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Parasitic Origins: Unraveling the Mystery of Their Existence

Everyone has parasites!

There are only 7 reasons why we develop disease. And among these seven, exposure to parasites and toxins is the primary cause. Parasites thrive in polluted internal environments. The more we eat food rich in refined sugar, starches, and other foods that are a part of the Basic American Diet (BAD), the more they thrive.

We think of parasites as things like roundworms, hookworms, liver flukes, things like that. And those are definitely harmful and can attack the body and even get into the brain, cause all kinds of problems. But technically, an organism that resides in or on a host and consumes nutrients or other resources without providing the host any benefits is called a parasite. A parasite and its host usually have an exploitation relationship in which the parasite benefits at the host's expense. This exploitation relationship then causes the host to become ill, weak, or even die as a result of the parasitic invasion.

Dr. Bryan Ardis: “70% of all autoimmune cases I’ve ever seen in my practice, were actually caused by parasites.” There’s a hidden link between parasites and MOST chronic diseases that you shouldn’t ignore! When it comes to parasites, it’s really about the entire biologic terrain. If you have a parasite living inside your gut, the question is why is that parasite allowed to live in your gut? Because if your gut was in a healthy place, it should be able to basically resist anything like a parasite, or an inflammatory type of bacteria or an active virus. It doesn’t matter what’s in there. We have to figure out why was that parasite there in the first place. This is such an important concept because your gut is the first line of defense.

Why is every piece of pork sold in restaurants in America have to be cooked more than rare? That’s because parasites are very prevalent in pork meat. So parasites are very common. In fact, if every MD who thinks parasites don't exist in America, goes on the CDC’s website right now, every MD who thinks parasites don’t exist in America, go read your own medical statements on the CDC’s website. The CDC states right now, the most common parasites are contracted in America through our tap water. The second most common source is through our food. The third is through our soil. and the fourth is through our pets.

While parasites are not a disease, the problem is that they can cause and spread disease. They can enter your circulation and get into your organs. They can cause issues, including liver, lung, brain, joint, muscle, skin, and other problems and related diseases. Parasites may be:

  • Endoparasites: Endoparasites live inside their host. They may include tapeworms, flatworms, and heartworms. Endoparasites may need a carrier or vector to transmit them to their host. In the case of malaria, the mosquito is this third organism carrier.

  • Epiparasites: Epiparasites feed on other parasites. This is called hyperparasitism. For example, your dog’s fleas may have a protozoan or hyperparasite in their digestive tract.

So, if the CDC is publishing that Americans commonly get parasitic infections, but the medical schools are teaching you because of the Flexner report, parasites don’t exist in this country, they can create a whole bunch of little white coat minions who all believe the same thing coming out of med school, hand you the diploma and you’re going to walk out going, “Parasites don’t exist in America. Parasites don’t exist in America. Parasites don’t exist in America,” because I’ve been told for four years straight, parasites don’t exist in America, and we are products of propaganda.

It exists in every institution, in educational facility in America. They are brainwashing you to repeat what they want you to everybody you talk to. So don’t be dumb and don’t ever say parasites don’t exist in America because any of your patients can easily go to the CDC’s website and literally fire you as a doctor because they now know you’re not astute on knowledge pertaining to parasites in America. And parasites are absolutely indicated in GI symptoms, brain tumors, cancers.

Over a hundred years ago doctors were well aware of how deadly parasites could be to the human body. John D. Rockefeller’s main advisor, Frederick Gates, convinced Rockefeller to modernize medicine by eradicating hookworm, a parasite that was known to be the biggest cause of disease back in 1905. Up until the nineteen-eighties, text books were not talking about viruses as the cause of disease. They were talking about parasites. Today, while animals require routine de-worming, modern science says that it’s not a problem for humans.

Parasites are organisms that live inside another organism called a host. A human body can become a host to certain parasites. Parasites in your body can cause parasitic infections that can lead to a long list of serious symptoms and health issues, including digestive issues, fatigue, brain fog, headaches, iron deficiency anemia, nutrient deficiency, weakness, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, adrenal fatigue, liver problems, leaky gut syndrome, and more. Parasites can range from microscopic amoeba to 10-foot-long tapeworms. These parasites and their eggs can enter the circulation and travel to various organs such as the liver where they can contribute to abscesses and cirrhosis. They can also migrate to the lungs causing pneumonia; and into the joints, brain, muscles, esophagus, and skin where they cause elevated inflammation. Many people don’t associate chronic or “normal” health problems with parasites.

External parasites like leeches, ticks, mosquitoes, chiggers, all those types of bugs that attach to us on the outside of our body and suck our blood. That’s their mechanism of parasitization. They attach to you and suck your blood. Internal parasites don’t work like that. They do attach to you. They’re nasty, but internal parasites don’t necessarily suck your blood. What they do is they steal, they rob your nutrients because they absorb their nutrients through their skin. And so, the more accumulated waste that you have in your gut, the better breeding ground you are for intestinal parasites of all kinds.

Because all those meals that you’ve eaten but not completely digested or eliminated that are sitting in your gut, and you can have a lot of that in your gut by the way, all of those meals that have not been eliminated and haven’t been broken down completely, invite parasites to come inhabit that waste. They get into that waste, and they just start absorbing all that nutrients, all that nutrition, all those nutrients that your body didn’t break down in the digestive process and also didn’t eliminate.

When you detoxify your gut, you take all of the food away from these guys. They don’t want to be there anymore. They don’t want to fight with your probiotics for nutrition. They don’t want to fight with your immune system. They don’t 6 want that. They want to sit in that nice little cesspool of undigested waste that you’ve accumulated in your gut. They want to sit there and eat all that up.

You eat when you’re stressed. When you’re stressed and you eat, your stomach isn’t producing acid, your pancreas isn’t producing enzymes, your liver isn’t releasing bile, your gallbladder’s not releasing bile because they’re all shut down for the moment. When you’re stressed, and you’re like – your gut shuts down because you’re in a fight-or-flight response. If you’re in a fight-or-flight response, your gut’s not working. Because you’re supposed to be running or fighting, not digesting, not sitting down having a three-course meal. So if you’re in a stressed state, your gut isn’t working. It’s offline at the moment. The moment you settle down, it’ll come back online. But if you eat while you’re stressed, your gut doesn’t break the food down very well. It doesn’t. Nothing digests very well. Therefore, you have a lot of undigested mass from the food.

In your small intestine, very little of that actually will accumulate. Your small intestines is very tiny. It’s about an inch round. It’s a tube that’s about an inch round, and it can only dilate up to about an inch and a half. So it’s very small. Your colon on the other hand is four inches round, and it has the capacity to dilate up to four times that, your colon is as long as you are tall.

Now, let’s say your colon’s dilated, it’s inflamed, and it’s swollen to eight inches round. Let’s say it’s swollen to 15 inches round. And you only need a one-inch hole. It means you got 14 feet of crap in there. You absorb about 70 to 80% of all the water you consume in your colon. So if you’ve got 15 inches of crap in your colon and it’s 70 inches long, 70 to 80% of the water you consume has to go through all that crap before it gets to your bloodstream. Do you think it’s taken any of that crap with it?

So, you not only have parasites, you’re going to have bacterial overgrowth. You’re also going to have fungal overgrowth. So there’s going to be three different types of overgrowth. You’ll have three different types of rats growing in your gut if you have this going on. “Well, doc, I eliminate every day. Well, that’s fine. How often do you eat? Oh, well, I have three meals a day. And you only eliminate one? Where’s the other two meals every day? Oh, but wait a minute, doc. I only have a bowel movement every other day. That’s six meals. So where’s the other five? Think about that for a minute. It’s really easy for this to happen, very easy. Almost 80% of the US population is constipated. So this is very easily happening to you.

What’s interesting is a lot of the people that have diarrhea or irritable bowel, and they have lots of bowel movements, even those people have a lot of accumulated waste in their gut. It’s crazy because all of the problems for that is coming from upstream, the stomach is not producing acid, the pancreas is not producing enzymes, gallbladder is not putting out enough bile. And that happens if you’re in a fight-or-flight state.

Eating in that state propagates maldigestion, or poor digestion. Poor digestion leads to accumulation of waste in the gut. As the gut accumulates that waste, there are microorganisms in our digestive systems that are there for the purpose of breaking down accumulated waste. When we accumulate too much waste and don’t eliminate it, those bugs have nothing stopping them from exploding as far as their population goes. If you think your problem isn’t your colon, and you have SIBO, you have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Well, guess where that bacteria came from? It came from your colon. The population overran the colon because there’s not enough space to hold all of those microorganisms anymore, therefore, they migrate north up into the small intestine.

All that waste that’s accumulated in your gut is called mucoid plaque. A lot of people call it biofilm today. But the biofilm isn’t actually very accurate because it’s a culmination of biofilm, undigested food, and mucus. When it comes out, it looks like parasites. It looks really nasty. But before you can effectively get rid of the parasites, you got to get rid of their food source. So colon cleansing and detoxing from a digestive system standpoint is where you have to start.

Some people are taking herbal and nutritional and natural, and then even sometimes prescription antibiotics and antimicrobials and antiparasitics, and whether they take those things or not, they’re still passing parasites, they’re still passing all kinds of stuff like that. And it was almost like they can’t take enough antimicrobials. They can’t take enough antibiotics, they can’t take enough antiparasitics because the more they take, the more stuff comes out of them. Well, no one ever suggested that we just take their food supply away. And so when we do that, all of a sudden, within a few short weeks, they’re not passing parasites anymore.

Technically, you can even say that Candida is a parasite, as it's sucking nutrition away from you and causing all kinds of inflammatory damage. If you have a pet, you're guaranteed to have parasites. You don't want your pets licking all over your face and around your mouth and everything, because you will have their parasites. Detoxing, cleansing parasites at least twice a year is critical. There are lots of parasite cleansing programs.

Candida is the fungal overgrowth because of all of this stuff. When a lot of people will correlate fungal overgrowth or bacterial overgrowth and those types of things to patients taking antibiotics and not getting replenished quick enough, and that’s true. But what happens is the antibiotics kill off a lot of the good guys that were still maintaining a certain level of residency in the real estate of your gut. And when they’re eliminated, that opened up space for all the bugs that are there feeding off of the accumulated waste in your gut, and then all of a sudden you have “overgrowth”. You can’t correct that by killing off the bad guys. You can’t correct that by infiltrating with good guys either.

So this is why so many people will take a probiotic and then man, their gut feels horrible. Well, what happens is you take that probiotic and it goes into the system and tries to carve out some real estate for it to live in. It has to fight off and kill the bad guys. So every time you take a probiotic, you have World War III going on in your gut. It’s terrible. So before you get into doing all that, go in and clean all that out. Clean everything out first. That’s how you get rid of parasites, SIBO, and Candida.

First, you have to clean the intestinal tract because that's your primary elimination route. If you kill parasites, they release toxins. Those toxins can really cause a lot of what we call Herxheimer reactions or detox reactions like headaches, nausea, flu-like symptoms. You must have the elimination routes clear because when you kill those and you start dumping them all into the system to be eliminated, if you're elimination routes, mainly your intestinal tract and liver, are not functioning normally or backed up. That's going to wreak a lot of havoc and then those toxins are going to recirculate all over the body and cause more problems. But parasites are a huge thing, but you have to clean those other areas first before you address the parasites and the jab.

Iodine helps against parasites, wormwood, neem, clove. Most of the formulas that you see have a mixture of all of those types of things in there. Horopito pepper, black walnut hull, wormwood, clove neem, oregano oil, iodine, that's going to be your primary anti-parasite substances. Mimosa pudica is very effective for parasites namely as a binder to help eliminate all of the toxic byproducts that parasites' produce, and when those parasites are killed to remove those toxins. It is a very good product.

There are a lot of toxins included in the jabs that are causing damage to the gut, the gut lining. We know vaccines just in general, COVID or any other vaccine cause huge inflammatory responses and they're full of heavy metals. And now, we have to deal with nanotechnology, whether you call them microdots, or quantum dots. There's hydrogels, there's graphene, there are other filament-like structures. They're using some kind of spider silk-type of filaments that are used as a kind of scaffolding in the system for the nanobots, quantum dots, whatever, to form structures.

As we have seen with darkfield microscopy, and exposing the body to Wi-Fi, 5G cellular causes these structures, these polymer structures, these nanotech-type structures that nobody really knows exactly what it is to actually self-assemble into what appears to be some type of antenna-like structure, and all of that is causing a lot of inflammation, causing blood clotting. And then you have the venom-like peptides, synthetic venoms that are part of the injected material, and those that are extremely inflammatory.

Things like nicotine, which helps bind to the nicotine receptors so that the venom peptides don't bind to them, but the venom also causes a lot of gut damage. The venom peptides cause a great deal of inflammation in the gut and leading to a more leaky gut situation. These venom peptides are being taken up by E. coli and yeast in the intestinal tract. That is what a lot of people are calling long COVID is actually these microorganisms in the intestinal tract taking up these venom peptides and incorporating them into their cellular structure and producing those, more of those venom peptides almost in the sense of becoming a factory for those. And those are getting spit back into the system constantly and causing the same type of effect that someone who had original COVID or was poisoned by these toxic spike (snake) proteins (venom peptides).

It all comes back to everything starting in the gut. The immune system is 70 to 80% in the gut, the inflammatory stuff, the things that we are taking in are going through the gut when they should not be going through the gut because of all the ramped-up inflammation from the vaccines.