WARNING: This website contains facts and opinions some may find offensive...
Dancing on the Graves of the Dead Children
This was published on the FDA’s website! https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download
From October 2020, showing a working list of 22 highlighted potential side effect outcomes of the then upcoming COVID-19 shots, including death and myocarditis.
We did not have a Pandemic, we had a Genocide...
The intent of this page is to present enough evidence to stir people to think critically, to question what we all have been lied to by people we trusted on matters of great importance, and we have not been told about the COVID shots and the "whys" behind what has been done and what has happened. This information connects many dots where many may not have seen connections before. How and why we have been massively betrayed. The most frequent question is "Why haven't we been told this before?"
Some of this information might be quite disturbing and difficult to accept for those who have trusted the government, Big Pharma, the major media, and others in the medical industrial complex to tell them the truth about matters that literally involve life or death. We have all been deceived and betrayed on such important matters. The truth about these issues may be a "difficult pill to swallow." But the consequences of being unaware or deceived are even more challenging. This information is not an allegation, it is an accusation.
The death toll worldwide from Mike Pompeo's "live exercise" stands at nearly 31 million souls. More Americans Died Due to COVID 19 Injections than in WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam War Combined. There isn't a single word about health in The Constitution of the United States of America, nor is there any authorization allowing any Successor to redelegate any administrative or delegated powers to the United Nations or any foreign commercial or municipal corporation whatsoever.
It is beyond any shadow of a doubt that the COVID vaccines are causing large numbers of deaths. We're seeing sudden death now on a massive scale in younger people. If a healthy person dies and there's no antecedent disease, it's the vaccine until proven otherwise. Until proven otherwise, it is likely that COVID mRNA vaccines played a significant or primary role in all unexplained heart attacks, strokes, cardiac arrhythmias, and heart failure since 2021.
How can a vaccine be said to be "safe and effective" over the long term with only a few months of clinical trial data and NO long-term studies? If you believe that the COVID vaccines are safe, even without any data or knowledge of long-term effects, what scientific evidence is your belief based on? How many more 'coincidences' will people accept of many relatively healthy people dropping dead for no apparent reason very soon after receiving a COVID shot?
COVID was only the test run. Fortunately, we survived their first attempted onslaught, but now we must heal our bodies and prepare for what the whole sick, ugly, disgusting, useless, self-important, fake-science, for-profit "medical" industrial complex have planned next. These "public servants" need to be whipped in public, or worse. They need their faces plastered in every post office. Everyone needs to know and recognize who these feckless criminals are.
The so-called pandemic was a military operation, foisted upon us by NATO and other unelected and unauthorized officials and organizations, operating in Breach of Trust. It was, in fact, a military operation and illegal Act of War by NATO against civilian populations worldwide. This is a collusive and criminal take over by bureaucrats and private corporate interests, very similar to what happened in France just prior to the French Revolution, and deriving from the same cause: crooked banks and crooked bureaucrats working together to usurp upon the lawful government and misappropriate funds belonging to that government. We are faced with exactly the same situation, and not only here in America, but throughout the Western World.
We have all been lied to and deceived about "all things COVID" from the very beginning. We have been massively betrayed by those we trusted to look out for our best interests. Healthcare professionals have been unconscionably forced into a position between the proverbial rock and a hard place. They have been forced to make choices between submitting to the will of the "powers that be" and violating their Hippocratic Oath in order to keep their jobs, or standing up to a corrupt system and risk losing their jobs, their reputations, and their credentials. Some never even questioned whether what they were directed to do was right or wrong.
We were told that vaccines, and only vaccines, could end the COVID-19 plandemic, but they did not. We were told that they were 95% safe and effective in preventing COVID-19, but they have not been. We were told that there would be no vaccine mandates, but there were. We were told that the spike protein from the shots stays around the injection site, but we now know that it spreads diffusely through the body. Pfizer documents that have been released show that the manufacturers and the government knew this, but chose to tell the public otherwise. Doctors were left to discover these and other facts on their own. There are many such representations made to the public that turned out not to be true, and many statements and perceptions that do not match reality or make sense in this whole situation.
Everything was a lie from the beginning. The asymptomatic people don’t transmit. Kids were not harbingers of the disease. Lockdowns were a farce. Masks don’t work. If you want to destroy your immune system, take a COVID-19 vaccine. It will destroy your immune system. It distributes widely in your body. It can’t be broken down because it’s a genetically modified RNA. There are contaminants, process related impurities, contaminants for most people, that they haven’t gotten out of the vaccines. The design of the vaccines is inherently flawed and they are capable of distributing their contaminants and impurities to the brain, ovaries, testes and bone marrow.
The evidence will show that the government and manufacturers' own data and documents tell a very different story than they have been telling the public (and health care community) about the safety and effectiveness of the shots. Evidence from the manufacturers, the regulatory agencies and other sources, sheds important light on the whole process by which these COVID shots came about. That evidence has serious implications especially concerning the safety of the shots, as well as the trustworthiness of the entire medical industrial complex.
A close time proximity of a reaction to the time of injection makes causality much more likely. The sheer numbers of adverse events all occurring so soon after vaccination is also strong evidence of a causal link. The fact that Pfizer had to hire at least 1,800 more full-time employees just to handle AE reports starting in the 1st quarter 2021, very shortly after the vaccine rollout is more strong evidence of causation.
It's time to outlaw corporations. Their lack of accountability and the veil of bankruptcy protection at public expense has only led to great criminality and corruption. The world survived in relative peace for centuries before the advent of incorporated entities and rigged stock exchanges. Sometimes progress isn't progress. Sometimes we need to go back and correct our mistakes. And hold people and organizations accountable for their misdeeds. Even without an obvious and overt "World War III," over 31 million "excess deaths" have already occurred as a direct result of illegal corporate profiteering on the part of the for-profit Health Sector industry.
The "leaders" we have been trusting and following to our detriment, shame, and demise aren't worth spitting on. The criminals wasting our assets and spending our credit are what they are. Countless people will never be born and others will never know the joy of children because these monsters have polluted the human genome. World War III wasn't happening in time to save the bottom lines of the "defense" contractors, so they created another way to open up another kind of "war," veiled in deceit—and found a way to make money by killing millions of people anyway.
Both Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci are criminals, men who are sociopaths bent on murder for profit, men who have committed these crimes willingly and knowingly, and who are violent criminals engaged in murder for profit, torture for profit, human trafficking for profit, and unlawful conversion for profit.
They must be arrested and prosecuted them all to the fullest extent of the Law. They and their corporations must be prosecuted for what they have sponsored and done; the corporations must be dismembered and the men responsible for these corporate crimes need to be hanged in public, as a deterrent to any similar corporate criminals in the future.
In 1947, John D. Rockefeller Jr. donated a check in the amount of 8.5 million US dollars to the UN to purchase a plot of land in New York City on which its headquarters were then built. The UN 2030 Agenda, proclaimed at the 2015 United Nations summit in New York, is a global future contract which national governments are expected to adhere. This agenda includes 17 so-called sustainability goals that look good on the surface. A closer look reveals the same actors who want nothing less than full control over the earth’s resources—a single centralized world government and the enslavement of all human beings on earth.
Under the guise of the WHO, its masterminds do not shy away from crime in order to assert their claim to global supremacy and further promote their agenda of population control. The World Health Organization (WHO) is an organized-crime, racketeering entity, set up to give itself, first, absolute immunity and then, execute its plans to make sure it controls who lives, who dies and who gets any chance at life. Let us take a look at the basis on which the WHO works: the Constitution.
The criminal trail in the WHO Constitution:
Article V – Section 13 WHO-Basic Documents states the following:
“Representatives of members… shall… enjoy… Immunity from personal arrest or detention and from seizure of their personal baggage, and in respect of words spoken or written and all acts done by them in their official capacity, immunity from legal process of every kind.” At its formation in 1947, when the WHO was funded and founded, it was funded and founded by people intent to commit a crime, because of their own language.
Section 13 of Article 5 ends with the following statement: ‘Immunity from personal arrest or detention, blah, blah, blah, immunity from legal process of every kind.’ If you didn’t intend to commit a crime, why would would you need to give yourself permanent and absolute immunity from every form of prosecution—and it’s worse: even investigation for prosecution of every kind?
The vaccinated became part of a monstrous human experiment carried out worldwide by the power elite. The World Health Organization played a crucial role—if not the most crucial role. There would be no pandemic without the WHO. On March 11, 2020, the WHO officially declared suspected coronavirus infections to be a global pandemic. Politically imposed measures such as lockdowns, compulsory masking and vaccinations, compulsory testing, etc. led to a massive disruption in public life and the economy. It led to widespread breaches of the law. Those who criticized the measures were ostracized. Psychological damage impacted children and young people. Health damage increased sharply, not least because of the mass COVID injections worldwide.
Since 2000 alone, the Rockefeller Foundation has regularly donated more than 25.6 million US dollars to the WHO. The Rockefeller Foundation website states the following:
“The Rockefeller Foundation-World Health Organization collaboration goes back to the beginnings of the World Health Organization. In January 2022, the Rockefeller Foundation was admitted as a non-State actor in official relations of the World Health Organization.” The key pioneer of the WHO, John D. Rockefeller III, was a convinced eugenicist [eugenicists work to curb so-called “inferior parts of the population”, e.g. through forced sterilization].
John D. Rockefeller III founded the Population Council in 1952. The latter is officially committed worldwide to birth control, family planning and population control [population policy measures to reduce population growth]. But what is hidden behind this perfectly reasonable-sounding name? The “eugenic feminist” Margaret Sanger was a close confidant of the Rockefeller family and she says it clearly. As a result of eugenics programs, more than 64,000 people were forcibly sterilized in the USA between 1907 and 1963, mainly in psychiatric wards. In the post-war period, the eugenics movement went underground because of its bad image. However, the ideology lives on in influential people to this day. They merely disguise their true eugenic views with the terms population control, birth control [state measures to control the number of births], family planning and reproductive medicine.
Bill Gates, the WHO’s biggest donor, said openly:
“One issue that really grabbed me as urgent were issues related to population . . . reproductive health.” The American people, not private self-proclaimed philanthropists, are the primary financiers of Gavi’s pandemic-era vaccine initiatives, raising critical questions about transparency, accountability, and public consent in the allocation of taxpayer dollars. If the American people are financing Gavi’s initiatives, they should have the ultimate say in whether these programs are worth funding and voice their concerns to their government representatives to demand accountability and transparency.
As a result of eugenics programs, more than 64,000 people were forcibly sterilized in the USA between 1907 and 1963, mainly in psychiatric wards. In the post-war period, the eugenics movement went underground because of its bad image. However, the ideology lives on in influential people to this day. They merely disguise their true eugenic views with the terms population control, birth control [state measures to control the number of births], family planning and reproductive medicine.
Bill Gates, the WHO’s biggest donor, said openly: “One issue that really grabbed me as urgent were issues related to population . . . reproductive health.” As a result of eugenics programs, more than 64,000 people were forcibly sterilized in the USA between 1907 and 1963, mainly in psychiatric wards. In the post-war period, the eugenics movement went underground because of its bad image. However, the ideology lives on in influential people to this day. They merely disguise their true eugenic views with the terms population control, birth control [state measures to control the number of births], family planning and reproductive medicine. Bill Gates, the WHO’s biggest donor, said openly: “One issue that really grabbed me as urgent were issues related to population . . . reproductive health.”
Bill Gates Isn't the Largest Funder of His Global Vaccine Campaign—American Taxpayers Are! Though many believe globalist Bill Gates funds his international vaccination campaign himself, recent White House announcements reveal the American people are the largest financial backers of his Gavi vaccine agenda, contributing over $11.5 billion through taxpayer-funded government allocations. The Biden-Harris admin alone has allocated $2 billion U.S. tax dollars to the Gavi Vaccine Alliance’s ‘Day Zero Financing Facility.’ Since its inception in 2000, the United States Government has invested or announced” $11.53 billion in Gavi initiatives.
At a recent COP28 meeting, Gates talked a lot about what he termed “Pandemic 2,” referring to a COVID-like event that could take place this year. In fact, he’s been preparing for it, and he stands to make billions of dollars should his “vaccines” for it be pushed on the masses. He’s mentioned this before, talking about the Operation Warp Speed vaccines released for COVID-19 and how they can be improved upon. He said that for the next pandemic, “we need to make them have longer duration, more coverage.” “And we’re going to change, instead of using a needle, to use a little patch,” he added, as if the method of delivery will somehow make the idea of injecting yourself with poison more palatable.
Gates has made a big deal about how the world needs to be better prepared for the next pandemic, and even wrote a book about the topic entitled How to Prevent the Next Pandemic in 2022. In his book, he complained about America’s lack of preparation for the previous pandemic and listed his recommendations for how the world can handle it better next time around. Not surprisingly, his suggestions include boosting vaccine research and development, something that has been very profitable for him, along with investing in monitoring diseases and implementing stronger quarantine policies. It would therefore be very convenient for him if a pandemic were to break out in the next few months.
Mandates, liability carve-outs, propaganda, and toxic-drug "solutions" perpetuate a profitable business model: Vaccinate infants, children, teens, adults, elders, each one a potentially lucrative marketing niche, even an opportunity to sell drugs to otherwise healthy people. Why not make these vaccinations mandatory? Force us to pay for possible side effects, 'for our own good.' Fright tactics are used to petrify the public into rushing to pay for vaccines that may prove debilitating or worse. All of this is done with a wink and a nod. Not a cent is spent on prevention (except pseudo-prevention through toxic inoculations that do not really prevent disease, and may cause harm); instead, every dollar goes for treatment.
Those who believe the shots are safe and effective usually base their opinion on what they have been told by the medical industrial complex. But do they know what they are NOT being told, and WHY? The COVID vaccines are not only NOT safe and effective, but are actually dangerous and potentially extremely harmful, as the alleged "misinformation spreaders" have been warning about. The COVID-19 "vaccines" are the most dangerous biological medicinal product rollout in human history! There is a massive coordinated campaign of lies and censorship of all those who dare to contradict the official narrative.
The actual problem is NATO, but that was a very closely guarded secret until the Dutch Government officially exposed it. https://x.com/liz_churchill10/status/1855660276118638890 They are endangering us all and killing us slowly for profit. The same foreign commercial corporations that commandeered our healthcare professionals for use and abuse as "civilian military" officers, created NATO, and now, have used NATO to pull off this gigantic genocide and deployment of cancer and other disease causing agents throughout the general population.
These corporations and organizations have to be dismembered and defunded without further adieu; and NATO has strayed so far from its stated mission that we must regard the "North Atlantic Treaty" as a whole voided and defaulted. This is not a defense issue. This is an offense, an Act of War, against innocent civilian populations, resulting in mass and continuing genocide. Everyone who promoted and enforced the COVID-19 injections and protocols is a criminal by fiat. The government corporations that are members of NATO are criminal by definition. It's up to the rest of us to determine what we are going to do about it.
It was in fact a military operation and illegal Act of War by NATO against civilian populations worldwide. Our health system has been weaponized since the Civil War. A distinction was made between private physicians and "medical doctors." Medical doctors were licensed to act as "uniformed officers" as shown in Federal Code Titles 8, 11, and 31. As such our doctors became conscripts under the control of the foreign British Territorial Corporation, and subject to its demands. A so-called "civilian military force" was born.
This system was continued and expanded under the FDR Administration and the institutionalization of the American Medical Association (AMA). Our doctors, registered nurses, dentists, and other health professionals were thus subjected to the demands of foreign commercial corporations, and our health care was weaponized by and used to profit these corporations. In plain terms, they've used our doctors, nurses, and dentists as soldiers for a long time, but we have been unaware of this and have continued to innocently view them as trusted and trustworthy health care professionals—when, as a group, they are not free to uphold their own professional standards and personal conscience.
As a group, the medical and health care professionals are civilians who have been press-ganged and forced into "civilian military service" by a process of licensure. If they don't obey, they lose their license, so they are forced to do what the evil corporations responsible for all this tell them to do. They are subject to an unseen conflict of interest, and because it is unseen, they have been forced to operate as clandestine mercenary soldiers without the public knowing any of this and without suspecting them of any conflict of interest.
This is how NATO engineered, caused, commanded, implemented, and executed a clandestine Act of War against civilian populations worldwide. In each country, the playbook was the same. Licensed medical professionals were given a choice—either inject and sell this shit, and get a nice kickback, or lose your license to practice medicine. The hospitals and hospital administrators were placed under a similar carrot & stick scenario by the same evil and out of control quasi-military "treaty" organization, operating in multiple countries at the same time. Remember that hospitals are "licensed," too.
As for the vaccines themselves, this is not the first time that they have been adulterated and deployed and resulted in devastating damage to civilian populations. Adulterated polio vaccine, polluted with SV40 monkey DNA which causes soft tissue cancers, was the first major "break out" event.
People of integrity and goodwill toward humanity are the ones who have been attacked and "discredited"—at least in the minds of their bought-and-paid-for attackers, and then, proven right, over and over again. Pay attention. This is a pattern. When people like Judy Mikovits and Bryan Ardis are attacked, commercial interests are involved and are acting against the Public Interest and in favor of their own bottom lines every single time we have had cause to investigate this phenomenon. This information (link below) about the modern (since World War II) history of biowarfare that is being presented by RFK, Jr., is available to the public and has been reported, especially in the Alternative Media for decades, but it is a rare day when anyone "puts it all together" in a simple, easy to follow seventeen-minute presentation with all the dots connected. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfsxk8fWokk
Think about how completely illegal, immoral, and unlawful all these actions and inactions by the CIA, NIH, FDA, CDC and other agencies and institutions have been. Millions of lives have already been lost and millions more put at risk because of the failures and crookedness of these agencies and the men and women running them. Not to mention the individuals like the infamous Anthony Fauci who took it all beyond common levels of bureaucratic corruption and deliberately laundered not only illegal appropriations of money for criminal purposes, but actively and purposefully evaded prohibitions adopted against bioweapons research. Everyone who knew about any part of this vicious scheme and failed to report it and object to it, is an accomplice to capital crimes in violation of the Geneva Conventions.
COVID hysteria has died down… But their agenda continues. Is this massive human experiment going to be swept under the rug after they’ve permanently damaged the lives of billions of people around the world? In fact, why are we banned from discussing the over 2 million reported adverse reactions and the 35 million + deaths – resulting from the “safe and effective” jabs? Which are THEIR figures. Taken directly from the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS) – the “official” US government website. That relies solely upon voluntary reporting. In fact, the CDC’s own reporting reveals this might only be 1% of the TRUE number (so you can multiply the above numbers by 100 to get a more accurate total).
Four years after "vaccination" started, "experts" are still "baffled" by the rising global surge in strokes, "rare" cancers, "long COVID" and "unnatural deaths." They blame blood type, unwashed produce, radon, "climate change," cigarettes, alcohol and/or weed, etc.—i.e., anything and everything EXCEPT for the "vaccines."
The spike glycoprotein bioweapon was intentionally engineered to accelerate “natural” diseases, so that when people die from cancer, heart attacks, strokes, dementia, and other debilitating diseases, no one will ever be able to link them back to the jab. They have this mRNA sequence in them that's not broken down. It's maybe even reversed transcribed and uploaded into their genome. The cell has this stuff floating around in it and it's making spike glycoprotein incessantly. Why? Because there's a messenger RNA sequence in there. It's telling the ribosomes to do this.
The body says, "Well, that's not supposed to be happening," and the body's right. So the body starts producing interferon, thinking it's a viral infection when it's not a viral infection, it's just the production of this spike glycoprotein. Now that's going on incessantly day after day, week after week, month after month when it's only supposed to be happening for a two-day period at a time. Well, now what happens is constant production of pseudouridine.
“And when your body is constantly making pseudouridine, what it leads to is massive errors in protein synthesis, massive errors. And those massive errors show up by way of cell degradation, advanced aging, accelerated aging of a cell. They show up in ways of cancer tumor neogenesis. They show up in ways of accelerated cancers, what they call turbo cancers now. They show up in ways of accelerated neurodegeneration, people in their 30s and 40s being diagnosed with ALS, Alzheimer's, things that we typically look at and say, "Well, that's something for older people." It's now happening at all ages.”
We should be able to trust our government service corporations, the media and the vaccine manufacturers when it comes to matters as important as our health, especially when the stakes are literally life or death. How then do we explain why countless thousands of experienced physicians, scientists, and other experts worldwide have been willing to risk their reputations, their professional licenses and credentials, and therefore their livelihoods, by daring to claim that the COVID shots are neither safe nor effective, but are actually very dangerous and should be halted immediately?
These are capital crimes committed against innocent members of the public worldwide by a club/cartel of commercial corporations (NATO) in the business of providing government services. These are commercial and municipal crimes that deserve immediate response. These and other preparations to deal with mass death and disability on a worldwide basis must be undertaken with courage and determination. Both the meaning of health care and the delivery of health care must be drastically and irrevocably reformed. White collar and military crimes have been perpetuated on this beautiful planet and inflicted on our innocent people. These crimes must be dealt with and there can be no compromise. The cost of these crimes must be exacted from the criminals, not the victims.
As for the vaccines themselves, this is not the first time that they have been adulterated and deployed and resulted in devastating damage to civilian populations. Adulterated polio vaccine, polluted with SV40 monkey DNA which causes soft-tissue cancers, was the first major "break out" event. For a full and very knowledgeable recount of how over a hundred million people were injected with a "vaccine" known to cause cancer, and how that "mistake" has been repeated and expanded upon with COVID 19—listen up:
"Decentralized Medicine" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcbuqQd57rY
What is really going on in the world is like a huge jigsaw puzzle with millions of pieces and a big picture. Once you see it, pieces of the puzzle start to fall into place. You start connecting many seemingly unconnected pieces—representing situations, events, and people. Then you discover that many things are not at all as they appear to be, and that many things you have believed to be true actually are not. COVID-19 is only one piece of that puzzle, but it is a big and very important one. Trying to understand COVID (or anything else that is going on) without seeing the bog picture it fits into, is like trying to put together that huge jigsaw puzzle without knowing what the picture is. More dangerous yet is not even trying to figure out what it is, or not even realizing that there is a big puzzle with a big picture that reveals what is really going on.
This is not a defense issue. This is an offense, an Act of War, against innocent civilian populations, resulting in mass and continuing genocide. Everyone who promoted and enforced the COVID-19 injections and protocols is a criminal by fiat. The government corporations that are members of NATO are criminal by definition. It's up to the rest of us to determine what we are going to do about it.
Scum is what scum does. Without jail sentences or hangings to discourage such behavior, it continues with alarming consistency. People aren't going to believe the lies anymore, and it won't matter how much money the moguls pour into their propaganda and sales campaigns. People are not going to believe every word that proceeds from "the government" mouths anymore, and they will inevitably come to realize that what has been masquerading as our government, is a foreign corporation in the business of providing government services instead. Don't let them get away with it. What's true is true, and the truth is, that we and many other countries have been ruled over and defrauded and enslaved by flim-flam Artists. Now that we know that, this is the time to wise up and take action and not be deceived anymore.
Our American Government considers both Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci to be criminals, men who are sociopaths bent on murder for profit, men who have committed these crimes willingly and knowingly, and who are subject to our extraterritorial jurisdiction as violent criminals engaged in murder for profit, torture for profit, human trafficking for profit, and unlawful conversion for profit.
The will and the direction of our American Government is clear: arrest and prosecute them all to the fullest extent of the Law. They and their corporations must be prosecuted for what they have sponsored and done; the corporations must be dismembered and the men responsible for these corporate crimes need to be hung in public, as a deterrent to any similar corporate criminals in the future. These are capital crimes committed against innocent members of the public worldwide by a club/cartel of commercial corporations (NATO) in the business of providing government services. These are commercial and municipal crimes that deserve immediate response. These and other preparations to deal with mass death and disability on a worldwide basis must be undertaken with courage and determination.
Both the meaning of health care and the delivery of health care must be drastically and irrevocably reformed.
The Truth About COVID-19 April 29, 2021
by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Ronnie Cummins
The Medical-Pharmaceutical Killing Machine: Facing Facts Could Save Your Life Hardcover – November 26, 2024
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