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The human body knows how to fix itself. The human body wants to fix itself. The human body is trying to fix itself. This is our fundamental supposition. So it is our obligation then therefore to develop and deliver therapeutics that support and promote the body's built in God-given ability to fix itself. And there are a lot of different ways to do that. The chiropractors do it through one method, the acupuncturists do it through another method. The Ayurvedic practitioners through another method, the naturopaths, the homeopaths. We all attempt to cure the condition through different methodologies and it is our understanding of the relationship between the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body, and the spiritual body, which helps us to understand what's causing the problem and more importantly, what to do to fix it.

Healthcare is a business in America. In fact, there are vested interest in this business of healthcare. It’s a $2.7 trillion a year medical industrial complex we have in America. We do not have a medical system, we don’t have a healthcare system. What we’re all suffering under right now is a sick care system, a kind of a medical industrial complex, and it exists to generate profits off of the suffering and death of the people that it claims to serve all around the world. And one of the ways that this is enforced is through, of course, monopoly controls of what is allowed to be used as medicine, and that’s granted by the FDA and other government regulators in various countries.

We've been inside of a monopoly for over a hundred years. Just look around. The only medicine practiced in your hospital is MD medicine. The only medicine they make TV commercials about and TV shows about is MD-directed medicine. The only medicine they do research at your university is MD-directed medicine. The only medicine your insurance pays for is MD-directed medicine. Therefore, it's logical for an uneducated person or an unaware person to assume that the MDs are better at what they do than everybody else because the MDs are everywhere all the time. That's a logical assumption unless you add the data point of the hostile takeover of the medical marketplace in the early 1900s. So one of the reasons that people don't know about naturopathic medicine, the people think chiropractors are quacks, etc., etc., etc. is because of the 100-year propaganda campaign generated by the pharmaceutical industry. And then the laws, it's a felony – a felony to practice naturopathic medicine in two states in the United States.

But Big Tech plays a huge role in this by censoring information about alternative treatments or lifestyle interventions that would achieve prevention to prevent cancer and diabetes and obesity and degenerative disease and so on. So Big Tech has been taken over by Big Pharma, and big media has been infiltrated and bought off by Big Pharma, and big government now is almost entirely beholden to Big Pharma. So what we really have right now is not a military industrial complex, it’s a medical industrial complex, but, just like the military complex, they profit from manufacturing and marketing weapons systems.

Except whereas the military wants governments to say bomb foreign nations, the medical industrial complex wants governments to poison and assault their own citizens with the vaccines and toxic pharmaceuticals that they make domestically. America is being carpet-bombed by weapons manufacturers who are pretending to be in the business of healthcare. Big Tech has actually partnered with Big Pharma to censor any information about nutrition prevention, alternative cures, remedies, and so on.

One of the whistleblowers from Google, brought attention to the so-called Medic Update, which essentially blacklisted all information about alternative and natural medicine across Google. And that leads the public to think when they’re searching for something like, “How do I deal with high blood pressure?” they’re led to believe that there are only pharmaceutical options. Or with cancer? They’re led to believe there’s only radiation and surgery and chemotherapy. They can barely find any information on Google about natural cures or how do you prevent cancer. How do you shrink tumors with medicinal mushrooms or nutrition or phytonutrients found in edible herbs and super foods? It’s all been removed from Google. You can’t find it anymore. And that’s how Google has become not a search engine, not an index of knowledge, but a propaganda machine for anti-knowledge. Google is an anti-knowledge database that seeks to reverse people being informed. It seeks to actually take knowledge away from people so that they remain ignorant.

The germ theory of disease, in other words, blaming every sickness on a virus or bacteria or fungus, fails to recognize the significance of keeping our own innate immune systems strong. And it fails to acknowledge the value of exercise and good dietary choices. Nothing beats your immune system. Your T cells, lifetime immunity. Why take a shot? That’s what is being pushed. They’re actually telling people, “Don’t eat healthy, don’t exercise. Just take these jabs,” which turn out to be clot shots that may kill you.

The truth is that Pasteur’s theory of germs was not validated, but Antoine Bechamp, his contemporary, talked about a cellular terrain theory... You could call it the law of the terrain... that explained health and disease not by the presence or absence of pathogen, but the health and balance and vitality of the host, including its immune system.

This cellular terrain theory focused on the health of the host and not the fear of the germ, taking us out of a victim state of consciousness into one where we actually have more control over what manifests in our body or whether it manifests at all, even if we are exposed to it. Modern science has proven that Bechamp was right.

Bechamp’s theory only required giving the people enough food, rest, and sanitation to keep their internal terrain in good condition. This was neither profitable nor popular among the captains of industry, then or now. But Pasteur’s germ theory asserted that a perpetual war raged between our bodies and foreign invaders, and any business person knows that if war means huge profits, perpetual war means perpetually huge profits.

We know now that we have more microbes in our gut, in our gastrointestinal tract, than we have mammalian or human cells in our body. And that things like staph and strep and even viruses are ever present, including coronaviruses in the body, that if the germ theory were accurate, there would be no explanation for how we’re even alive. So what is it that keeps our health in check? I think it’s called an immune system.

If you follow the concept of the germ theory closely, every bit of your energy and science and medicine will be to discover new things that can target and eliminate those particular things that they claim are the cause of your disease or pathogen. This gave rise to, antibiotic drugs and other chemicals and vaccinations as a prevention against specific, as they called them, disease causing microorganisms.

The main problem with a germ theory is that it takes away power from the individual and places that power in the hands of an elite ruling medical class, again, effectively making us victims of whatever they determine is the appropriate intervention or treatment, however toxic, poisonous, dangerous, and even deadly.

So we nutrify, we clean the diet up, and then once that the strategy has been in place for a few months, then we embark on detoxification strategies. Because if you are alive, your body is a toxic waste dump, because that's the world that we live in. There's crap in the air, there's crap in the food, there's crap in the water, there's crap in the drugs, there's crap in the vaccines. It's amazing that people live as long as they do given the toxic nature of the world that we live in. So detoxification is essential because the body knows how to fix itself. The body wants to fix itself. The body's trying to fix itself. It only makes sense that we should clean the body up, that we should nutrify the body and that we should stop eating food that's hurting the body. That's not rocket science, but these are the things that MDs have no conceptual ideation of whatsoever.

The primary cause of disease, barring accidental or surgical injury to the human organism and surroundings hostile to human life, is violation of Nature’s Laws. The effects of violation of nature’s laws on the physical human organism are also the primary causes of disease because they inhibit normal function, lower vitality, and result in tissue destruction.

When an animal or human dies of natural causes, they die of a nutritional deficiency disease. We can prevent 412 diseases with vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and herbs. Only those who take personal responsibility for maintaining and enriching their physical bodies are going to live safe and healthy lives. Your president, governor, mayor, physician, or even your spouse can't do it for you. In most instances, they can't even help themselves.

Nutrition has become the red-headed step-child of 21st century science, the unquestionable basic mineral needs of our human flesh cry out for attention from the waiting rooms of physicians' offices, hospital wards, and morgues. Our bodies need 90 essential nutrients every day. You don't have to wait for twenty years of expensive "double-blind" studies to learn how to start rescuing your health. The physicians who have brainwashed you for years cannot keep you healthy. Nor can they save you.

We desperately need a new approach to medicine, so radically different that most doctors, nurses, and alternative healthcare practitioners would have convulsions because they cannot imagine or identify with such a radical change of thinking and practice. Thanks to the COVID pseudo pandemic, the corrupt state of the medical establishment has never been more obvious to so many people.

One of the biggest challenges that people face as they learn these principles and information, is letting go of their long-held and deep-seated beliefs about disease and medicine. We must learn to unplug ourselves from the medical matrix that has failed to provide you with more energy and better health, and has only provided you with superficial symptom care.

We’re led to believe that modern medicine is highly advanced, but the cause of most diseases apparently remains “unknown.” Most Doctors have a mechanistic, reductionist view of disease often believing disease arises due to “genetics” or that the body is just prone to making mistakes. Our public health officials in the FDA, the CDC, and in other corners of the Department of Health and Human Services, lie about everything they're responsible for.

When it comes to your health, there is only one true expert on whom your can always rely. That expert is not us, it not your medical doctor, it is not a health organization, a health website, or anyone or anything else. That expert is you! No one can chew for you, no one can exercise for you, no one can think loving thoughts for you. It's an inside job. You know yourself, your body, your energy levels, and how you feel overall far better and more clearly than anyone else possibly can.

How many chronic diseases have become commonplace since 1900? There are dozens upon dozens. How many conditions can allopathic, evidence-based medicine accurately explain causation for, in their decades of "intensive" research? How much have they spent over the last 70 years of so-called progress? And how many diseases have they actually cured?

You'd think that, with countless billions spent, and hundreds of thousands of research hours, they'd have accomplished a real breakthrough with at least one condition. But no. Not one cure for a chronic disease of any significance in the last 70 years. Just symptom suppression and empty explanations. In fact, diseases have gotten much worse in prevalence, severity, and damage done. That's pathetic.

The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.

There are countless victims of iatrogenic disease in countless on-line support groups who once trusted their doctors to have their best interests at heart and to abide by the oath to “first do no harm.” 128,000 Americans die each year from correctly prescribed medications, making prescription drugs one of the leading causes of death. Clearly, there is something rotten in the state of Denmark.

All scientific research is built on particular dogmas including, or perhaps especially, biomedicine. It’s easier for some “scientists” to perpetuate falsehoods than it is to admit they were wrong, abandon long standing ideas, and start again from scratch. Many scientists would rather pursue trendy research areas in order to win accolades and secure grant money than question long-held beliefs and dogmas.

This is exactly what has happened with modern medicine because too much money and too many reputations are at stake. If you’re not allowed to question it, then it’s not real science. Erroneous theories in medicine have wasted billions and caused untold harm. Imagine if they had to admit that so many years of research and countless academic careers have been wasted pursuing ideas that have no basis in reality.

When considering the current state of medicine, it seems that more productive research is exactly what is needed. Research that doesn’t follow dogma and isn’t funded by the very pharma industry that has a vested interest in perpetuating erroneous ideas such as the “one germ, one disease” fallacy.

The following procedures are unsuitable for studying the biology of living cells in intact animals and plants: subcellular fractionation; histology; histochemistry; electron microscopy; binding studies; use of ligands; immunocytochemistry; tissue slices; disruptive techniques; dehydration; deep freezing; freeze-drying; boiling; use of extracellular markers; receptor studies; patch clamp measurements; inadequate calibrations. The main objections to these procedures are:

  • They change the properties of the tissues being studied grossly and significantly.

  • They ignore the second law of thermodynamics.

  • They produce artefacts, many of which are two-dimensional.

  • Adequate control procedures have never been published for them.

Terrain theory tells us that most of what we are told is a disease, is nothing more than the symptoms of a natural bodily process of healing and repairing tissues damaged from stress and external toxins. Cells naturally die and break down in a way that is identical to how virologists claim a virus behaves. And the very same foundations pushing the theory of the virus, have been simultaneously creating a more toxic world with petrochemical drugs that earn billions in profits. There are far more so-called diseases today than existed before this pseudo science was unleashed on society.

Each human body is surrounded by its own magnetic field which provides tremendous protection. And as long as the individual takes proper care of this magnetic field, it will heal all wounds and recover all bodily functions and organs. He said that the law of the energy field is also the law of integrity. When we break the laws of nature, we damage this flow, which in turn damages the individual’s vitality. This magnetic field can be damaged by negative attitudes such as fear, and destructive attitudes towards others. It can be damaged by drugs and alcohol, toxic substances, and any action contrary to the common good.

What if we could bypass the complicated diagnostic gymnastics of modern medicine and go right to treatment. To a universal treatment approach. To something that everyone can understand and make sense of. Not only is it possible, but it will be necessary to face the tough challenges and changes bursting onto the mainstream stage of life now in real-time.

The entire medical and alternative healthcare community is faced with a radical downsizing of not only the economy but of civilization itself. What are we healers going to do and how can we best help others when the going gets really rough and there is little-to-no technology, tests or pharmaceuticals at hand.

The situation at hospitals is deteriorating very quickly as drug-resistant germs are leaving doctors helpless. Also, if you go to a hospital, the odds increase that the drugs you need will be unavailable. The growing scarcity of sterile, injectable drugs is one of the most significant issues confronting hospitals across the country. COVID rammed it into our brains how cruel hospitals can be.

As people, we seem to just want to have our lives and raise our children and do every day, normal things, but it’s like there’s somebody in the sandbox that keeps stirring up problems, and they are the ones creating war. The same globalist Satanists are funding both sides of most wars. They are creating wars while, in the midst of destruction, they make more money.

Just recently, over half a million young Ukrainian men have died. Usually, the disability is 7 to 1. They’ve lost a lot of their workforce and a lot of people for what? Not only have people died, but the mothers can’t find the bodies. They’re saying they’re told by the army, their son died, but they can’t get the body back.

The reason is because they have what are called black transplantologists. Some of them are from the US and are over there in underground bunkers, parting out these bodies. It’s uglier than beyond belief, but their body parts are the number one source of money in the world today, and they have been for a long time. We just haven’t been paying attention.

Body parts, including blood products, and including your liver, your heart, etc. So, these young guys aren’t just dying, they are taking these young, injured guys, and they’re taking their organs. And anybody that knows about transplantation knows they can’t be completely dead when they do this.

If you want to really understand the basis of the world, that seems to be to create misery, create fear, and profit from it. Who’s really behind all this? It is horrifying, and it’s been happening with child trafficking.

What really happens, after the children are used up in the sex trafficking, they’re parted out for their organs and adrenochrome. That’s real. There’s a huge enterprise of the blood of children. Actually, it’s the blood of everybody. Our blood supply system is out for profit. Years ago, under Bill Clinton, they used the Red Cross for this, they decided to start harvesting blood and plasma from their penitentiary system—not the safest group of people to harvest from safely.

They sent this blood and sold it around the world, specifically to Canada, and Canada then had an outbreak of Hepatitis C and AIDS and complained, and the whole thing got shut down. But it didn’t really get shut down, because there’s some types of blood that are rare, and they had an uptick in the disappearance of Native Americans. We’ve just not been paying attention. This has been happening for a very long time.

Sufficiently advanced intelligence is indistinguishable from madness. Once you’ve looked into this for years and you have enough data points behind you, it’s like a murder mystery. The whole system is made to confuse us. There are two things that the enemy really is expert at, and one is making people fearful, because fearful people make bad mistakes. And the other ting is to totally confuse, confused what’s going on. This is not something new.

When we hear Klaus Schwab and George Bush Sr. bloviating about the “New World Order,” remember that well before that, it was called the “New Order of the Ages.” That’s what “Novo Ordo Seclorum” on Federal Reserve Notes means. Before that, it was called the “Great Plan.” This is a plan, just like the Masonic images, the Masonic symbols, and rituals. This goes back to the time of the Pharaohs and People.

A lot of what we’re dealing with is an ancient war against humanity. It’s like a cabal, the Babylonian Mafia of ancient bloodlines. You can trace through bloodlines, through genealogy, through DNA, through history and archeology. You can trace it all to pretty much one area. It’s hard to wrap your head around this because we think all people are the same. But, if you look at movies and TV and the predictive programming in these shows, what they are saying is there are people that look like us, walk like us, talk like us, but they’re not us.

In 1971, President Nixon declared a war on cancer, but are we really winning this war? Is the cancer industry any closer today than it was then in finding a cure? Why does this perpetual war continue? One of the reasons why this war continues is the money that are being made in this war. And this refers to the treatments, so-called treatments that are being used in cancer, namely chemotherapy and radiation. Chemotherapy uses the most powerful toxins known to humans. And these toxins, of course, are being sold to us as substances that can kill cancer cells. But these substances also kill, annihilate healthy cells in the body, damage its organs, which make recovery from cancer almost a miracle, impossible. And also the very substances that are being used to fight cancer are cancer-causing chemicals, so instead of eliminating cancer or curbing cancer, we are inducing and generating new cancer.

We have been so sold on the idea that everybody’s the same. We all have the same motives, but it’s just provably not true. In the 1970s, psychiatry claimed that 4% of people were psychopaths. Now we’re up to about 10%, they say. If you understand the United Nations Agenda 2030, that the COVID vaccine, the nanotechnology in the food, water, and air, and all this going on is really a depopulation plan, then we’ve got a group of people out there that are intent on mass murder. That’s what we call phychopathology. The biggest diagnostic characteristic of psychopathology is that they have no human empathy.

We look at people as human beings, as a real human being, a child of God. We look at each other and we can recognize each other by how our facial expression is, how we emote. We get signals and we feel bad for somebody else. But psychopaths don’t. They have no human empathy and the way they learn to fit into society as small children, they learn to imitate human emotions. The little kid goes to a funeral, and he sees everybody else crying, and he realizes that he’s going to look out of place if he doesn’t cry. So he learns to pretend these human emotions, and they’re very good at it.

So we’re dealing with a group of people here that are psychopaths, wherever they came from, probably ancient Babylon and Sumer, but they’re what we call psychopaths, because they don’t really click with humans. They don’t click with the rest of us.

We are also purposely being misled about psychopathology in the TV shows and the movies where they have the FBI guy always showing you lone, kind of crazy, creepy people. That’s not what most psychopaths are. Most psychopaths are smart, well-educated, top-of-their-game people. They can cooperate with each other when it suits them to further their interests. They can recognize each other, but we can’t recognize them for the most part.

We have existed inside of a medical monopoly and people are completely unaware of this. We would not be okay with an automobile monopoly. The only people that can sell cars in the United States is Toyota. We wouldn't be okay with that. We wouldn't be okay with an alcohol monopoly. The only company that can sell beer in the United States is Anheuser-Busch, but we'd be up in arms about that. But when it comes to a medical monopoly, everybody's fine with it. And the reason that we're fine with it is because of 100-plus year propaganda campaign generated by the pharmaceutical industry to make everybody who is practicing medicine that doesn't use drugs in surgery as a quack. And it's been very successful.

The expense of drugs is also an issue. And as supply chains fail throughout the world, as war and financial cataclysm threaten, it will dawn that we are on our own and need to take care of ourselves. We need to be doctors, and doctors need to relearn essential non-pharmaceutical medicine.


There is no comparison between using drugs with devastating side effects, even at low dosage, and concentrated natural nutritional substances.

No matter who you are and what you feel, know that you can take immediate steps to better your situation. It does not matter if you have cancer, COVID, some neurological disease, suffer from heart inflammation, or are facing the devastation of vaccine damage. You do not need to waste a day waiting for answers from doctors and their tests.

In the end, a person might need a Panzer division of helpful medicines and health practices to dig themselves out of a hole in their attempt to eliminate pain and get back to health. However, we need to begin somewhere, so we might as well start with the most fundamental medicines that can not only deliver a knockout blow to all infections while pumping our body full of life-enhancing energy.


First, we need a safe, broad-spectrum antiviral, antibiotic and antifungal medicine that is even effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Everyone suffering can stand a deep house cleaning from various pathogens. Even healthy people can still benefit from such a house cleaning.

This cleaning would also include chemical toxins and, to some extent, even some heavy metals. I am talking about chlorine dioxide here.


Right behind this medicine would be a lift all aspects of physiology medicine, one that would lubricate almost every life process in the body. Something that would stimulate hormones and hundreds of enzyme reactions and insulin effectiveness and cell receptivity to insulin. It would be the same something that would calm the nervous system and help with our stress. I am talking about using magnesium as a medicine, not as a supplement. Don’t bother telling your cardiologists that they are missing the boat completely on magnesium, which is, The Ultimate Heart Medicine.


We propose chlorine dioxide and magnesium chloride as a dynamic dual. However, if we include a third fundamental medicine, magnesium bicarbonate would be a good choice. Bringing bicarbonates to bear is almost always a good idea because everyone suffering from pain and disease is usually acidic, meaning already having low oxygen and low cellular voltage or energy conditions. But if one does not want to get into the sophistication of magnesium bicarbonate, simple old baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) will more than suffice. As we age, we become more and more bicarbonate deficient.


An old medicine developed 100 years ago, called Homozon, an Oxygen Therapy product designed for internal use, provides another avenue for intense magnesium and oxygen medicine. It is a compound of oxygen bonded to magnesium. The magnesium atoms form a loose lattice onto which much oxygen is bonded. The health benefitting action is derived from the presence of magnesium peroxide, magnesium superoxide, and magnesium ozonide.

Homozon provides oxygen to the body in the form of Nascent or “singlet” Oxygen (also called the Oxygen free-radical).


Healing our bodies with natural medicine is possible. Healing with pharmaceuticals is not. They are not designed for healing but are good at managing symptoms.

The best thing about this universal protocol is that it can genuinely be recommended to the human race because of its low cost. One can make chlorine dioxide at home; baking soda is the cheapest medicine globally, and magnesium chloride is the least expensive, most versatile form of magnesium. One can even make magnesium bicarbonate at home.

Behind this universal lineup of magnesium, chlorine dioxide, bicarbonates, and oxygen is a list of other essentials like selenium, iodine, sulfur, breathing retraining, infrared therapy, hydrogen inhalation, and Exercise with Oxygen Therapy.


Nothing in natural or pharmaceutical medicine can compete with the above protocol. Before your doctor can blink an eye and begin to read all the tests you have done, you can get way out ahead of the western medical system and start to heal yourself. Today! Anyone can go to their local food market or drugstore and buy some baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and start increasing their oxygen and cell energy right away.

Then you need to learn about chlorine dioxide and buy some of that online, ready-made, or make it yourself at home. Then order the other nutritional medicines. Know that there is a big difference between supplementing with nutritional agents and using nutrients as medicines.