WARNING: This website contains facts and opinions some may find offensive...
"A belief system is nothing more than a thought you've thought over and over again." —Wayne W. Dyer
"The Problem with the world is that the stupid are cock-sure and the intelligent are full of doubt." —Bertrand Russell
The most powerful aspect of our being, our belief systems, is basically ignored when it comes to real life. Belief systems--are preprogrammed ideas, upon which our life is based. They are so conditioned, so subtle and so automatic that they can completely run our life without the least thought on our part. Any condition in our life or any feeling in our hearts that occurs over and over is rooted in a belief. Our outer life is just mirroring our inner beliefs. No matter how real they may seem, or how long they have run us, all Belief Systems are B.S.! The only thing that stands between us and a fully functional life and radiant health is our B.S. Our beliefs predetermine our future outcomes. Freedom begins when we realize that we have no chronic problems, only chronic B.S. The ignorance of our inner beliefs solves the mystery as to why the same problems--chronic headaches, constant stress, relationship conflicts, career mishaps, self-doubt, etc. plague our life year after year. Getting in touch with our inner beliefs so that we can heal our outer life is a lifetime process. Any time we feel stuck in a negative feeling or bound to a negative condition, it is the belief that first must be changed.
Because a belief is generally accepted by many other people we buy it as an accurate representation of the truth. This method is not ultimately reliable however, because the herd instinct can often lead to a social consensus which is the exact opposite of truth, as can be seen in the examples of Nazi Germany, the Grand Inquisition in Spain and slavery.
Beliefs are subtle but powerful; they tie us up in knots until we are so caught in our own B.S. that we believe it is who we are. Until we sharpen our inner vision, we are virtually blind to our own B.S. Belief systems are so instinctive that until this happens, we rarely see them coming. Beliefs are on automatic pilot. Belief systems are as subtle as they are treacherous; they write out the script to our life and before we know what happened, we are completely playing the part. Beliefs can be changed--facts can't. We can move mountains by changing our thinking. By the same token because of a stubborn belief, the tiniest of molehills can keep us imprisoned for years. Beliefs cannot discriminate between negative and positive, one is no more difficult for a belief than the other. Wonderful relationships are just as easy for a belief to attract as painful relationships. Abundance takes no more effort for a belief than struggle and hardship. We can just as naturally radiate with health as we can suffer with illness. If the problem is within our own head, then so is the power. There is only one healing power and no one nor any thing can ever duplicate it. Our job is to find a way to allow it to finally flow. Healing works the same for the mind as it does for the body. As we continually and consistently remove the inner blocks (beliefs), both the mind and body are healed. The healing power can only do its job when we do ours.
As we understand mind/body oneness and we see how a new image or a release of an old hurt literally transforms the physical body (right down to the DNA), we will feel greatly at ease. The fear of illness that drained the life force out of us will begin to slip away. When we are actually living the principles of mind/body oneness, we make sure that thoughts, images and feelings of the mind are in conformity to what we want in the body. As we work more from the mind, we will just naturally move away from the backward, totally physical approach, that believes healing comes from the body. Those who ignore the mind are out of their mind! While healing is not from the body, technically or spiritually speaking, neither is it from the mind. Healing flows through the mind and is transformed by ease or dis-ease therein. Healing is a spiritual process that is higher and deeper than anyone can imagine. Healing is the nature of the universe, as well as the nature of our own being. Daily, regardless of the current health of our body, the spirit of healing needs to be foremost in our minds.
Just what are beliefs? They're the conscious and unconscious information that we've accepted as true which fill our structure and form the basis for our behavior and ethics. Our beliefs imprison us and deny us access to what is real. A filter of misconceptions prohibits truth's passage and we see only what we want, and reject all else. Truth can never be revealed to the so-called "firm believer." He does not want to recognize anything outside of his beliefs and sees everything with which he disagrees as a threat. To protect his beliefs, he builds a wall around his world. The "firm believer" has no option to change his mind. This makes him ignorant. He can only recognize what lies within the walls he has built around himself and is prevented from exploring the limitless truth which lies outside the wall. What he fails to realize is that truth is always greater than any structure built to contain it. Belief and faith are not the same thing and should not be confused.
Unlike belief, faith is not totally limiting. It recognizes there is much to discover and know, and that one must always seek to unfold more and more of the truth. With faith, all things are possible. The "firm believer" always thinks he knows the answer. The person with faith, aware that he knows very little, constantly seeks enlightenment. Intellectually, we may agree that we should change but we almost always feel that our situation is different from everyone else's. We avoid, resist and, forcibly reject any idea which threatens our beliefs. Take, for example, the alcoholic. From his viewpoint of life it seems rational to continue drinking. The drug user, the compulsive gambler and the compulsive eater all feel the same way about their respective "addictions." They rationalize their actions based on their present level of awareness, however faulty it is.
Every person has been hypnotized to some degree either by ideas he has accepted from others or ideas she has convinced herself are true. These ideas have exactly the same effect upon behavior as those implanted into the mind by a professional hypnotist. No one can be involuntarily hypnotized as each person collaborates in the hypnotizing process. The professional hypnotist is only a guide who helps the subject accelerate the phenomenon. There's no limit to what a person can or can't do when s/he is hypnotized; the power of imagination is limitless. Many people think they can change their lives through sheer will power. This is not true. Negative ideas in the imagination cause them to defeat themselves. Regardless of how hard they try, it's no use. They've accepted a false belief as fact. All their ability, good intentions, effort and will power are of no avail against the powerful false belief they've accepted as truth.
Once a person believes that something is true, whether or not it is, he then acts as if it were. He will instinctively seek to collect facts to support the belief no matter how false it might be. No one will be able to convince him otherwise, unless, through personal experience or study, he is ready to change. Hence, it is easy to see that, if one accepts something, which is not true, all subsequent actions and reactions will be based upon a false belief. This is not a new idea. Since the beginning of time, both men and women have been in a kind of hypnotic sleep of which they were unaware but which great teachers and thinkers throughout the centuries have recognized. These people have perceived that humankind limits itself through its "mistaken certainties" and have sought to awaken us to our potential for greatness which goes far beyond anything we can possibly imagine.
Mistaken certainties are things you are sure are true but which, in fact, are not. They are generally based on wishful thinking which distorts reality and leads to self-deception. We want things to be, as we would like them to be rather than as they are. We look at the world through rose-colored glasses, which permits our wish for the ideal to blind us to what is real. You can only change the world to the extent that you can change yourself. And you can only change yourself to the degree that you become aware of your mistaken certainties. Most of your troubles arise from expectations, which have not become realities. And most of your disappointments from what you think you "should," or "ought" to do, or be, according to your present level of awareness. This is known as resisting reality, or fighting the Universe. Emerson said, "We are what we think about all day long." Everything that is happening to you right now in your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual world is the result of what is going on in your mind. You accept, relate or reject everything in your mental/physical environment based on your present level of awareness.
Your present level of awareness is determined by your education, environment, family life, childhood experiences, successes, failures and religious beliefs. You should not assume that what you now hold as truth is, in fact, really the Truth. Instead, you should proceed with the idea that you are presently hypnotized by false beliefs, concepts and values that are keeping you from being totally healthy and self-confident. We are primarily the result of what we have been told and taught; what we have been sold and bought. The average person never comes near reaching his or her unlimited potential because they are living under the false assumption that they already know the truth. They believe what their parents have told them, what their teachers have taught them, what they have read, and what their religion preaches without actually proving anything for themselves.
Millions upon millions of people have blindly followed the rhetoric of so-called "knowledgeable people" without making sure that the principles these "experts" expound stand up to the realities of life. We further limit ourselves by holding onto these concepts, values and beliefs even after we have actually evolved beyond them. Your first job is to awaken from the hypnotic condition that is keeping you from being the person you want to be. The degree to which you awaken is in direct proportion to the amount of truth you can accept about yourself. In the words of the Master, "Know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free." If you are sincere about changing your life for the better, you must have an open mind. You must understand what is being said without the necessity of believing it. In order to construct a new "functional" building on a site where one that is "inefficient" exists, you first have to raze the old structure. This must be done by shattering those "mistaken certainties" which have held you back from expressing the unlimited, abundant, wholesome life you desire.
The major stumbling block to changing our faulty awareness is that we do not want to recognize and accept reality, or what is, because our "mistaken certainties" distort our perception. This is why it is important to challenge our beliefs from time to time, to see if we're operating from the wrong viewpoint. The beliefs of a person who has a normal, wholesome personality undergo a constant process of reorganization but the neurotic personality clings to his beliefs, false and distorted though they may be. Usually the only way the neurotic will change is when a major crisis forces him to alter his old self-defeating habit patterns. If your mind has been programmed or conditioned to believe false data and distorted concepts and values, you will develop a lifestyle to justify them. Then, seeking to prove you are right, you will collect and make the facts fit. You become like a dog chasing its tail. One false belief leads to another until you can't function rationally. Your number one priority in life is your own well-being and the expansion of your awareness. By expanding your awareness, you will remove the "mistaken certainties" which have been keeping you from being the self-confident person you would like to be.
You do this by:
1. Ceasing to automatically and arbitrarily defend your personal viewpoints of "right" and "wrong." Defending them makes you unteachable and blocks the reception of new ideas. You must learn to screen the entries but still keep the door ajar.
2. Reassessing your concepts, values, beliefs, ideals, assumptions, defenses, aggressions, goals, hopes and compulsions.
3. Reorganizing and understanding your real needs and motivations.
4. Learning to trust your intuition.
5. Observing your mistakes and correcting them; being aware that herein lie some valuable lessons.
6. Loving yourself and others.
7. Learning to listen without prejudging and automatically thinking, This is good, That is bad. Training yourself to listen to WHAT is being said without the necessity of believing it.
8. Noticing what you are usually defending.
9. Realizing that your new awareness will provide you with the means and motivation to change for the better.
Before you can change your life to a more positive experience, you have to get the total picture of yourself.
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