WARNING: This website contains facts and opinions some may find offensive...


The U.S. government has a long history of deploying bio- and chemical weapons on its citizens.

In 1100 A.D. England was a major wine producer, in competition with France and Spain. This is because the climate was significantly warmer than it is today, making England as sunny and fertile as the Loire Valley and Champagne. Let that fact sink in. That was only 900 years ago, give or take a few, not the Pleistocene.

Then, think—how much warmer would England have to be, to grow wine grapes again? And the answer is—a lot warmer. Not just a degree or two. Ten degrees higher average temperature for champagne grapes, fifteen degrees higher for red wine grapes. More sun, more heat, more carbon dioxide, more everything—a lot more, is required for England to be a competitive wine producer.

Yet, we know that during the reign of Eleanor of Aquitaine (1137-1204) England was growing grapes and producing wine and exporting it with gusto. "Port wine," though now primarily the product of Portugal, was developed in England, and before rum, was the favorite beverage of the British Fleet. So why the hysteria over melting ice and higher average temperatures? It has obviously happened before, and probably many times.

Why the ridiculous attempt to vilify carbon dioxide, the primary gas that is the basis for the whole process of photosynthesis—and life on this planet? Carbon dioxide isn't a pollutant. It's a natural and necessary component of the biosphere. Without carbon dioxide, and plenty of it, we all die. We need to stop this insanity before we are all barking mad.

Any excess of carbon dioxide gets turned into more plant growth and such beneficial structures as coral reefs. And that leads to more oxygen and more life. We are supposed to be afraid of—and fight against—that outcome? Sadly, it does not take rocket science to discern what this preposterous war against CO2 is aimed at—a new basis for taxation and guilt—and more coercive power for governments. An invisible gas, like an invisible God, is being used to frighten people and make them feel guilty, so that they are willing to punish themselves and pay taxes to make amends.

The Liars who have been lying for 300-plus years, are still lying. So, don't be surprised that their bought-and-paid-for media moguls are trying to spread the lie that only 213 bodies have been found as a result of Hurricane Helene, when just one (1) contingent of search and rescue helicopters in one day in North Carolina transferred 357 bodies. There are thousands of bodies. Estimated at 250,000 dead at the beginning of this travesty, and we have no reason to decrease our estimate. So, if you have been lulled into complacency and think, ho, hum, it's just another storm..... Helene was not just a storm. It was an attack using weather warfare technologies that are well-known. And it is now an ecological disaster of unimaginable proportions.


It will take years of hard work and pollution remediation to salvage the damaged land and save the people. It will take actions by millions of Americans over a long period of time. And it will take courage, because we are facing ruthless European and Chinese business interests. Those interests have already tried to use FEMA as their bully boy and failed, so next they expanded "use of force directives" to legalize the use of former DOD personnel as a mercenary army against the people in the disaster area. We caught them at it both times and squelched both initiatives, but perhaps more interesting, is the way that the British Territorial U.S. Congress, Inc., has bought the services of these defunct "federal" Agencies, simply by extending their funding for three months beyond the end of the UNITED STATES Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.

So which members of the British Territorial U.S. Congress, Inc., voted for this additional service contract? Those people are guilty of genocide and purposefully planned to use these former Federal Employees as cheap mercenaries to create this disaster and make it worse. That service contract which started October 1 facilitated: (1) cloud seeding of Helene; (2) guidance of Helene into the heart of Appalachia; (3) FEMA's interference and obstruction of search and rescue; (4) everything that has happened since. Except that they are working for the British Territorial U.S. Government, Inc., there is nothing "federally connected" to these former Agencies or their personnel.

Lucky for us all, that the Supreme Court of the United States recently removed the fangs of all Federal Agencies in two recent landmark decisions that underscore a third Supreme Court decision from more than a century ago: Norton v. Shelby County (1896). So, despite appearances, these agencies—DOD, FEMA, BATF, etc., are no longer "federal" in any sense. They are private mercenary free-agents that have been employed by the British Territorial U.S. Government, Inc. (another corporation) to create this disaster, and make the impact of it worse.

And all those poor people streaming in through the Southern Border? Many of them have been hired to clean up the Mess, and are standing in polluted mud and silt digging for whatever they can find. Why? Because they are anonymous. When they get sick and die from exposure to radiation and poisonous chemicals and the filth from thousands of dead people and animals, they don't exist. They are being used to clean up the mess because they are expendable and anonymous. When they die, they are just more "unidentified" victims of the flood.

The members of the U.S. Territorial Congress are guilty of this genocide and deliberate murder, too. These people wouldn't even be in this country to act as slaves and cheap mercenaries, if not for the British Territorial U.S. Congress. Bill Gates gave the Chinese 60,000 surveillance satellites as protection money for his agendas, among other gifts and emoluments. Those satellites and land-based broadcast emitters were used to plunk a Hurricane in the middle of Appalachia. And now, China is preparing for war: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/chinese-communist-leader-xi-jinping-orders-military-prepare/

China sees that Gates is a madman, and they are complicit in his scheme to "depopulate" our Blue Ridge Mountains and raze them for the rich silicon and lithium and Rare Earth minerals they contain. They figure it's just a matter of time until we deal with our traitors and come for them. Other countries are taking legal action: https://www.pennymarie.nz/p/breaking-news-bill-gates-loses-lawsuit?utm_campaign=post&triedRedirect=true

The members of the British Territorial U.S. Congress, Inc., who colluded with Gates to create the so-called COVID 19—Great Reset, are just as guilty as he is, and they enjoy no state immunity or diplomatic immunity, as they are working for a British Territorial Corporation—not an actual government at all.

There is virtually NO NATURAL WEATHER, due to the massive global climate engineering. The very essentials needed to sustain life on earth are being recklessly destroyed by these programs. Climate engineering is now already causing massive animal and plant die off around the world, as well as human illness. There is actual footage showing tankers spraying. The materials showing up on the ground are exactly the same materials mentioned in the numerous geoengineering patents and documents. Visit geoengineering.org for a list of these government patents and documents.

Our skies today are simply not normal. Upon examination this cannot be denied. They are filled with nanoparticulates of heavy metals. But the skies have been filled with grid patterns for so long now that we are used to them and do not see them anymore. Sadly, the fact is, people do not look up.

What we are seeing is not cloud seeding to increase rainfall. These particulates are designed to block the sun and move the jet stream. Dane Wigington explains how this is causing the drought and deluge being experienced around the globe.

Our atmosphere is nothing but a massive physics lab to geoengineering scientists who have no concern whatsoever about the consequences to humanity or any living thing, including themselves. The experiments are literally tearing the planet apart and destroying life on earth.

Dane Wigington reports, among other things, on:

• Geoengineering related climate disruptions, extreme drought and deluge
• Ozone depletion
• Methane release
• Drastic reduction in arctic sea ice
• Global oxygen content reductions
• Oceans on the brink of collapse
• Massive fish die offs
• 200 species becoming extinct every single day
• A drastic rise in Autism, Alzheimer’s, and Dementia
• Crisis level forest reductions
• The sterilization of soils making it impossible for plants to grow without Monsanto’s aluminum resistant seeds

Dane Wigington presents hard data which reveals what these catastrophic programs have done to our planet to date and what they will do if they are allowed to continue. Please take the time to watch this video, follow up with some investigation of your own on our site — geoengineeringwatch.org, and share this information far and wide.

Global climate engineering operations are the most massive untold story of all. How are such obvious and extensive operations kept from public awareness? How toxic are the climate engineering elements that are being dispersed into our skies? How can the illegal climate intervention operations be fully exposed and halted? You wouldn't believe...

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count.

In North Carolina, It's a far larger disaster than you are hearing about. Far, far, far larger than anybody has any idea of, who isn't in the middle of it, or who is depending on mainstream news, because they're still trying to tell people that it's only a couple of hundred dead. We've been flying three, four, five times more bodies than that daily. And that doesn't count all of the on the ground efforts that are being made or the sea rescues that are being made.

So you're looking at entire towns being uprooted. The houses just washed downstream, and nothing but rubble left behind. Septic tanks being kind of just pulled out of the ground, and tumbled on down the the river. And then we have a suspicious amount of industrial spillage of very dangerous chemicals. We have all the dead animals. Anyone who's ever been in a flood can tell you that when you have a lot of dead farm animals and livestock; it's a tremendous pollution problem in the water. And it takes months, basically, for the water to run clear again, after something like that. And then we've had all of the dead people adding to that biological nightmare.

And on top of that, a whole bunch of nuclear waste got dumped. And there are pernicious rumors of radioactive waste in these rivers that are still going back down to some sort of new pattern and new floodplain. And people and animals are getting sick from being around the rivers and the water sources. Which is just is more disruption, and more tragedy. And it makes it very difficult when your trained cadaver dogs are dying from what appears to be radiation sickness.

Helene hit just as the season changed. And of course, in the higher elevations, the season changes faster. And within the week of the major storm, you started getting closer and closer to freezing temperatures in the higher elevations of the mountains. So it very rapidly shifted from summer and early fall conditions, to late fall conditions.

Do not to take the bait when Uncle Sam offers you a cheap little grant. They give you the idea that it's a grant, but it's really a payment, an insurance payment to pay off and settle any claims you have against the government. Teri Well, a lot of people were reporting the $750 check granted them rights to their land and house. They offer you this little bit of money when you're absolutely desperate, right? And then they hold you to a contract that's never actually stated. And they did that in Lahaina too.

It's time to bust their chops. It's time to expose them for the criminals they are. The evil doing, the war mongering, the false flag attacks on their own people, the use of mercenaries. The complete snow job in the controlled media. All of it is so ugly. It's so unconscionable in terms of the contracts. It's so evil. It's just plain evil. It is absolute 100% evil, criminal, and has nothing to do with politics. It's all crime, all for-profit, foreign corporations.

Generally speaking, the attorney general, the governor and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in the State are the ones that you report things like treason, piracy, unlawful conversion, those sorts of things, you have to report to them, which can seem very scary and be very anti-intuitive, because they're the ones that are causing a lot of the trouble, and so people don't want to have anything to do with them. But you have to report the crime. If you don't, then you become an accomplice to it. And then you have misprision of treason charges against you, simply because you knew, and you did nothing. You have an obligation. And if you don't act upon that, you get in trouble. You become painted with the same brush.