stress going on in this body. It doesn’t care if it’s emotional stress, physical stress, or chemical stress, it’s literally sensing your stress hormones like cortisol, epinephrine, norepinephrine. And when those stress hormones start to basically go into high mode, they basically start to come into the open, they start to make babies, they create little communities. And now you have this majorly dysbiotic state in your gut, where we should have powerful keystone commensal bacteria, like probiotics living healthy, and now those are starting to become depleted. Your gut’s becoming weakened, and we measure this. Every single test shows a weakening of the gut bacteria that we want in full throttle, and then we’re starting to see an overgrowth of those bad pathogens. And we’re all exposed to this.

When your gut is dysregulated, when your immune system is under stress, when you’re eating crappy foods, now the biologic terrain, it’s like a garbage dump. You’re going to basically attract the rats. So we can sit there and poison off the rats with antibiotics, yeah, you’ll kill rats. But what you’re also going to do is you’re going to kill a whole lot of healthy cells in the same manner, it kills everything. So that’s not the approach. The approach is to basically go in there, clean out the dump, make sure that it’s healthier, and as that gut gets healthier, guess what’s going to happen? It’s not going to allow these pathogens to live there. That can be anything. As I said, it could be a parasite, inflammatory bacteria, active virus, H. pylori. And if that does show up, then you know what you need to do. You need to get on a better diet. We have to get rid of the causes of inflammation, we have to eradicate them with a protocol, and strengthen the leaky gut.

The detoxification of the human body is an extremely important part of the healing process. There’s a lot of misunderstanding about the word detoxification. Most people have no idea what that means, a partial understanding at best of what that means. This isn’t rocket science. Let’s say you won the lottery and you bought a brand new Lamborghini. It has an unleaded engine, unleaded fuel, but you didn’t know any better and you put diesel fuel in it. Well, the car’s going to run like crap if it runs at all. Nothing wrong with the car. You just put the wrong fuel into it and got a bad outcome. Well, it’s the same with the human body.

The single biggest vector of toxins to the human body. One way to describe a toxin would be any substance which creates an inflammatory response in the body. And then there are other things which are actually toxic like dry cleaning chemicals and fire retardant chemicals, and mercury, which are on the clothes, which leech into the skin, right? I think that’s what most people think. These are things that people think about when they think about toxins. Those are real things and they’re bad things, but they pale in comparison to food toxins. Again, in this context, the word toxin would be classified or defined as something which creates in inflammation in the human body.

Currently, more than 80,000 chemicals are used to produce many of the common household products we use in the United States. With an estimated 1,500 to 2,000 new chemicals being introduced every year, it’s impossible to completely avoid exposure to these agents. It is, however, possible to cleanse your body of many harmful compounds and create a healthier environment inside your home.

The actual technical definition of toxin is a poisonous substance created biologically through a living organism. However, many people use the word toxins as any chemical in the environment. In the more common usage, toxins can come from either outside or inside our bodies. Exogenous toxins consist of poisons or pollutants that are introduced into the body through air, food, water, or other outside elements. Endogenous toxins consist of by-products that originate inside the body. An example could be hormones produced in excess when you are under stress. Under normal conditions, these hormones operate in a healthy manner, but when stress becomes chronic, the excess cortisol can cause health issues and can become toxic. The severity of a toxin is measured by its toxicity, or its ability to harm or damage an organ, disrupt an enzyme system, or disturb a biochemical process.

The home, both inside and out, is host to an abundance of chemical and biological pollutants. These toxins are found in everything from cleansers, floors, and cookware, to certain bacteria and insects that live on mattresses and upholsteries. Electrical devices can emit electromagnetic radiation. If they break, they can poison their immediate environment with toxic metals such as lead, mercury, and arsenic.

Some of the worst carriers of chemical toxins are cosmetic products you put on your body. Soap, shampoo, and other personal care products expose the average person to hundreds of chemicals. While people may assume these products are harmless, many contain chemicals that have not been fully tested. These products often carry known carcinogens and endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Ingredient labels are unclear, leaving most consumers confused about the safety of the products they use every day. Unfortunately, every time you bathe, breathe, cook, sleep, or continue your beauty regimen, these toxins and their effects begin to accumulate in your body.


When you’re in your home, you are in constant contact with floors, doors, cabinets, surfaces, and furniture. All of these household structures are home to varying levels of bacteria. in the kitchen, bacteria from raw meat can be transferred from one surface, object, or food to another, causing cross-contamination—a major cause of foodborne illnesses.

Organisms that can produce biotoxins you may encounter:

  • Dust mites live in mattresses, pillows, upholstery, fabrics, and floors.

  • Mold and mildew are found on bathroom walls, window sills, wallpaper, ceilings, fabrics, and in food.

  • Bacteria and viruses live on kitchen surfaces, toilets, sinks, showers, food, and in tap water. Most are harmless, but some can cause illness.

  • Dander is found on pets, floors, clothes, curtains, beds, furniture, skin, and hair.

  • Insect parts and excrement can create allergies in many people and are commonly found in attics, basements, closets, storage boxes, cabinets, and garages.

  • Pollen also causes allergies in many people. It is found in anything that has come in contact with outdoors, including shoes, pets, hair, skin, and clothes.


The idea of chemical toxins probably stir up thoughts of a garage full of paint cans and other liquid waste. Chemicals are used to produce plastic and other synthetic materials used to build homes. Paint, carpet, and pressed wood are just a few items that can release health-disrupting chemicals long after they’ve been installed.



Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are common chemical contaminants that can be found in indoor environments. These compounds contain carbon, can disperse through the air, and usually have an odor. VOCs are released by many types of building materials, including:

  • Sealants, caulks, and coatings

  • Adhesives

  • Paint and varnish

  • Wall coverings

  • Cleaning agents

  • Air fresheners and other scented products

  • Carpeting

  • Vinyl flooring

  • Upholsteries, fabrics, and furnishings

  • Personal beauty and hygiene products


Once you have achieved a clean home environment, focus on the foods you’ll be eating to cleanse your body. Shifting to an organic vegan or vegetarian diet during the cleanse is essential for success. In order to flush harmful toxins, you must give your organs a rest from unhealthy foods so that they can function at peak efficiency.


When it comes to food, the primary law is photosynthesis. There is no food on this planet that doesn’t link back to photosynthesis. That means the organic tomato that you bought may not be organic enough for your mitochondrial engines, especially when your engines have been damaged by modern life, and therein lies the key. That’s why coconuts and pineapples can’t be a healthy food if you live in the wrong latitude. Just as a flower will not grow in certain light environments, the same thing is true of you.

If you live in Boston, your eyes and skin get a quantum signal from the sun. That quantum signal is wirelessly transmitted through the air, through the blood to every mitochondrion in your body. Your mitochondria know exactly what they should be expected to get. So, when you bring them something that they don’t expect, in physics, it’s called “chaos."

In medicine, a synonym for chaos is “inflammation.” Inflammation is linked to hydrogen. Hydrogen comes in three forms on planet Earth. Light hydrogen is called protium, there’s deuterium, which has a neutron attached to it. And there’s tritium, the radioactive form of hydrogen. Biology doesn’t use the third form.

Every day, you’re supposed to fast. That’s why the first meal of the day is called break-fast. Your last meal should be when the sun is out, and it shouldn’t be big. The biggest meal, from a circadian perspective, should be breakfast. The next smallest meal should be lunch. The smallest meal—dinner. From there, you fast all the way till the sun rises. You need to see the sun rise.

The key is, you have to see the light in the morning, because the light turns on the molecular clock or timing mechanism in your eye, called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, and that connects your retina to the hypothalamus, through the leptin melanocortin pathway of the central retinal pathway. The better the clock works in your body, the easier it is to lose weight or to heal. That means that the light through your eye in the morning is more important than the food you eat! Because that is the periodicity reference of the clock-timing mechanism. When you break your fast, light is recalibrating the clock in your body.

The clock in your body controls leptin and melatonin. Melatonin controls autophagy and apoptosis, because it’s tied to cortisol. Melatonin and cortisol are the hormonal axis that actually controls this. Sunlight controls both of them. We’re back to photosynthesis again. Once you get this, you see how people are making a mistake. So, every morning, you go out and look in the direction of the sun. Not through glazed windows, but outside, without glasses or contacts, you look to the east, like a sphinx, with your feet on the ground for 30 minutes, then you can go eat your breakfast. And how you eat your breakfast is tied to circadian biology of photosynthesis, based on where you live.

Someone who lives close to the equator in the tropics, can get away with eating more carbohydrates than someone living at more northern latitudes, because it naturally grows there, it’s not going to cause them a problem. This assumes that they are going out and getting their skin and eyes in the game, because if they don’t, they ruin the clock mechanism. That clock mechanism is the key to fixing your engines. That is the key. When a physician teaches this to their patients, they are improving their clock timing mechanism to give them back time.

Patients have to completely understand how to create and capture the ultimate resource in the cosmos—which is time. The most valuable asset we have is time. Time is the only thing that anywhere in the cosmos, we can’t make more of. That’s what physics teaches us. It’s the most scarce asset anywhere in the cosmos. It’s the ultimate resource for life, because it’s the scarcest thing we have.

In biochemistry, all the steps in glycolysis, all the enzymatic steps come from the sun putting hydrogen on the carbon backbone, in the right place. The right place is determined by your engines, the mitochondria. If the hydrogen is not where it’s supposed to be, that’s how a pineapple can cause a problem on December 31, when you live in Boston.

Processed food is bad, but the reason we’re told it’s bad is wrong. The reason is that it’s not grown under the power of photosynthesis. Or, it’s been affected by man-made ingredients that puts too much deuterium and not enough hydrogen inside your mitochondria, which is just like an engine. There’s a part of it, the fifth cytochrome, called ATPase, which makes ATP, the energy protein or currency of the body.

Blue light by itself, with nothing in your mouth, raises blood glucose. It also increases insulin. All the diet people blame carbohydrates for what blue light causes. The most important thing in your life you can do for your health isn’t diet, it’s seeing the sun rise. If you do that and eat healthy, you’ll win. All saturated fats, in fact, the whole food web is created through photosynthesis, by an enzyme called “rubisco.”

When you eat something that was made in a lab, that doesn’t have the photoelectric process to protect it, therein lies the problem. Deuterium is the reason it causes inflammation. When there is deuterium in the ATPase engine, it slows down and that’s how inflammation begins, that’s how leptin resistance begins, and that’s how insulin resistance begins.

ATP can only be made when the head of the ATPase turns 3.4 revolutions. What makes it spin? H+, light hydrogen. Deuterium cannot fit in the spin. When you put deuterium inside the mitochondria matrix, you break it—your Ferrari becomes a Nissan Sentra, blowing black smoke. Which is the reason why coconuts and pineapples at the Winter solstice is a no-no. Animals during that time of year become ketogenic, they eat all fat and protein, because nothing grows photosynthetically during November.

Once you break nature’s laws, you’re introducing different levels of inflammation. In other words, it’s chaos.

Sunlight depletes the deuterium from the water created at cytochrome C oxidase. Fat makes the most water in the mitochondria; Carbs make the least. Photosynthesis didn’t make the polyunsaturated seed oils; they came from a laboratory process. There’s no solar process that determines the deuterium content in that oil. If you eat a diet that has light controls, you will win.

The water you make in your mitochondria is different from the water you put in your coffee, or even the water that is consumed into photosynthesis to grow things. Mitochondria produce water that is deuterium-depleted. And that’s the water that’s critical in getting the food story right. And when you don’t make that water, that’s when you have a problem. You are chronically dehydrated.

Fluoride is a dielectric blocker in water. If you’re going to drink tea, steep it to get rid of the fluoride. Also fluoridated pharmaceutical drugs, especial MAOI inhibitors and the depression drugs do the same thing.

If nature makes it, you can take it. Light determines how your mitochondria handles electrons and protons.

Disease is like an out-of-tune radio. If we dissolve toxins like glyphosate, cyanide, arsenic, deuterium, fluoride and chlorine into our drinking water, breathe in chemtrail residue and industrial chemical toxins, our signal gets distorted and we don't hear the music of the spheres, the sounds of the world.

Our bodies, in their inherent wisdom, use temperature (fever) to dissolve the distorted, crystalline water, and then uses mucus to flush out the toxins. Unfortunately, we call this "sickness." It is not. It is the road to the restoration of our health. Modern medicine attacks this natural process to provide "symptomatic relief," but end up driving the toxins deeper into the tissues, without curing the problem, and while adding more toxic drugs and radiation to the already existing storehouse in our bodies.

In addition to exposure to these common environmental toxins, nearly all preventable diseases and disorders are caused by decreased oxygen and nutrients in the blood, day after day, month after month, year after year.

The United States spends more on prescription drugs, per capita, than any other country, and those who are prescribed those quack medications remain the sickest people. This is no coincidence, because their doctors will NOT tell them to cut out processed food, coagulating oils, meat, milk, gluten and other processed “food stuff” that causes blood clots, obesity, heart strain, organ dysfunction and eventually, strokes, heart attacks and dementia.

There are over 40 abnormal Dis-Eases that won’t register on blood tests, urinalysis, PET Scan, X-ray, computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This doesn’t include the unseen emotional toxins such as anger, bitterness, stress, anxiety, unforgiveness, etc. that eventually lead to physical illness and can never be detected through means of medical diagnostic equipment.

Unfortunately, laboratory tests are only calibrated and limited to detecting chronic, severe crisis situations where it’s often too late to take preventative measures. Their advanced equipment can easily detect liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, strokes, kidney failure, heart attacks, rheumatoid arthritis, metastasized cancers, etc., but not the medical twilight zone of Dis–Ease caused by cellular toxicities and nutritional deficiencies.

If you have toxic residues accumulating in the intestines, liver, blood, tissue, and cells and nutritional building elements are not able to penetrate the cell membrane to regenerate the cells and remove metabolic waste, then metabolic efficiency, energy and hormone/ neurotransmitter synthesis is greatly reduced which will manifest symptoms of extreme lethargy, muscle weakness, gastric distention, aches and pains, depression, and memory and concentration problems.

These symptoms are God’s intelligence to warn us of a deeper cellular malfunction. Remember, only after massive numbers of cells malfunction or die do you begin to notice symptoms of disease. In other words, you’re already sick before you get sick.

Allopathic physicians are taught that if you can’t see it in an x-ray, or detect it through lab assays, if you can’t hear it in a stethoscope, or if you can’t feel it in a palpitation, it’s not there, even though the patient’s whole body is in a state of stress or Dis-Ease.

Since medical students are not taught the subject of toxicology and the dangers of accumulated toxins that cause free radical damage to the cells or the necessities of nutrition to establish and maintain health, the entire sick-care industry can keep disease in the medical twilight zone, where no cures can be discovered and a medical monopoly of risky surgeries and lethal pharmaceuticals can go on, with these companies profiting hundreds of billions of dollars each year.

It is estimated that over 75% of all office visits to medical doctors are in the medical twilight zone category of neurological disorders, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, gastric disorders, immune-suppression, mental and auto-immune disorders, skin disorders, and acute bacterial, fungal and viral infections that are all caused by two things – cellular toxicity and nutritional deficiency. The medical profession addresses neither, yet continues to thrive.

Typical of such twilight zone disorders are symptoms of headaches, dizziness, nervousness, severe fatigue, flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, insomnia, brain fog, joint aches, and a lost feeling of well-being, which are intelligent warning signals of a healing crisis.

These symptoms are the cells’ cry or scream to the brain to warn you of a cellular malfunction in a certain organ or system.

These subjective symptoms cannot be revealed by laboratory analysis until they have reached chronic degenerative proportions or metabolic disease states, nor can palliative pharmaceutical agents treat them because these symptoms are indicative of nutritional deficiencies coupled with toxic cellular accumulation.

Pharmaceutical agents do nothing to remove toxic residues in and around the cells, nor fix nutritional deficiencies. In fact, they add more toxins and rob more nutrients from the body. Only natural, nontoxic treatment protocols can reverse the illness.

All medical twilight zone Dis-Eases are endogenous and are the body’s built-in intrinsic wisdom instituted as a response to a healing crisis; a purging of toxins to prevent the chronic disease from settling in. These built-in body-instituted symptoms of runny nose, mucous discharge, sweating, diarrhea, etc. are misinterpreted as disease, when in reality they are the body’s effort to eliminate toxins or decaying morbid waste through the elimination pathways via skin, colon, urine or respiration.

To the medical establishment–fever, diarrhea, mucous secretions, coughing, nasal drippage, and excessive perspiring are looked at as unnecessary nuisances to attack or suppress, when, in fact, they are intelligent purging mechanisms to expel toxic debris from the blood and tissues that have overloaded the elimination and detoxification pathways.

In their ignorance, medical doctors are drugging the symptoms of toxicities and nutritional deficiencies at the cell level, or surgically removing organs based on these two conditions. If they only knew that once the toxic waste residue is excreted, the cells will be allowed to absorb oxygen and intelligent nutrients again, and the body’s organs and systems will self-heal and return to homeostasis, or balance and order.

Got atherosclerosis? That means you have decreased blood flow to your heart. Did you get COVID-jabbed? That means you could be experiencing a severe decrease in the flow of nutrients and oxygen in your blood due to tiny spike (snake) proteins clotting and clogging the arteries, veins and capillaries of your entire vascular system.

Got chest pain, shortness of breath, swelling, painful veins, rashes and constant itching? If you got clot shots for COVID, you may be experiencing prion diseases, also known as Spike Protein Syndrome, along with about 150 million other Americans. Complete blockage can cause a stroke or heart attack. The most obvious early sign is myocarditis, which seems to be a pandemic of its own right now, thanks to the Fauci Flu gene therapy injections.

Every third American is overweight, and half of those heavier folks are obese! Their blood vessels are already clogged with animal fat and canola oil, and now most of them are getting stabbed with spike protein injections every 4 to 6 months. The CDC has failed to even prove with science that the shots help with immunity at all. What a shame.

Chronic inflammation drives more disease and disorder. It worsens it. Order food from almost any chain store or franchise (corporate) restaurant and the menu is overloaded with items that contain cheese, canola oil, processed meat, sugar and gluten. Most grocery stores and supermarkets are chock full of these blood-clogging, cell-mutating choices (about 85% of all products). All of these blood-clogging foods, combined with spike protein injections, are compounding the blood flow problems for over 100 million Americans.

Switch as often as possible to whole, raw, unprocessed, organic food. Cut sources of unsaturated fat and trans-fat out, and eat more plant-based meals. Also, incorporate some form of exercise daily that you can enjoy. If you already got a clot shot or two for COVID, don’t get any more. Avoid the “boosters” like the plague.

Redox power, which is the battery in your cell, should be around negative 400 millivolts in the mitochondria. Humans can usually live disease-free between negative 200 and negative 400 millivolts. The problem is when you go below negative 200, that’s when people get different diseases. The diseases get worse as the numbers get lower.

If you continue to eat deuterium-laden foods, and you live at the 45th latitude, and you do it 24/7 for two or three decades, you’re going to have a big problem. And that big problem might turn out to be Hashimoto’s or medullary cancer of the thyroid.

Energy production correlates with disease generation. Once you get your redox mitochondrial battery power up, diseases disappear. They don’t need medication to go away. You just need to raise your battery power.

In school, we’re taught that everything is about protein, carbohydrate and fat. But it turns out that when you open your biochemistry book, there’s no mitochondrial input or output that says protein, carbohydrate or fat. The input to the mitochondria is called the “electron chain transport.” The output is electrons to oxygen. That’s why you have to breathe. What spins the ATPase head, is light hydrogen.

That’s why God put leptin in our subcutaneous fat. It’s right below our skin is designed to be in the sun, powered by the photoelectric effect. That’s another law of nature, Just like photosynthesis is.

Deuterium is tied to the photosynthetic cycle, so animal products have the lowest deuterium levels in them. Things that grow close to the equator have the highest levels of deuterium in them. Deuterium content is tied to the water.

In third grade we all learned about photosynthesis. CO2 and water equals sugar. Your mitochondria reverse that process. The water from the water cycle on earth is tied to where you are on the planet. The closer you get to the poles, the more deuterium depleted you are, because the sun is less powerful there. The closer you get to the equator, the more deuterium you can tolerate. Deuterium is a proton together with a neutron, so it has double the atomic mass.

We learned from Einstein that energy is equivalent to mass; the only difference is the light. So, any time you have more mass, you can’t be as energy efficient. We need to limit the amount of deuterium we put into our bad engines. That’s the only way you can fix them. There are two change programs in our bodies, autophagy and apoptosis. Autophagy recycles the engines. Apoptosis says the engine is so bad, we have to replace it.

Autophagy is controlled by sleep, fasting and red light. Apoptosis is controlled by sleep and UV light. Those are the things that control it. That’s why Vitamin D is a proxy for people who have a problem with apoptosis and sleep. Those people tend to get diseases like cancer. That’s why vitamin D is always linked with people who tend to get cancer. Autophagy is tied to a different mechanism.


If the sun causes skin cancer, how come in the dermatology literature, everyone who has low vitamin D levels gets skin cancer, and everyone who has a vitamin D level above 60 ng/dl can’t get skin cancer? It’s artificial light that causes skin cancer. It destroys your melatonin, which give you low vitamin D levels, and that’s where you end up having the problem.

Melatonin and mitochondrial energy controls cell-mediated innate immunity. It controls the immune system. Cytotoxic T-cells need high levels of vitamin D to work to destroy cancer cells. Otherwise, they don’t know what cancer to take out. So, they start taking out good cells. That’s why people get autoimmunity. They have no red light or UV light in their lives.

Taking Vitamin D when you have skin cancer is like hiring someone to go to the gym and exercise for you, thinking you’re going to benefit from it. When you take something that your body makes, you uncouple the positive and negative feedback loops. The positive and negative feedback loops related to vitamin D are cortisol and melatonin.

Everyone who has skin cancer or epithelial cancer has lost apoptosis. In other words, they can’t replace the bad engines. So, you’re constantly running on the bad engines. That’s the reason you get cancer. We make vitamin D from 312 nm light, made from a cholesterol ester. The light that humans now live under causes the problem, and it gets blamed on the sun.

So, when you don’t go in the sun and stay in blue light, guess what happens? If the sun causes cancer, why is it that the oak tree right outside my window doesn’t have a big brain tumor? Why is it that plants don’t have cancer? Why is it that wild animals never get cancer? Because they’re wild. They follow the laws of nature...