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Hydrogen Medicine is a revolution that is going to sweep across the world of medicine as well as the anti-aging community. The administration of hydrogen along side of oxygen will be a turning point for patients and the practice of medicine. The longer one wants to live, the more one supplements these primary gases. The most powerful healing/medical/anti-aging device in the world is a hydrogen oxygen inhaler.
In Hydrogen Medicine, we flood the body with the three primary gases—hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide—as a first course of action in all dire medical situations. The same goes for any chronic or acute condition like the flu. From acute illnesses such as ischemia–reperfusion injury, and shock to chronic illnesses such as metabolic syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and neuro-degenerative diseases a hydrogen-led protocol is what doctors want to have knowledge of. Researchers report hydrogen is useful for acute myocardial infarction, cardiopulmonary arrest syndrome, sepsis, contrast‐induced acute kidney injury, and hemorrhagic shock.
Hydrogen will help anyone stay alive longer, no matter what their situation. Hydrogen Medicine will be a true turning point for patients and the practice of medicine. What will be established will stand the test of time, a pillar of truth centered on the three essential gases. It is an exciting moment for me and for the world of medicine that will benefit tremendously from hydrogen. In a thousand years we will still see hydrogen running the sun as well as it being established as the primordial gas of medicine.
Want to live longer? Recover from late stage cancer? Recover from neurological diseases? Need heavy-duty healing power? Need to recover from a dark hole of suffering? Mix hydrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide together to gain command of life. All you need is a hydrogen inhaler that outputs both oxygen and hydrogen while it makes your hydrogen water. What was not possible before in medicine is now possible with a hydrogen inhaler.
Treating cancer with hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide is an approach that treats the fundamental reasons cancer cells form and get aggressive in the first place. Cancer should be treated not like a genetic disease it is not, and more like a metabolic disease that it is. The sicker a person is more they will experience the benefits of hydrogen. This is because hydrogen can be flooded into the body to put out the worst flames of inflammation and oxidative stress.
A hydrogen machine is the most important purchase one can make in medicine for one’s health. Hydrogen is the ultimate warrior against death and disease. Need to recover from a dark hole of suffering? Mix hydrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide together to regain command of life.
One hydrogen inhaler will serve an entire family. Maximum use is around 4 hours a day for bringing people back from the edge of life. Two hours a day will keep you young, for almost ever, but when facing death, we just turn on and leave the gases running until some signs of recovery begin to take place. There is no real limit to how much hydrogen one can inhale or drink.
The concept behind the AquaCure device is simple and profound. The function of the AquaCure is to generate something that has historically been called "Brown's Gas," named after its original promoter. Brown’s Gas contains molecular hydrogen, historically used for a variety of uses, including to fuel blow torches. Molecular hydrogen is our main nutrient, comprising about 62% of our molecules.
Molecular hydrogen is formed in our large intestine through the work of our gut microbes digesting hydrocarbons in foodstuffs. Because of the dramatic impoverishment of our gut flora in the past 100 years, most of us are unable to generate adequate molecular hydrogen, which means we are not able to repair our tissues.
The result is illness and disease. In other words, as I have so often pointed out, we don't actually suffer from a particular "disease"; rather, we are starved or poisoned when we are sick. Molecular hydrogen, arguably, is our most important nutrient, and its deficiency leads to virtually all of the "diseases" modern people experience.
The AquaCure device is easy to use, easy to maintain and is a valuable addition to the growing natural-health, water-based therapies.
Hydrogen helps protect us from the cellular damage caused by increasing radiation chemical and heavy metal exposure. It will also offer protection from excess oxidative stress and inflammation. Doctors and everyone must understand that we flood the body with hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide as a first course of action. Forging a holy alliance of the prime gases of life will get you everywhere in terms of healing.
Modern medicine is in the Stone Age in terms of utilizing the sacred gases of life. Hydrogen makes oxygen safer for several reasons. First, we need less oxygen for healing when hydrogen is present, and that is illustrated by the fact that at 2000 feet below sea level, divers breathe up to 96%hydrogen and only 4% oxygen. Also, hydrogen puts out the oxidative fires inherent in the body’s use of oxygen. Hydrogen turns the nastiest free radicals into water. Hydrogen should be placed at the center of modern medical practice.
In critical situations, oxygen is always administered. However, while it’s generally safe, Oxygen Therapy carries with it the risk of complications that in rare instances can be life-threatening and/or result in permanent or long-term disability.
According to Canadian research, oxygen is given to millions of patients worldwide every day, but too much of it can be harmful. Published in April 2018 in The Lancet, the evidence presented shows supplemental oxygen when given liberally to acutely ill patients increases the risk of death in people with sepsis, stroke, and cardiac arrest, as well as those with trauma or requiring emergency surgery. This would not be the case at all if hydrogen was mixed with oxygen and CO2.
Hydrogen brings magic to oxygen. CO2 makes oxygen safer, but hydrogen adds a medical quality of action that oxygen does not yield alone. Hydrogen should be delivered in every medical situation that calls for oxygen administration. In the future, if Western medicine ever comes to its senses, oxygen will never be given without hydrogen, just like oxygen cannot be administered without CO2. Pure oxygen is deadly. In those oxygen cylinders found in hospitals, at least 10 percent must be CO2, or you will kill the patient.
One of the best things about hydrogen is dosage is unlimited. Maximum dose 24/7 if the need is dire. 2 hours a day for maximum benefit through the years for anti-aging effects. My suggestion is for those suffering from chronic disease to sleep all night on hydrogen and oxygen gas. As much as doctors give oxygen, they can provide hydrogen, meaning it can be 24/7 if the need is desperate. All ICU and emergency units should have hydrogen and oxygen capacities. Ambulances too!
For private home use a hydrogen and oxygen gas machine is probably the first piece of medical equipment that one should allocate one’s financial resources towards for it offers the most fundamental treatment for almost all disease conditions. It is not a cure-all and should be used in the context of a full protocol with special attention paid to increasing CO2 levels through the use of sodium, magnesium, and potassium bicarbonates and slow breathing.
Cancer Pain Relief and Tumor Inhibition: Inhalation of hydrogen and oxygen mixture improves cancer pain, sleep apnea, quality of life, and reduces chemotherapy side effects.
Antioxidant Properties in Healthcare: Hydrogen’s small molecular size enables it to prevent liver cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, osteoporosis, and atherosclerosis.
Enhanced Sleep Quality: Inhaling hydrogen and oxygen mixture balances nervous system activity, alleviates stress, and significantly improves insomnia.
Effective for Allergic Rhinitis: Hydrogen and oxygen inhalation swiftly relieves symptoms like nasal itching, sneezing, and secretions in allergic rhinitis patients.
Respiratory Disease Symptom Improvement: Hydrogen-oxygen mixture reduces symptoms like cough, sputum, and dyspnea, lowering hospitalization days and enhancing blood oxygen saturation.
Selective Antioxidant Effect: Hydrogen selectively scavenges harmful hydroxyl radicals, offering potent antioxidant benefits.
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Hydrogen appears in the top left corner of the periodic table, and is denoted as number one. Hydrogen is the smallest, simplest, and most fundamental element with molecular hydrogen (H2), the smallest molecule.
Hydrogen is extremely unique since it has the capability to act at the cellular level. Hydrogen is qualified to cross the blood brain barrier, to enter the mitochondria, the power-plants of our cells, and even has the ability to translocate to the nucleus under certain conditions. Once in these ideal locations of the cell, hydrogen exerts antioxidant, anti-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory, and cell-protective properties, beneficial to cells.
Consumption of hydrogen reduces oxidative stress in a diverse range of disorders and organ systems, including the digestive, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Water is essential to life. Water is formed by the combination of oxygen (a powerful oxidizer) and hydrogen (a powerful reducer). Like water, molecular hydrogen has high-powered therapeutic potential.
There is no toxicity to H2 because the byproduct of the free-radical neutralizing reaction is water. Each molecule of H2 will neutralize 2 hydroxyl radicals into two molecules of H2O, hydrating the cells in the process. Hydrogen water at a concentration of 1.6 mg/L has more “antioxidant” molecules than 100 mg of vitamin C, as there are more total molecules in 1.6 mg of hydrogen, compared to 100 mg of vitamin C.
Hydrogen powers the sun’s fusion, and is the key to ATP production within the mitochondria, and it is the father of all other elements. Hydrogen, along with oxygen, has been intrinsically involved with evolution of life in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes (e.g. hydrogenases, hydrogenosomes, mitochondria, etc.). The extremes of oxygen and hydrogen provide balance between oxidation and reduction, which are vital to life.
The most important and basic thing to know about molecular hydrogen is that it negates the toxicity of oxygen.
Hydrogen in the body is mostly bound to carbon, oxygen and nitrogen. It is part of almost every molecule in your body: DNA, proteins, sugars, fats. The hydrogen bond – which forms between atoms that “share” a hydrogen atom, is one of the most important interactions that makes biological molecules behave as they do. Thus, hydrogen is an important factor in the regulation of physiology.
Molecular Hydrogen is an ideal antioxidant molecule for oxidative stress in the mitochondria, due to its small size. It is one of the very few, if not the only antioxidant molecules that can reach the inside of the mitochondria.
H2 directly protects mitochondria that are exposed to reactive oxygen species. Drinking hydrogen-dissolved water improves the pathology of mitochondrial disorders. Drinking H2-water stimulates energy metabolism as measured by O2 consumption and CO2 production.
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