WARNING: This website contains facts and opinions some may find offensive...
“It is a metaphysical fact that for each minute of time we spend in thoughts of unfavorable impressions, unkind criticism, or hate toward any person, there will be hours of physical and mental suffering as a reaction. The first thing to do, then, in considering the relief of any mental or physical conditions, is to analyze your mental self over a period of time preceding the condition and discover what thoughts, attitudes and conditions of mind you have held or expressed, and immediately eliminate this attitude by reversing your opinions and thoughts, and holding thoughts of love and kindness instead.
In other words, the poison from the mind that has been eating at the very heart of every cell in your body must be eliminated before any treatment can be given to relieve the ultimate and outer manifestations. Any other process is merely treating the outer manifestations as though giving them a drug to nullify the senses, without removing the actual cause.” — H. Spencer Lewis
Healing does not come from drugs, or medical procedures. It resides and comes from within.
The ONLY way to Heal anything is to STOP doing the things that caused the problem in the first place. You cannot simply "take something" and expect your problems to go away. That's like trying to put out a fire with water, while, at the same time, using gasoline on the fire and then saying "this water doesn't work." You must first stop fueling the fire …and the disease.
This is the hardest part because usually the problems are created by addictions to sugar, wheat, dairy, alcohol, smoking, coffee, stimulants, medications, fast food, comfort food, lack of exercise and other forms of instant gratification. Herbs and vitamin supplements can't help you much unless you learn to control your habits an make a serious effort to improve your life.
If you want to change the world, you first must change yourself. You must stop thinking that you are powerless, or that the power to change things exists somewhere else, in someone else's hands. Instead, the power and the responsibility that goes with it, is yours—and it always has been. You have the power to change the world, and in a way, you are the only one who does, because what other people think and do and choose is up to them.
So, if anything at all is going to change, someone must get up and change it. And if you don't like the way things are, the only one standing here is you.
We are not separate from nature, we are an integral part of it. Our survival is just as dependent on the soil, air, and water as it is on our hearts, lungs, and brains. Our existence is rooted in the earth, just as any tree or flower is.
Many of the herbs and techniques presented here have been used for thousands of years. Throughout the ages, plant medicines have been handed down from generation to generation because of their effectiveness to heal. Pharmaceuticals have only been around for a few decades and are already failing. The overuse of antibiotics is leading to antibiotic resistance in populations of microbes is just one example of their many failures.
Neither health officials nor politicians are interested in a cure. Therefore, to expect any kind of medical sanity or truth from the FDA about what is and is not safe and effective to treat or cure is a bad idea. Trusting the FDA about anything is like trusting Bill Gates to babysit your child!
Fire your medical doctor. Your medical doctor may be the nicest person God ever created, but you should only use them for trauma care and surgery when it's necessary, that's it. Because their therapeutics will make you weaker over time. They have to because that's how it works. You can't suppress your way into health. You can't drug your way into health. You can't do it. So you have to extract yourself from the conventional medical mousetrap slowly and engage alternative therapeutics, the intention of which is to actually make you healthy. Though that's the key to being healthy until you're 120, which is, by the way, your genetic potential.
Every time your cells divide, they lose a little bit of information. It's like making a copy of a copy. It's only a matter of time until you can't see what the heck it is anymore. So we have the genetic potential to live to be 120 years of age. How many people do you know that have done that? I know two. Life expectancy is getting shorter. It's not getting longer, even though we have the genetic potential, but nobody's talking about that. It's like the dirty little secret because conventional medical doctors run the show and they're not going to talk about their failures. And when I talk about their failures, I'm a quack.
If you're not pissed off, you're not paying attention. So treating yourself with alternative forms of holistic medicine, the intention of which is to cure your condition and make yourself healthy is the first, second, and third thing that you need to do in order to ensure longevity now. And that needs to be your new normal. You got to fire your medical doctor.
There is a massive, yawning gulf between what pharmaceutical companies want us to believe about health and medical treatments and reality.
Decades of pharmaceutical propaganda have distorted people’s perception of reality so severely that at least half the population has sleep-walked into taking experimental treatments, like vaccines, so dangerous that if you die from them, life insurance companies will rule suicide.
When people decide to change their health status for the better, they typically need to address several categories of their lives. Diet and nutrition is usually in need of upgrading; and detoxification of the body is usually way past due, their minds and emotions often are in turmoil, and spiritually, they have no connection to something greater than themselves.
But, of all the areas of life that need to be addressed, the environment is first on the list of things to correct.
You can't get healthy in the same environment that made you sick!
Our environment includes exposure to man-made electronics, especially microwave-emitting devices, like cell phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth devices, cordless telephones, gaming devices, wireless alarm systems, surveillance cameras, baby monitors, etc. Also, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi in your automobile has to be included.
Artificial lighting is also critically affecting the normal function of our bodies. LED lights, compact fluorescent and regular fluorescent lights, halogen lighting, all have to be identified and replaced.
All of these are considered noxious influences on our bodies, as they down-regulate the power-plants or engines of our cells, called mitochondria. Mitochondria are necessary for producing the energy currency, called ATP, that all physiologic processes depend on for normal function.
Without optimal mitochondrial functioning, repair, rejuvenation, and healing in general gets put on hold, until the body has the resources to be able to restore this normal functioning.
Without mitochondrial output, there is minimal function of digestion, elimination, immune function, hormone balance, cell replication, all of it gets put on hold.
So, learning about these effects on our health and taking steps to mitigate the environmental hazards and challenges to health are essential, before we can attempt to address the other important areas of our lifestyle and overall health.
If you don't correct these powerful negative influences, it's like painting over rust, it will keep working its way through and will rear its ugly head again. So, we start with environment and then we get lasting results with everything else...
The next step, is to ensure that your body is getting 90 nutrients a day.
- 60 Minerals
- 16 Vitamins
- 12 Amino Acids
- 2 Essential Fatty Acids
Most people aren't even getting these in their bodies, but even if they did, the average environment they exist in won't allow your body to digest and assimilate either your food, or any supplements you might be taking.
Just to maintain your body weight. The minerals must be from a plant source, not mined from the earth. The vitamins should be food-based, not coal-tar derivatives.
Your water must be purified and structured, to make it compatible with the body.
Time is running out in this hectic world we live in, but we assure you that starting now will be much easier than trying to catch up later. As the upcoming societal collapse unfolds, accessing medicines, vitamins, supplements, and other supplies will become increasingly difficult.

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