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Our vision is to shed light on our brain!
The idea of linking circadian biology to biology, was Mother Nature’s idea 3.8 billion years ago, when there was just bacteria and archaea on Earth.
Albert Einstein discovered that all living things produce unique vibrational frequencies, and that energy and matter are transferable and interchangeable. Imbalanced frequencies can be rebalanced with the help of light and sound therapy. In addition to entering the body through the eyes, light also enters the body through the skin. Light provides a number of health benefits, including immune and endocrine support.
Chromatherapy deserves recognition equal to sound for its ability to align and “reset” ailing aspects of the body. The colors used are those in the visible spectrum, which vibrate between 397 trillion (red) and 665 trillion (violet) times per second. These vibrations are offered to help blocked or restricted areas of energy flow.
Ultraviolet light and visible light all have different frequencies, and when you get into a 2 to 300-nanometer range of wavelengths, these are ultraviolet light frequencies, and we know with ultraviolet light and blood, they use it routinely in blood transfusion or plasma. This is because it effectively knocks out the pathogens and doesn’t hurt the natural cells. It just gets the bad guys and leaves the good guys alone.
There is a wonderful routine where they take out 60 to 300 ccs of blood and then put it in a bag, add ozone, ozonate it very well, then infuse the ozonated blood through the ultraviolet irradiation device, and then as it comes out of that, it infuses back into the patient and then they follow that with a 50-gram Vitamin C IV. So it’s just really a combination of probably the three most powerful biooxidative therapies altogether. This ultraviolet blood irradiation has uniquely additional powerful clinical impacts that work synergistically with the Vitamin C and the ozone and the other bio-oxidative therapies.
Red light therapy is just a different wavelength, and red light therapy also works well in conjunction with all the supplements that increase ATP production. Red light therapy works very well along with methylene blue at the end of the electron transport chain to stimulate the production of ATP synthesis without encountering or generating any oxidative stress in the process.
Here are a few examples of the healing power of colors:
Red – aids in awakening the senses and the liver, while stimulating the generation of blood platelets and hemoglobin.
Orange – stimulates bone growth and the thyroid.
Yellow – improves the digestive system and tones the muscles.
Green – acts as a balancer, a tension reliever and builds cells and tissues.
Blue – builds vitality and activates the pineal gland.
Violet – calms the metabolic process, most overactive organs and the nerves.
LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. It is a semiconductor device that emits light when an electric current passes through it. LEDs are used in a wide range of applications, from indicator lights on devices to street lighting to cars and large display screens. They are known for their efficiency, long life, and low energy consumption, compared to traditional light sources like incandescent bulbs, candles, and oil lamps.
LED lighting is different from natural light sources like the sun and fire, and it is light pollution when it does not emit pure white light.
The three-dimensional nature of light and the two-dimensional nature of artificial light make a huge difference to our health.
Understanding Gauss’s law can lead to better illumination and healthier environments.
LED lighting is harmful because it is two-dimensional.
Mainstream science lacks a comprehensive understanding of light.
The use of natural light sources, such as fire and candles, is optimal for human health.
We are creatures of light who capture and transform the light of the sun into energy that cells use to create life and health. Disease generation is not what your doctors were taught in medical school. Your light choices form your medical destiny.
The light you eat your food under is more important than the food you eat! What you think you’re buying in the store, the electromagnetic footprint that is placed in the food by photosynthesis is absolutely unmasked and changed by the light you eat it under. The entire food web is built around solar EMF, and when you introduce man-made EMF, either through your eye, skin, or gut, no matter what surface it is, you change the signaling. When you change the signaling, you change the reality; you change everything about the situation. This is part of the reason why most people believe that you can regain your health and wellness just from exercise and food. That’s why people struggle.
The real reason that the people in Weston Price’s book were so healthy, is that they ate an ancestral diet OUTSIDE. If nature makes it, you can take it. Light determines how your mitochondria handles electrons and protons.
While individual differences exist, every single human being needs sunlight exposure for optimal health. For 4.6 billion years, we evolved from the light of the Sun and Stars. 99% of the people alive today no longer live under that light source.
It's a big deal when the sun comes up, and most living things time their days with an internal clock that is synchronized by external cues. Humans are the only animal on the planet that can alter their environment to break all of nature’s laws.
Humans are a part of an assembly of circadian oscillators, ranging from fungi to mammals. We and everything else alive, from plankton and fungus, to lions and hippos, are synchronized to the orbit and rotation of the earth, in and out of the sun's light, to assure us a food supply. Animals in the Serengeti don't wear sunglasses or contacts or use sunscreen, and they have no need for a veterinarian.
Blood is a hydrodynamic fluid, that connects the Sun to mitochondria, wirelessly. This is nature’s Wi-Fi.
Circadian biology is so fundamental to sleep and metabolism but few people realize just how important it really is. It is more important than your macro or micronutrients. We fail to account for the effect of the mitochondrial genome's effect on the rapidly-changing epigenetic program that really is the master sculptor in biology. Most of us are completely unaware of this biologic mismatch. It underlies much of what currently ails most of mankind today.
The alteration of circadian rhythms is associated with a variety of mental and physical illnesses. Recent studies show a significant association between quantitative and qualitative sleep rhythm disturbances and increasing prevalence of obesity. Furthermore, reduced sleep quality and duration lead to decreased glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, thus increasing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
The relationship between sunlight exposure and health is clearly demonstrated during the last few years, in which an inverse relationship was found between the amount of sunlight exposure you’re getting, and “all-cause mortality.” All-cause mortality, is an aggregate of your general risk of dying, whether that’s from a stroke or car crash. Anything that lowers all-cause mortality, thus makes you live longer.
The answers to what life can do are buried in the collisions of sunlight in water. Water is the transformer of solar redox into a DC electric current. DHA helps the transmutation of photons from the sun to a DC electric magnetic salt battery, capable of imprinting memory magnetically, as a disc drive does.
The entire food chain is tied to photosynthesis. Anything that’s not grown under the power of the sun, is considered a “bad” food. Food is an electromagnetic bar-code of photosynthesis. If you eat a coconut or pineapple in Boston on December 31, just because it’s in Whole Foods, doesn’t mean it’s a food. That’s like eating a Mig Mac to your mitochondria, because it’s not designed to go there.
Pineapples and coconuts have a special problem with hydrogen that you can’t get in those fruits that you can’t get at a high latitude; you get them at a low latitude. That’s why they grow there and nowhere else. If you tried to grow a cactus in the tundra, you would be wholly unsuccessful. We’re the only mammal on this planet that has a quantum computer in our head that allows us to break the laws of nature. When it comes to food, the primary law is photosynthesis.
There is no food on this planet that doesn’t link back to photosynthesis. That means the organic tomato that you bought may not be organic enough for your engines, especially when your engines have been damaged by modern life, and therein lies the key. That’s why coconuts and pineapples can’t be a healthy food if you live in the wrong latitude. Just as a flower will not grow in certain light environments, the same thing is true of you.
If you live in Boston, your eyes and skin get a quantum signal from the sun. That quantum signal is wirelessly transmitted through the air, through the blood to every mitochondrion in your body. Your mitochondria knows exactly what it should be expected to get. So, when you bring it something that it doesn’t expect, in physics, it’s called “chaos.”
In medicine, a synonym for chaos is “inflammation.” Inflammation is linked to hydrogen. Hydrogen comes in three forms on planet Earth. Light hydrogen is called protium, there’s deuterium, which has a neutron attached to it. And there’s tritium, the radioactive form of hydrogen. Biology doesn’t use the third form.
In biochemistry, all the steps in glycolysis, all the enzymatic steps come from the sun putting hydrogen on the carbon backbone, in the right place. The right place is determined by your engines, the mitochondria. If the hydrogen is not where it’s supposed to be, that’s how a pineapple can cause a problem on December 31, when you live in Boston.
Processed food is bad, but the reason we’re told it’s bad is wrong. The reason is that it’s not grown under the power of photosynthesis. Or, it’s been affected by man-made ingredients that puts too much deuterium and not enough hydrogen inside your mitochondria, which is just like an engine.
There’s a part of it, the fifth cytochrome, called ATPase, which makes ATP, the energy protein or currency of the body. ATP can only be made when the head of the ATPase turns 3.4 revolutions. What makes it spin? H+, light hydrogen. Deuterium cannot fit in the spin. When you put deuterium inside the mitochondria matrix, you break it—your Ferrari becomes a Nissan Sentra, blowing black smoke. Which is the reason why coconuts and pineapples at the Winter solstice is a no-no.
Animals during that time of year become ketogenic, they eat all fat and protein, because nothing grows photosynthetically during November. Once you break nature’s laws, you’re introducing different levels of inflammation. In other words, it’s chaos
You have clock timing mechanisms in your body called “opsins.” UV light receptors are called “neuropsin” and blue light receptors are called “melanopsin.” Melanopsin controls melanocytes in your body.
Every day, you’re supposed to fast. That’s why the first meal of the day is called break-fast. Your last meal should be when the sun is out, and it shouldn’t be big. The biggest meal, from a circadian perspective, should be breakfast. The next smallest meal should be lunch. The smallest meal—dinner. From there, you fast all the way till the sun rises.
You need to see the sun rise. The key is, you have to see the light in the morning, because the light turns on the molecular clock or timing mechanism in your eye, called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, and that connects your retina to the hypothalamus, through the leptin melanocortin pathway of the central retinal pathway. The better the clock works in your body, the easier it is to lose weight or to heal. That means that the light through your eye in the morning is more important than the food you eat! Because that is the periodicity reference of the clock-timing mechanism. When you break your fast, light is recalibrating the clock in your body.
The clock in your body controls leptin and melatonin. Melatonin controls autophagy and apoptosis, because it’s tied to cortisol. Melatonin and cortisol are the hormonal axis that actually controls this. Sunlight controls both of them. We’re back to photosynthesis again. Once you get this, you see how people are making a mistake. So, every morning, you go out and look in the direction of the sun. Not through glazed windows, but outside, without glasses or contacts, you look to the east, like a sphinx, with your feet on the ground for 30 minutes, then you can go eat your breakfast. And how you eat your breakfast is tied to circadian biology of photosynthesis, based on where you live.
To change the skin cholesterol ester to 25-dihydroxycholesterol vitamin D, you need a photoisomerization effect, that requires deuterium-depleted water from the mitochondria. You can’t make vitamin D, even if you’re buck-ass naked outside in the sun. Just getting your skin in the game isn’t good enough. The 25-dihydroxycholesterol vitamin D you make in the skin isn’t active. To become active, it must be converted to 1,25-dihydroxy cholesterol in the kidney and in the liver. If you have leptin resistance, because you’re always in blue light, or you’re around technology or you live in a big city, at the liver level, you get leptin resistant and you can’t convert 25-dihydroxycholesterol into 1,25-dihydroxycholesterol in the liver, so that decreases the amount of water production that’s deuterium-depleted in your mitochondria.
If you have a nice tan but your vitamin D level is 25 or 30, it’s the first sign that you need to look at tech-abuse, at the amount of screen time. Your BUN / Creatinine ratio will always be high. But your doctor won’t tell you, because she doesn’t know. You can be naked at the equator, but if you’re in a city that’s loaded with 5G or just electromagnetic smog, you may not be able to make vitamin D. The way to tell, is to do a vitamin D level at every equinox for the first year you live somewhere.
If the sun causes skin cancer, how come in the dermatology literature, everyone who has low vitamin D levels gets skin cancer, and everyone who has a vitamin D level above 60 ng/dl can’t get skin cancer? It’s artificial light that causes skin cancer. It destroys your melatonin, which give you low vitamin D levels, and that’s where you end up having the problem.
Melatonin and mitochondrial energy controls cell-mediated innate immunity. It controls the immune system. Cytotoxic T-cells need high levels of vitamin D to work to destroy cancer cells. Otherwise, they don’t know what cancer to take out. So, they start taking out good cells. That’s why people get autoimmunity. They have no red light or UV light in their lives.
Taking Vitamin D when you have skin cancer is like hiring someone to go to the gym and exercise for you, thinking you’re going to benefit from it. When you take something that your body makes, you uncouple the positive and negative feedback loops. The positive and negative feedback loops related to vitamin D are cortisol and melatonin.
Everyone who has epithelial cancer has low melatonin and low Vitamin D. Everyone who has skin cancer or epithelial cancer has lost apoptosis. In other words, they can’t replace the bad engines. So, you’re constantly running on the bad engines. That’s the reason you get cancer. We make vitamin D from 312 nm light, made from a cholesterol ester. The light that humans now live under causes the problem, and it gets blamed on the sun. So, when you don’t go in the sun and stay in blue light, guess what happens? If the sun causes cancer, why is it that the oak tree right outside my window doesn’t have a big brain tumor? Why is it that plants don’t have cancer? Why is it that wild animals never get cancer? Because they’re wild. They follow the laws of nature.
Blue light by itself, with nothing in your mouth, raises blood glucose. It also increases insulin. All the diet people blame carbohydrates for what blue light causes. The most important thing in your life you can do for your health isn’t diet, it’s seeing the sun rise. If you do that and eat healthy, you’ll win. All saturated fats, in fact, the whole food web is created through photosynthesis, by an enzyme called “rubisco.”
Someone who lives close to the equator in the tropics, can get away with eating more carbohydrates than someone living at more northern latitudes, because it naturally grows there, it’s not going to cause them a problem. This assumes that they are going out and getting their skin and eyes in the game, because if they don’t, they ruin the clock mechanism. That clock mechanism is the key to fixing your engines. That is the key. When a physician teaches this to their patients, they are improving their clock timing mechanism to give them back time.
Patients have to completely understand how to create and capture the ultimate resource in the cosmos—which is time. The most valuable asset we have is time. Time is the only thing that anywhere in the cosmos, we can’t make more of. That’s what physics teaches us. It’s the most scarce asset anywhere in the cosmos. It’s the ultimate resource for life, because it’s the scarcest thing we have.
When you eat something that was made in a lab, that doesn’t have the photoelectric process to protect it, therein lies the problem. Deuterium is the reason it causes inflammation. When there is deuterium in the ATPase engine, it slows down and that’s how inflammation begins, that’s how leptin resistance begins, and that’s how insulin resistance begins.
Sunlight depletes the deuterium from the water created at cytochrome C oxidase. Fat makes the most water in the mitochondria; Carbs make the least. Photosynthesis didn’t make the polyunsaturated seed oils; they came from a laboratory process. There’s no solar process that determines the deuterium content in that oil. If you eat a diet that has light controls, you will win.
The water you make in your mitochondria is different from the water you put in your coffee, or even the water that is consumed into photosynthesis to grow things. Mitochondria produce water that is deuterium-depleted. And that’s the water that’s critical in getting the food story right. And when you don’t make that water, that’s when you have a problem. You are chronically dehydrated.
Fluoride is a dielectric blocker in water. If you’re going to drink tea, steep it to get rid of the fluoride. Also fluoridated pharmaceutical drugs, especial MAOI inhibitors and the depression drugs do the same thing.
Casinos have no windows, and there’s no light, so it lowers your dopamine levels. It decreases your reward, so you have to pull the handle more to stay in there. That’s also why they give you free alcohol, cause the alcohol gives you the dopamine hit while the blue light makes you more addictive. Every tech device has the same color temperature as a slot machine.
Vitiligo is an auto-immune condition of the melanocytes. Just like the leaves on a tree stay green when the sun is strong, but what happens to the leaves when the sun decreases in the fall, the leaves change color. That’s exactly what vitiligo is in a human. Humans can get vitiligo in the summer, because they never go outside. When it’s really bad, you start to make antibodies to destroy it, just like Michael Jackson did with the crazy mood disorders, the depression and all the aberrant behavior. This is a proxy for mitochondrial damage. People with vitiligo tend to gain more weight because the leptin biology breaks.
Thyroid hormone is an anterior pituitary hormone. Sunlight creates T3 and T4. If you’re not getting enough AM sun, you’ll never make enough thyroid hormone. The thyroid hormone maker is located 3 cm. behind the eyes. So, if you put something over your eyes, you won’t get the same quantum yield of sunlight. When you do this for 20 - 30 years, it should be no surprise why you get hypothyroidism. To fix it, you have to fix the leptin problem and you have to fix the AM sunlight problem. The complex pharmacy in your brain gets unleashed by the light rays that come through your eyes.
All the studies done on nutrition are done without light controls, on nocturnal animals, under blue light in a laboratory. Sunlight deuterium-depletes your food for your mitochondria so that you can transform energy really well. Your mitochondria are nature’s version of a hydrogen fuel engine, and that engine doesn’t like deuterium at all.
The optimal diet is seafood and meat, with seasonal vegetables in a city that doesn’t have more than 100,000 population. Each human has 12 – 16 tech devices. Every time they connect and you’re in that pathway, is like putting your head in a microwave oven.
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