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Former CDC Director Robert Redfield has stated that Bird Flu will jump to humans and be highly fatal in the coming “Great Pandemic,” for which C19 was a mere warm-up. The U.S. government has already laid the groundwork for declaring a pandemic of bird flu, and they will be using new PCR tests to declare all the circulating illnesses in the population a “bird flu pandemic.” The vaccines are already prepared, and there will likely be a new campaign to get shots in arms. The pattern of abuse continues. The current Bird Flu Strain Is a product of gain-of-function research In a Georgia biolab.
Bird flu is just like COVID. The same people, telling the same lies, for the same reasons. We all know where it goes from here. This is a long-term plot to fool the public into believing and expecting that a future pandemic of epoch proportions is imminent. The very idea that ‘natural’ pandemics are inevitable has long been planned and embedded in the minds of the people. This is a multi-decade brainwashing of the common people in order to prepare them for not only mass sickness and death, but also for acceptance of a global governing body with unlimited power.
A way to hide the impending deaths due to the 'COVID' bio-weapon injections? The Globalist Cartel Plans to Use Bird Flu To Take Full Control of Global Food Supply. Now, for the first time since COVID, the medical establishment is readying itself for what appears to be the next scamdemic: bird flu. There hasn’t even been a serious government press conference about the latest Declaration of Emergency by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This means the HHS is allowing the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to use emergency use authorization (EUA) powers to unleash a new wave of RT-PCR tests and injections that will be marketed as the solution for an upcoming strain of bird flu.
Headlines across every major news outlet warn of humans becoming infected with the “deadly” bird flu after one reported case of pink-eye in a human. The entire narrative is predicated upon a long-disputed claim that COVID-19 was the result of a zoonotic jump—the famed Wuhan bat wet-market theory. Damage seems to be done sometimes months after the shots and the body itself is building spike protein or white clots or something bad elsewhere.
In the theatrical production of Avian Flu 2024, the media-manufactured fowl-based fear factor was founded on a mere four "confirmed" cases “discovered” in dairy workers. The primary symptom that sounded the alarms for the Pharma friendly bureaucrats at CDC Inc. was conjunctivitis (pink eye), a catch-all term for inflammation of the eye.
Eliminated from consideration were more reasonable explanations for why farm workers might have eye irritations such as, ever-present dust and dander found on farms, the boatload of chemical residues (from Roundup e.g.) that circulate throughout factory farms, or the ubiquitous dairy farm mountains of manure which release toxic ammonia.
To kick start the next pandemic bonanza the virus hunters, who dutifully serve the pharmaceutical syndicate, call upon the tried and true PCR shell game to hornswoggle the public into believing that another sinister, free-floating microbe is on-the-move.
Known for its ability to be manipulated in order to obtain the desired results, the decidedly non-diagnostic PCR process has proven to be the perfect tool for the art of medical deception and for casting a spell on an ill-informed public. No matter the well-documented history of PCR being used to invent non-existent epidemics and to “identify” non-existent diseases the PCR voodoo is being rolled out yet again as proof positive that this bird flu baddie represents reality.
Identifying The Virus™ is nearly superfluous, as all they need to do is create the perception of a pandemic, manufacture mass panic with staged Hollywood productions, and doomsday models and use the fraudulent PCR tests to manufacture the perception of an incoming alien invasion.
The CDC then starts squawking about another “deadly virus” in order to justify a multi million dollar government handout to a Pharma darling, like the recent $176 million government giveaway to Moderna to develop an “mRNA bird flu pandemic vaccine.” Voila! Another boondoggle to funnel tax dollars to Pharma executives and shareholders.
Rick Bright was recently showcased at a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) webinar, “Avian Flu Outbreak and Preventing the Next Pandemic,” that was broadcast to 300 state and local officials from 47 states. Bright kicked off the hifalutin CFR symposium with an oblique reference to this latest viral hobgoblin, menacingly pronouncing it to be a “shapeshifter.” With nary a piece of evidence in sight, Bright commenced to “educate” the audience on this potential plague with a performance reminiscent of the Mad Hatter:
“We know it can rapidly change. We know it can jump to different hosts and different species rapidly, and change, and evolve.
“And those mutations can help it be more lethal, or adapt, or spread to humans and other hosts. Sometimes because the genetic makeup of the virus is fragmented, there’s all these segments inside that virus, you can have two viruses infect a person, or an animal, or a seasonal virus and the H5N1 virus. And they’ll recombine and reassort. And you’ll have this virus that comes out with some of the best or worst of all worlds. And so we know the tricks of this virus.”
These doomsday warnings come from the same pandemic fanatic “man-in-the-know” who in October of 2019 bizarrely foreshadowed the coming COVID storm. The CDC states that today’s suspicious strain of “Bird Flu” is known to cross the species barrier in poultry, dairy cows, as well as in dairy workers! That’s three different species! Why lump humans into animal categories, unless the government considers humans part of the herd? The CDC claims only 13 humans have been “infected.” According to the CDC, Bird flu in humans is rare. But, always a source of contradiction, CDC also claims Bird flu could cause a human pandemic.
Whether designated “beef,” “poultry” or “dairy,” if an animal is deemed to be infected with bird flu, what follows is a mass extinction event of the herd and the subsequent elimination of the food supply. More than 10 million hens at chicken or egg stage and 10 million pigs were culled by suffocation. More than 52 million birds in 46 states were culled in 2022. Fear is commonly observed in the face of a pandemic. However, fear and panic should not be the drivers because they lead to irrational reactions. Culling millions of animals with no evidence of actual danger but simply on the basis of fear is setting up a dangerous precedent.
The CDC reports that there are “no indicators of unusual influenza activity in people, including avian influenza A(H5). However, the American Medical Association (AMA) has already updated its Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes to include a new code for bird flu vaccines. The AMA are preparing for the FDA’s EUA approval of cell-based and mRNA bird flu vaccines mRNA bird flu vaccines this Fall/Winter, and they will already have the CPT codes updated so providers can report the vaccine and PCR test on upcoming medical records. The AMA even reported that the CPT code update will "ensure electronic systems across the U.S. health care system are prepared in advance for the potential FDA authorization" of new PCR tests and vaccines for bird flu. They have prepared new codes for both children and adults, meaning the government is prepared to vaccinate the entire population once the FDA gives the EUA, which was recently permitted by the HHS under their new emergency declaration.
The bird flu outbreak is not real. That should be everyone’s starting point – with everything, really – assume the media is lying and wait for them to prove they’re not. Always doubt the press. Especially when the fates seem to converge and every single item in the “news” herds public opinion in the same direction and serves the same agenda, which bird flu definitely does. Bird flu fits this pattern perfectly. The price of poultry and eggs was set to skyrocket.
The Mexican government has denied that one of its citizens died of H5N2 bird flu, contradicting claims from the WHO. The WHO claimed that the death of the Mexican man was the world’s first fatal case of bird flu in humans. The head of the country’s Ministry of Health, Jore Alcocer, said in a press conference that the WHO’s announcement was “quite bad” and that the actual cause of death of the 59-year-old man, who died on April 24, had not been determined.
· The mainstream media is ramping up coverage of the bird flu, comparing it to the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic and creating a sense of imminent health crisis.
· The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed the first severe case of human bird flu in the United States, involving a Louisiana resident over 65 with underlying conditions.
· Critics argue that this latest health scare follows a familiar pattern seen during the COVID-19 crisis, suggesting it may be another instance of the media exaggerating a minor issue.
· Independent analysts and critics claim the media and the government have a vested interest in maintaining public fear, potentially as a means of control. They question whether the timing of the bird flu scare is intended to deflect attention from other health issues.
Just like in the early days of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the mainstream media (MSM) has started its grand unveiling of the bird flu as the next big health crisis.
The Atlantic reported that the American people should be deeply concerned. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed the country's first severe case of human bird flu infection, it claimed. The patient, a Louisiana resident over the age of 65 with underlying medical conditions, is in the hospital with a severe respiratory illness and is in critical condition. This was confirmed using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test (which gives up to 97% of positives when run at more than 25 cycles.).
"The patient's exposure to sick and dead birds in backyard flocks has been traced," the news outlet reported. California Gov. Gavin Newsom added fuel to the fire by declaring a state of emergency after weeks of rising infections among dairy herds and people. Los Angeles public health officials confirmed that two cats died after consuming raw milk that had been recalled due to a risk of bird-flu contamination.
Warnings about bird flu have been overblown. Earlier warnings regarding bird flu and H5N1 have been overblown, likely as a means of distributing bird flu vaccines, just in case. It's no secret that the powers that be have a vested interest in keeping the population in a constant state of fear. Bird flu has all the makings of the next big scare. We shouldn't be surprised if they start peddling mutations and variants, just like they did with COVID. Why now? What triggered this sudden media frenzy? Are we just getting ready to shift our focus away from another health scare that failed to materialize? Remember the last time we were warned about the Zika virus? Or the swine flu? Any of this ringing a bell yet?
Former CDC Director Robert Redfield has stated that Bird Flu will jump to humans and be highly fatal in the coming “Great Pandemic,” for which C-19 was a mere warm-up. We know they just faked a pandemic in humans. You think they can’t – or won’t – do the same for chickens? Over the last two years, they destroyed small businesses and wrecked the economy, they have driven truckers out of work and broken supply lines, they have started a war between two of the biggest exporters of wheat in the world and driven up the price of petrol and natural gas. Food shortages. Soaring poverty. Rationing. The cost of living crisis. They’re all part of the Great Reset agenda.
Meanwhile, this will be used to further advance the war on meat, boosting backers of lab-grown “meat.” The ‘warning’, or more accurately, the foretelling of mass death by the ruling class, as outlined by the ex-CDC commandant Robert Redfield, is that 800 million to 4 billion of us will die due to some mystery bird flu. When the mass deaths occur, it will not be due to any flu or ‘virus,’ it will be due only to the toxic poison that has been previously injected into billions of unsuspecting, order-following slaves to the state.
The most sought-after goal at this time is mass ‘vaccination,’ but this time is different in that the preferred injections are much more dangerous, much more able to physically and psychologically control large numbers of those who have taken the jab, and cause mass death beyond anything seen before.
In order to accomplish such a deadly and evil agenda, the people will need to be fooled once again. They will have to believe the lies, and accept that all the impending deaths due to the weaponized ‘COVID’ injections, are in fact due to a fraudulent and purposely crafted plot to place blame on a non-existent ‘virus’ that is being called an “avian bird flu.”
The RNA does no damage, as it breaks down quickly in the body, and it cannot be an inorganic toxin, as it would either get expelled or have an immediate toxic effect. The technology used to produce the RNA vaccines is very similar to that used to produce GMO. Toxins are introduced into biological material and this results in effects (usually bad) that can span several generations.
‘Genetic’ information can be permanently transmitted by injection into the bloodstream, but it has little to do with DNA. The active ‘ingredient’ is a piece of bio-field containing morphological information harmful to human health. This consists of a scalar-wave complex that is invisible and unmeasurable. Whatever its origins it is modified by the manufacturing process in a wholly unpredictable manner.
This information becomes integrated into the body bio-field and may cause trouble at any time, thereby explaining the delay between jab and effects. No lab test will be able to detect or characterize this information.
To detect avian influenza, the USDA oversees routine testing of flocks done by farmers and carries out federal inspection programs to ensure that eggs and birds are safe and free of virus using molecular diagnostics, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests – the same fake method labs used to detect COVID-19 infections. The USDA does routine testing of poultry farms using PCR tests.
The mainstream media are reporting a “deadly” bird flu outbreak. As of early April, the "outbreak" had CAUSED THE CULLING of some 23 million birds from Maine to Wyoming.
US officials and mockingbird media report nearly 24 million poultry birds, mostly chickens and turkeys, have died of flu since virus strain identified in February. All mainstream outlets are taking the same line – reporting million of birds dying of flu.
So far this season, tens of millions of birds have died of disease OR BEEN CULLED. So, there is some inconsistency here. Essentially, we don’t know how many died of “bird flu,” or how many were culled with “bird flu.” Sound familiar?
Now, some simple math to try and clear up the confusion. We know the press are reporting roughly 24 million poultry deaths in the US.
We know Wisconsin farmers have culled 2.7 million chickens to “stop the spread”. And we know Iowa, the USA’s leading producer of eggs, has culled over 13 million chickens. Well, that’s already 16 million out of our 24 million. Or 67% of the alleged total “killed by the flu” in the US. So, at least two thirds of the dead birds – and potentially all of them – were killed in culls, and NOT by the flu at all. And that’s just the US numbers. Other countries are culling too. Governments are killing millions of birds, and these deaths are being blamed on the flu.
To sum up, the backbone of this “bird flu” outbreak is:
Routine testing done using unreliable PCR tests, which can be manipulated to create false-positive results.
1. Linguistic ambiguity over causes of death, and unreliable reporting of casualty numbers.
2. Governmental over-reactions which “accidentally” make the problem worse.
Since the US is the worlds biggest exporter of eggs and chicken, any disruption there has huge knock effects. The price of eggs and chicken is already going up. Just as with lockdowns, the bird flu “crisis” will hit small local businesses harder and faster than Big Farma giants (we’re already seeing reports of family farms being destroyed).
They are reporting that free-range birds are more at risk from bird flu (what with being allowed to go outside and live like normal birds), so organic sustainable and ethical farming practices will be hit with new rules that don’t apply to corporate meat factories who treat animals as inanimate objects.
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