WARNING: This website contains facts and opinions some may find offensive...

The doctor is more to be feared than the disease...
You can lead a doctor to knowledge, but you can't make him think...

"Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet, it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change." — Robert F. Kennedy

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship, to restrict the art of healing to one class of men, and deny equal privileges to others…all such laws are despotic and un-American, and have no place in a republic.”
(Dr. Benjamin Rush)
“The Constitution of this Republic should make special provisions for Medical Freedom as well as Religious Freedom. To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are unAmerican and despotic.”
(Dr. Benjamin Rush)
"The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease." —Voltaire
By studying the convergence of medical killing across multiple areas—including hospitals, elderly care facilities, the 'jab' agenda, the medical establishment, backed by coercive government policy and financed and supported by big business, is undertaking a "soft genocide." They look at what they are doing as "hastening death," but that's just another way of saying "murder." Over the past century, a wide variety of enabling policies, tools, and tactics have made it possible for public and private players to propagate medical mayhem, injuring, and killing, without incurring widespread public awareness or wrath, allowing the medical-pharmaceutical killing machine to operate with impunity.
Hospitals are one of the most dangerous places on earth. In the hospital setting, murder is a clear and present danger. Hospitals are already getting away with murder! A hospital is like a war. You should try your best to stay out of it. And if you get into it, you should take along as many allies as possible and get out as soon as you can. Hospitals are a locus of lethal medical protocols. In addition to withholding safe and inexpensive treatments and aggressively mandating known-to-be-dangerous COVID shots, the nation's hospitals—immune from liability and salivating over hefty financial incentives—have misused their medical authority by inflexibly adhering to the ventilator-plus-Remdesivir COVID protocols that are now as notorious as a form of medically-induced death. Medical murder is incentivized and profitable, and has become a mainstream policy position of high-level government and corporate figures in America.
Medical consumers are often kept in the dark about the performance history of their physicians, even when that history is grim. And hospital officials can, in some cases, evade accountability for years, even when confronted repeatedly by alarmed medical staff. Doctors would not be able to "buy their way out of trouble" without the say-so of an unperturbed and wily government. Criminally-inclined physicians pay negotiated settlements and then "walk free," only to continue engaging in the same harmful practices.
American medicine is not just "a" cause of death and injury in the US, but the leading cause. Healthcare is the only business where you keep paying, whether you get good results or not. The physician is rewarded for his efforts, not for his results. MD-directed medicine is killing 800,000 Americans every year—the equivalent of six jumbo jets falling out of the sky each day. Extrapolating the annual death toll to a 10-year total would add up to more deaths (close to eight million) than all the casualties from all the wars fought by the US throughout its entire history. These figures are probably still conservative due to the vast underreporting of iatrogenic outcomes, including in children and in outpatient settings. The full magnitude of the medical errors threat to the American public is unknown. The full magnitude of the medical threat to the American public is unknown.
Hospitals in America are deemed as dangerous as third world countries due to medical intervention being a leading cause of death, surpassing cancer and heart disease.
Most medical doctors in the USA are viewed as drug jugglers with limited scientific training, leading to harmful practices that result in approximately one million deaths annually.
Pharmaceutical prescriptions often contain venom peptides from poisonous animals, contributing to dangerous side effects and adverse events that can be deadly.
The outdated medical system heavily relies on toxic drugs, causing more harm than good to patients and resulting in significant mortality rates from medical intervention.
The utilization of snake venom in pharmaceutical research, as exemplified by companies like Venomtech, highlights the concerning practices in drug discovery and the potential dangers associated with venom-based molecules in medicine.
Got a head cold, the flu, or COVID? You might want to avoid the hospital like the plague, because here in America, the hospitals are as dangerous as a third world country. Don’t be fooled by all the bright lights, diagnostic machines, and nurses camped out on their smart devices everywhere. What do you think the leading cause of death in America is right now? Do you think it’s cancer, heart disease, COVID-19, diabetes, obesity, or dementia? Wrong on all accounts. This is not a multiple-choice question. Medical intervention is the LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH in the USA.
In the US, the past four years have shone a light on hospitals as a locus of lethal medical protocols. In addition to withholding safe and inexpensive treatments and aggressively mandating known-to-be-dangerous COVID shots, the nation's hospitals—immune from liability and salivating over hefty financial incentives—have misused their medical authority by inflexibly adhering to the ventilator-plus-Remdesivir COVID "protocols," that are now notorious as a form of medically-induced death.
"Medical Murder" is incentivized and profitable, and has become a mainstream policy position of high-level government and other corporate figures in America. Hospitals could earn almost $293,000, on average, by diagnosing and "treating" someone as a "complex" COVID inpatient; a "noncomplex" COVID inpatient earning hospitals roughly $58,000, while a COVID outpatient would only bring in around $2,500. The medical establishment, backed by coercive government policy and financed and supported by big business, is undertaking a "soft genocide." They look at what they are doing as "hastening death," but that's just another way of saying "murder."
Physicians typically feel that admission of error will lead to censure or increased surveillance or, as their colleagues will regard them as incompetent or careless. Far better to conceal a mistake or, if that is impossible, to try to shift the blame to another, even the patient. Even well-intentioned providers and researchers face potent disincentives to report problems. When honest scientists do exist, they have no power to override the corruption. The price they would pay for writing or speaking the truth about the drug company invasion into modern medicine, or for censuring a colleague for cause, is that the doctor or researcher would be alienated, unable to get grant, unable to publish, possibly even unable to work.
The problem with Evidence-Based Medicine is that THERE IS NO EVIDENCE. People need to protect themselves from this evil and deadly agenda, and exercise responsibility for their own health. You simply must avoid medical doctors as much as possible, and especially if you're not sick. For those determined to head to the doctor's office anyway, people should do proper due diligence beforehand to investigate possibilities, alternatives, and consequences. Ignore badgering to get annual checkups. Not a shred of evidence has emerged to show that those who faithfully submit live any longer or are any healthier than those who avoid doctors. Understand that lab tests often do more harm than good, in part due to their notorious inaccuracy and also due to medical practitioners' inability to interpret accurate results properly. Become aware of the inherent dangers of polypharmacy. When visiting a doctor, ask questions. You always should be on your guard. Not passively, either. Your job is to make trouble. Subvert the system that will steal your dignity and maybe your life if you let it.
We haven't had a free medical market since 1912. We have existed inside of a medical monopoly and people are completely unaware of this. When it comes to a medical monopoly, everybody's fine with it. And the reason that we're fine with it is because of 100-plus year propaganda campaign generated by the pharmaceutical industry to make everybody who is practicing medicine that doesn't use drugs in surgery as a quack. The reason that people don't know about naturopathic medicine or look down on naturopathic medicine is because of 100-plus year propaganda campaign initiated by the pharmaceutical industry.
For many drugs—52% in a study conducted by the federal government's own Government Accountability Office (GAO) (formally called the General Accounting Office)—the substance's risks only become apparent after FDA approval. On the GAO's list of serious drug risks identified post-approval, were heart failure, myocardial infarction, anaphylaxis, respiratory depression and arrest, seizures, kidney and liver failure, severe blood disorders, birth defects and fetal toxicity, and blindness.
There are a variety of pathways to iatrogenic mortality, ranging from adverse drug reactions to negligent care (hospital bedsores, nursing home malnutrition) to unnecessary procedures and more. Then there are unnecessary surgeries and their sometimes fatal outcomes. Nine in ten surgeries are a waste of time, energy, money, and life. Many needless surgeries are being done on children. Patients are receiving 12 different drugs during an average hospital stay. But hospitals also pose chemical dangers to un-drugged patients. Even if you're not drugged to death or disability, there are other chemicals floating around that can make your hospital stay less than healthy. Poisonous solvents used in laboratories and cleaning facilities, flammable chemicals, and radioactive wastes all threaten you with contamination.
The most common surgical procedures—which include cataract surgery, Cesarean deliver, inguinal hernia operations, knee arthroscopy back surgery, and removal of anatomic structures (the tonsils, appendix, or uterus)—all are rife with iatrogenic risks. The list of iatrogenic complications from surgery is as long as the list of procedures themselves! Among the hair-raising possibilities are paralysis associated with catheterization and surgical equipment left inside patients. The latter is one of the more common acts of negligence. The range of items left inside patients' bodies includes sponges, scalpels, scissors, drain tips, needles, clamps, forceps, scopes, surgical masks and gloves, tubes, and measuring devices. These patients generally need to undergo another potentially risky procedure to remove the abandoned item(s)—that is, if the items are discovered in the first place. Also, wrong-site surgery, a subset of wrong-site, wrong-procedure, wrong-patient errors, patients who have undergone surgery on the wrong body part, undergone the incorrect procedure, or had a procedure intended for another patient.
A patient cured is a customer lost in the pharmaceutical medical model. And so, the pharmaceutical industry is hell-bent. The American Medical Association, the Food and Drug Administration, the Federal Trade Commission, are dead set against allowing anybody but the MDs into the medical marketplace. The only thing that they're concerned about is what the readings look like, what the objective laboratory discovery looks like. And then they prescribe a medicine, the intention of which is to suppress the symptom, not to cure the condition. Their wheelhouse is trauma care, surgery, when it's actually necessary. Military field medicine, the complications of childbirth, that's what they're really good at that. But for everything else, it's a race to the bottom.
We've been inside of a monopoly for over a hundred years. Just look around. The only medicine practiced in your hospital is MD medicine. The only medicine they make TV commercials about and TV shows about is MD-directed medicine. The only medicine they do research at your university is MD-directed medicine. The only medicine your insurance pays for is MD-directed medicine. Therefore, it's logical for an uneducated person or an unaware person to assume that the MDs are better at what they do than everybody else because the MDs are everywhere all the time. That's a logical assumption unless you add the data point of the hostile takeover of the medical marketplace in the early 1900s. So one of the reasons that people don't know about naturopathic medicine, the people think chiropractors are quacks, etc., is because of the 100-year propaganda campaign generated by the pharmaceutical industry. And then the corporate laws, it's a felony to practice naturopathic medicine in two states in the United States.
The only medicine that you can practice legally is MD-directed medicine. The only thing that can legally treat a disease in the United States corporation is a drug. And that's a giant problem because it's the legal system which precludes any other information about effective medical treatments that are non-drug being leveraged into the mainstream.
Your medical doctor may be the nicest person that God ever created, but the medicine that they are trained in, allopathic medicine, teaches its doctors to suppress symptomology. So the blood pressure is never cured, the asthma is never cured, the heartburn is never cured, the arthritis is never cured. The fibromyalgia is never cured, the depression is never cured. The anxiety and panic has never cured, etc., etc., etc. They're managed with drugs. This isn't "healthcare," it's "disease management." Medicine has always been hazardous to the majority of people.
Medical doctors throughout the ages embraced the wrong ideas. Your medical doctor brings the wrong set of tools to the table, and your medical doctor is not trained in how to know the origin of the disease process or how to cure it. And it's the medical doctor's fault that chronic disease is escalating. Cognitive dissidence, which is burned into the brains of a medical doctor, as medical doctors actually believe once they graduate through the meat grinder of the medical education, and the residency. "If I wasn't taught it in medical school, it's simply not valid."
Medical school does not select for thinkers, it selects for robots. Medical doctors almost always get more reward and recognition for intervening than for non-intervening. "First do no harm" has morphed into "First Do Something."
We have been programmed to trust medical doctors. For all our lives, we've been told stories that lead us to believe we can't heal ourselves, home remedies are ineffective, and plant medicines don't work. Doctors emerge from medical school with their heads so stuffed with institutionalized foolishness that there is no room left for common sense. Don't go into medicine if critical thinking is important to you.
How many movies have you seen where natural remedies are ridiculed?
How many news stories make heroes out of doctors?
How many sitcom scenes make fun of herbal medicines?
Modern medicine” may well be defined as “the experimental study of what happens when poisonous chemicals are placed into malnourished human bodies. In western medicine, chronic diseases are almost impossible to treat because doctors are not addressing the causes. Pharmaceutical medicines never treat the causes, only the symptoms. If we want to feel better, we need to be better by first addressing the causes of our illness.
The programming is intentional. They want to control you. They want you on lifetime prescriptions which generate eternal recurring revenue. Almost the majority of programming you see on TV is a coordinated propaganda effort to control your choices and behavior; lies to make you fear natural therapies. By the end of 2024, big Pharma’s spending on digital advertising is projected to be over $19 billion. How much money are they making if they can afford to spend $19 Billion on digital advertising alone?
MDs, practicing allopathic medicine, are trained in the reductionistic medical model, reductionistic, Newtonian philosophy, which argues if it can't be measured, it doesn't exist. So since nobody's dissected the soul from the human body, nor discovered it with an X-ray or an MRI, it doesn't exist. So, to an allopathic trained medical doctor, anything metaphysical is a fiction. So there's no spirit, there's no vital force, there's no indwelling spiritual intelligence in the human body. There's no such thing as God. There's no such thing as life after death, all of that is a fiction. Consciousness itself, according to an allopathically-trained medical doctor, is a function of biochemistry. And when somebody dies, it's light's out, game over.
While the medical doctors have been in charge of medicine for the last 110 years, more or less, chronic disease is escalating, Alzheimer's is escalating, autism is escalating, we're getting sicker, we're not getting healthier, and life expectancy is getting shorter. Obesity is through the roof. Allopathic medicine is a failed methodology. Numbers don't lie. While the MDs have been in exclusive control of the development and the delivery of medicine since 1912, we're getting sicker and chronic diseases escalating. But because of the monopoly, people think that that's just the way that life is. Oh, life sucks. And then you die. You're gonna get sick, you better have good medical insurance because it's only a matter of time. You're gonna need your drugs. You're gonna need the medical doctor, you're gonna need them.
The drug companies are behind a BIG push to make their treatments look good by “ghostwriting” studies. Here’s how this works:
First, drug companies pay other companies to write studies that make their drugs look effective.
Then, they find doctors who are willing to put their names on these fake studies in exchange for prestige.
Once these articles are published in top medical journals, other doctors believe the research is real and start prescribing these drugs.
It’s a vicious cycle, really, but this trick pushes doctors to recommend treatments based on false information. Which helps drug sales, but risks patient health. These treatments…while important, may not address the root causes of cancer or the overall well-being of the patient.
Johns Hopkins analyzed the medical death rate data over eight years and calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical errors in the U.S. Their findings were published on May 3, 2016, in the British Medical Journal. The actual medical errors are probably much higher.
Our health system has been weaponized since the Civil War. In the past five (5) years we have been mercilessly attacked by these shadowy commercial interests, headed by Bill Gates, III, who have been engaged in illegal war profiteering and genocide for profit. The men responsible are international criminals.
A distinction was made between private physicians and "medical doctors." Medical doctors were licensed to act as "uniformed officers" as shown in Federal Code Titles 8, 11, and 31. As such our doctors became conscripts under the control of the foreign British Territorial Corporation, and subject to its demands. A so-called "civilian military force" was born. This system was continued and expanded under the FDR Administration and the institutionalization of the American Medical Association (AMA). Our doctors, registered nurses, dentists, and other health professionals were thus subjected to the demands of foreign commercial corporations, and our health care was weaponized by and used to profit these corporations.
In plain terms, they've used our doctors, nurses, and dentists as soldiers for a long time, but we have been unaware of this and have continued to innocently view them as trusted and trustworthy health care professionals—when, as a group, they are not free to uphold their own professional standards and personal conscience.
As a group, the medical and health care professionals are civilians who have been press-ganged and forced into "civilian military service" by a process of licensure. If they don't obey, they lose their license, so they are forced to do what the evil corporations responsible for all this tell them to do. They are subject to an unseen conflict of interest, and because it is unseen, they have been forced to operate as clandestine mercenary soldiers without the public knowing any of this and without suspecting them of any conflict of interest.
This is how NATO engineered, caused, commanded, implemented, and executed a clandestine Act of War against civilian populations worldwide. In each country, the playbook was the same. Licensed medical professionals were given a choice—either inject and sell this shit, and get a nice kickback, or lose your license to practice medicine. The hospitals and hospital administrators were placed under a similar carrot v stick scenario by the same evil and out of control quasi-military "treaty" organization, operating in multiple countries at the same time. Remember that hospitals are "licensed," too.
True healing can NEVER come from medicines manufactured in a lab. Such pharmaceuticals can only treat your symptoms, but they don’t cure the root cause of your disease. They were made by design to keep you coming back for more, because the pharmaceutical industry can only thrive when people are sick. Antibiotic resistance is a growing concern, as bacteria evolve faster than new antibiotics can be developed.
In the early 20th century, John D. Rockefeller, a prominent industrialist and financier, orchestrated a calculated move to eliminate natural medicine and establish the pharmaceutical industry as we know it today. Rockefeller employed the “problem-reaction-solution” tactic creating a perceived crisis targeting natural practitioners. He created a campaign to spread fear and misinformation about the dangers of unregulated natural medicines. He worked to convince people that only “scientifically proven” pharmaceutical treatments were safe and effective. Through a combination of strategic manipulation, legislation, and financial backing, Rockefeller and his affiliates effectively wiped-out natural cures, and pushed for licensing laws for medical professionals.
Simultaneously, Rockefeller and his partners patented pharmaceutical drugs, positioning themselves to capitalize on the growing demand for “modern medicine.” By controlling the supply of patented medications, they ensured a lucrative market for them which would ultimately outlaw natural medicine and favor patented pharmaceutical products.
Medical malfeasance provides a clever strategy and alibi for the theft of family wealth. The mesmerizing spell that modern medicine seems to cast over so many people prevents most from grasping the significant financial ramifications of iatrogenic injuries and deaths for individuals, households, and society as a whole. In addition to generating weighty medical expenses, such events often deprive primary earners of their ability to work or their life. The premature death of male heads of households also leaves in the lurch surviving wives, who generally have a lower earnings history and intermittent careers because of caregiving, both for children and often for elders.
In the US, unpaid medical bills are the leading cause of bankruptcies, and suicide, directly causing 67% of them, with "medical problems that lead to work loss" accounting for 44% of the total. Medical debt adversely affects household finances in other ways, too, often resulting in lawsuits, wage and bank account garnishment and home liens. Medical debt outweighs all other forms of debt—credit card debt, personal loans, utilities and phone bills combined.
As of 2022, nearly one out of six (17%) adults with medical debt had to declare bankruptcy or lose their home because of it. Nearly a quarter of a million Americans per year turn to crowdfunding for help with medical bills, but research suggests that only 12% of campaigns reach their target, while an estimated 16% raise no funds at all. Medical need was a gigantic category on crowdfunding platforms. It's challenging to tease out the specific financial impact of the injuries, disabilities, and deaths caused by the COVID injections. Whereas 19% of US households were medically indebted in 2017, a 2021 survey found that more than a third of US adults (37%) were carrying medical debt, and 13% of those owed $20,000 or more. Five percent of Americans with medical debt owe more than $100,000.
The medical debt on credit scores in mid-2021, amounted to $88 billion, and more comprehensive estimates place collective medical debt in the US at $200 billion.
Picture a 60-year-old woman. She has one million dollars in a 401(k) and another million dollars in equity in her house that she shares with her husband. If Pharma can convince this woman to get a COVID shot every year, it has a chance to steal her entire net worth. The shot itself only generates about $100 revenue for Pharma. But soon thereafter, she develops an autoimmune disorder, myocarditis, or has a stroke. She's in and out of the hospital and sees an endless string of specialists who order hundreds of useless tests and prescribe a growing quantity of high-priced medicines.
She slowly gets worse and now additional chronic conditions develop (diabetes, cancer, and/or dementia). At first, her insurance covers some of the costs. Then the government picks up some costs. But as her health continues to deteriorate, the family spends down their savings. They cash out her 401(k) and then her husband's as well. Eventually, the husband sells the house to pay for more treatments that don't work. After a decade of illness she dies and the family says, "she received the best care." But now they are in debt with no assets.
Now, multiply this crime times the 270 million Americans and the 5.5 billion people around the world who got COVID shots and you start to realize the enormity of what we are up against. This is the largest crime in human history, it's ongoing and Pharma's goal is literally to steal the stored wealth of the entire industrialized world.
Many people and their children have been devastated and drained by health care failures and corruptions—and the most common catalyst for this devastation is vaccine death and injury—the disabilities and death inflicted on our children by the great poisoning. Proper navigational tools are essential for staying out of the medical pharmaceutical killing machine's crosshairs. Their financial successes depends on successful mitigation of all the risks—whether financial or non-financial—that they encounter in their daily lives. Non-financial risks can have a major impact on the allocation of family resources, including attention, time, assets, and money.
Today, Big Pharma’s grip on the healthcare system remains strong. The global healthcare industry is over 4 trillion dollars strong—annually. It is time to take back traditional medicinal knowledge and make it our own.
The prevailing medical view of autoimmune diseases is that the immune system attacks healthy cells and organs for no good reason. This attack results in local or generalized inflammations that cause the most damage. Therefore, the usual medical treatment aims to suppress inflammations and the immune system. Commonly, corticosteroids are prescribed in addition to other anti-inflammatory drugs, none of which are beneficial or get to the root of the problem. The key phrase here is "for no good reason." There is always a good reason, and the basic one is when supposedly healthy cells are no longer recognized as healthy cells because they are altered, polluted, or contaminated by one or more of thousands of toxins flooding our biosphere and, thus, our bodies.
Isn’t it amazing how the anti-gun Left goes totally insane over one shooting in a hospital that kills 4 people, but they completely ignore 1,000 abortions a day and over 45 million Earthlings now killed by COVID vaccines? Yes, there is violence in hospitals, and nearly all that violence is committed by doctors themselves. One of the problems with our culture is our belief that Allopathic medicine is the King of medicine. If a treatment isn’t advocated by an MD, it is just not valid. But MDs are not Kings. Their profession doesn’t even come close to being able to help us with our most basic health problems. Yet, we worship at its altar none-the-less.
The difference between allopathic medicine and naturopathic medicine, the anatomy and the physiology, and the pathophysiology, and the diagnostic procedures, all of that is the same in the education of a naturopathic doctor or an allopathic doctor. Where naturopathic doctors differ is in the understanding of how the human body works and the application of therapeutics. Medical doctors are trained to manage the illness. It’s an oppositional defiant medicine. Medical doctors are trained to give an antibiotic, an anti-depressant, an anti-inflammatory. They attempt to removed the problem with surgery.
Naturopathic doctors are taught to address the cause of the condition. And this is a gigantic difference. So, when we see somebody with an illness, rather than just medicate and manage the symptoms, we will attempt to uncover the root cause of the problem, fix it, and allow the body to heal itself. And this is the fundamental difference, that medical doctors, allopathic physicians do not practice healthcare. They practice disease management. If they practice healthcare, we would be getting healthier under their care, but we’re not.
A report has found that nearly six in 10 doctors in the United States received payments from Big Pharma firms between 2013 and 2022. This is according to a study done by researchers at Pennsylvania State University, which found that around 57% of doctors collectively received approximately $12.1 billion from medical device manufacturers and pharmaceutical drug makers between 2013 and 2022.
Most MDs are arrogant and pompous. Instead of recognizing their limitations, and moving on, allopaths dismiss everything they have had no training in as irrelevant, foolish, or imaginary. To allopaths—God, clinical nutrition, homeopathy, acupuncture, energy or frequency medicine, poetry, religion, spirituality, human relations, emotion, philosophy, art, music, psychic phenomena, and hundreds of other subjects, are all nonsense and irrelevant, because they do not fit comfortably into their cyclopean, left-brained, reductionistic world view of Life as a Measurable Machine.
Medical doctors use genetics as a scapegoat, as a stalking horse, as a red herring in order to conceal their inadequacies clinically. Because most people, when they hear the word genetic, they kind of cower in intellectual inferiority. Oh, it’s genetic. Next time a medical professional tells you that your condition is genetic. Take a breath and pause. Put your finger to your chin and say, "really doctor that’s fascinating, it’s genetic. Okay, so which gene on which chromosome is the problem? I’d like to know. Where is the problem specifically?"
Of course, they won’t be able to tell you this because it’s not genetic. They assume that it’s genetic because they have no clue as to the operative cause of illness in the human body, they don’t. They have no idea what to do, what causes things. So, they will convince you if you have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, that the only thing to do is to take a drug to suppress your immune system. Because your immune system’s gone wonky, it’s gone haywire. We don’t know why. It must be genetic.
It can’t be the doctor’s fault, it must be Your fault. You have the bad gene. It can’t be the doctor’s misunderstanding of simple medical concepts of pathophysiology, it’s your fault. Or "It was your father’s fault, or your mother’s fault, or a combination of the two. It’s genetic. Shut up, get in line and take the drugs. The drugs intend to suppress your immune system."
Now, does this sound like a smart thing to do? No. That’s what people who were diagnosed with AIDS, using the same fake PCR test, ostensibly died from is suppressed immune system. Was it the AIDS drug AZT that suppressed the immune system. Was it the amyl nitrite poppers that the gay population was using to have an increased sexual experience. That would have suppressed their immune system.
You can in fact suppress the immune system, and they know how to do that with pharmaceuticals. But that does not get to the root cause of the disease, and it’s juvenile. But it’s reality by consensus, inside of the medical monopoly. And once 100 medical doctors say it so, well it must be so. And this is the situation that we find ourselves in, and it’s bad.
There's very few medical doctors that are independent anymore. Most medical doctors work for groups, and it's the group that says what goes and if you don't follow the rules of the group that you're associated with, you get fired, you lose your paycheck. Some medical doctors are speaking up, but not enough. It's has a lot to do with cognitive dissonance. "If I was taught it in medical school, it has to be true. Everything else is quackery. Even when it fails, it's got to be true."
Everyone has been surprised by the use of atypical "uniformed conscripted officers" firing a completely different kind of "shot" during the recent pandemic. As you can see, by consulting Federal Titles 8, 11, and 31, licensed medical personnel are considered to be "uniformed officers" and are armed and dangerous, as any naval commander in a pinch.
They didn't use our actual (mercenary) soldiers against us, probably because they tested the waters and discovered that the majority of our own wouldn't fight against their own people. With the other species of "Uniformed Officers," who don't even know that they are "Uniformed Officers," and didn't suspect that they were being used to kill themselves, their friends, their family, and their neighbors, the venomous lizards faced no such moral obstacles. They could simply lie, call it a "vaccine" and everyone, including their atypical "soldiers," would accept it and go along, especially if they added a little incentive payola on the side, which they did. That's also why they have imported all these foreign mercenaries to do their dirty work via the Southern Border circus. Our own soldiers wouldn't do it to us.

The MD Emperor Has No Clothes: Everybody Is Sick and I Know Why Paperback – September 18, 2012
by Peter Glidden

Everybody Is Sick, And I Know Why
December 21, 2018
by Peter Glidden

Your Drug May Be Your Problem
July 10, 2007
by Peter Bregginhttps://www.amazon.com/Your-Drug-May-Problem-Revised/dp/0738210986/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&sr=1-1

Our Vision
At Tuberose Healing, our mission is to provide holistic healing and wellness services to enhance the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of our clients.
And to correct the intentional misrepresentation of information dispensed by the Mockingbird Media.
We believe in the power of natural therapies and their ability to promote self-healing and balance. We are dedicated to creating a nurturing and supportive environment where clients can feel safe and comfortable throughout their healing experience.
Whether it’s through sound therapy, massage, infrared light therapy, live blood microscopy, musculoskeletal treatments, diet and nutrition counselling, or essential oil treatments, we tailor our services to meet the unique needs of each individual.
We are committed to empowering our clients to take charge of their health and well-being, and we strive to inspire and educate them on sustainable self-care practices.
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