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An average adult has 50 trillion cells. Each cell generates approximately .07 volts of electrical potential. .07 X 50 Trillion cells = 3.5 Trillion volts of potential! We are electric beings.
The wireless technology in cell phones, tablets and other devices is not nearly as safe as we’d like to think. The convenience of being connected to endless information and communication tools is something few of us can resist, yet the price we pay could be devastating. We’ve seen the tremendous benefit that technology can provide; we’ve also seen the potential harm if technology is not implemented correctly… We are especially concerned about the current implementation of 5G wireless technology, and the more research we do and the more experts we talk to, the more concerned we become. We are not aware of a single study that shows that 5G technology is safe.
There is a large body of scientific experiments proving that extra low frequencies of electromagnetic radiation can produce effects in the human nervous system. What is common to microwaves and extra long electromagnetic waves is that both of them carry electric and magnetic fields. The neurons are full of ions and this electrolyte can easily function as an antenna, in which electromagnetic waves will produce electrical currents, which are essential parts of nervous impulses in the brain.
In the brain wave model… The external stimulus may only serve as a trigger to start an internal response signal… The system obeys the external drive, it oscillates with the external frequency…the slow external drive leads to an increasing modulation of the amplitude with the external frequency. They call this phenomenon “entrainment“ and excitations can possibly lead to changes in the behavior and function of biosystems. Not only can the cell phone signals alter a person’s behavior during the call, the effects of the disrupted brain-wave patterns continue long after the phone is switched off.
The body can collect the signal and turn it into electric currents just like the antenna of a radio set or a cell phone. These currents are carried by ions… flowing through the living tissues and in the blood vessels (a system of tubes full of an electrically-conducting salty fluid that connect almost every part of the body) when these currents impinge on cell membranes, which are normally electrically charged, they try to vibrate in time with the current.
For over 50 years, the U.S. government has known about the potential health risks of wireless radiation, yet regulatory agencies have consistently failed to act, leaving the public exposed to chronic conditions ranging from autism to diabetes. A new report, released on February 6 reveals how a 1971 U.S. Naval Medical Research Institute study identified 132 biological effects and 23 chronic diseases linked to electromagnetic radiation (EMR)—findings that were ignored as wireless technology proliferated. The report, shared at the American Academy of Environmental Medicine’s annual conference in San Antonio, Texas, on February 14, highlights the staggering growth of these diseases and calls for urgent regulatory action.
Between 1990 and 2015, the U.S. witnessed an alarming rise in chronic diseases, many of which were predicted by the Navy’s 1971 study. Autism cases skyrocketed by 2,094%, while chronic fatigue syndrome saw an 11,027% increase. Other conditions, such as ADHD (139%), anxiety (104%), and diabetes (305%), also surged. By 2015, these 23 diseases accounted for 549 million cases, placing an immense burden on the healthcare system and economy. Of the 36 chronic diseases and conditions that more than doubled (1990-2015), the U.S. Navy study warned us of the connection between wireless radiation and twenty-three of those chronic diseases, predicting what has indeed happened to the health of Americans.
The report delves into the biological mechanisms behind wireless radiation’s harmful effects, pointing to peroxynitrite—a molecule common to all chronic diseases—as a potential “smoking gun.” Wireless radiation triggers oxidative and nitrative stress, leading to the production of peroxynitrite and other free radicals. These agents disrupt biological homeostasis and create a lethal system of seven synergistic biofactors, dubbed “P-Factor,” which includes systemic inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, and oxidative stress. P-Factor is shared by all 36 of the fastest-growing diseases in the U.S.
When the body is exposed to EMFs, all of the toxic heavy metals that we are ingesting, and we're getting through the soil, and the highest concentration is coming from chem-trails. They're spraying strontium, barium, and aluminum. These are really bad heavy metals that enter the system. We already know about mercury and mercury fillings, etc. But these metals, when they're exposed to high-frequency wavelengths like 5G, and even 2.4 gigahertz 4G, they oscillate the metals or they excite the metals in the body. When that happens, it excites the nervous system, and the nervous system goes into the sympathetic (survival) state. The fight-or-flight sympathetic state affects the limbic system. When the nervous system is ramped up, it immediately causes an increased inflammation. We can't avoid all the EMFs, we can't avoid all the heavy metals because of the continual stratospheric aerosol injection (chemtrail spraying).
For governments it is not difficult to pulse the cell phone signals in the brain frequencies and in this way manipulate the thoughts of their own or foreign citizens. The difference between pulsed microwaves and extra long electromagnetic waves is that pulsed microwaves can be targeted on one person (or the whole nation if cell phone signals are pulsed in brain frequencies) while extra long electromagnetic waves, transmitted in brain frequencies, with their length up to 300 hundred thousands kilometers will reach brains in large areas. For sure so far the legislations around the world (except the Chile and Brazil) do not prohibit such actions to the governments or anybody else on human brains (for example Elon Musk is building system of 20.000 satellites around the planet and working on neuralink research at the same time).
Neurotechnologists around the world, who do not dare to disclose the national security information they had to sign, before starting research in the area, are calling for creation of legislations protecting people against such manipulations of their minds.
More than 230 researchers and scientists from dozens of countries sent a formal letter to the UN and the World Health Organization outlining their reservations about the rollout of 5G wireless technology. The main concern is the fact that it gives off RF radiation, which the human body absorbs and accumulates. It has already been linked to a slew of problems via hundreds of studies demonstrating biological harm. A 2018 study by the National Institute of Health’s National Toxicology Program uncovered evidence of cancer and damage to DNA from the use of wireless devices. The technology has been linked to diabetes, infertility, headaches, insomnia, heart arrhythmias and palpitations, and fatigue. It has also been associated with a number of mental health problems, ranging from autism and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder to mood swings, depression and anxiety.
You might think that with so much evidence stacked up against it, regulators would protect the public from exposure to this dangerous technology. But the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which is in charge of this important task, is actually composed of former telecommunications executives and engineers, representing a conflict of interest, while there are no doctors or scientists there. Another problem is the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, which bars telecommunication firms from being sued over the health or safety of their products. These companies have long been aware of the dangers, and that is why they have hundreds of lobbyists working on their behalf to protect the industry. Moreover, the FCC’s guidelines are now more than 25 years old and have not been updated to account for the considerable advancements in technology that have been made recently. And, in fact, the telecommunications industry is self-policing, so what we are left with is almost a Wild West scenario.
With people around the world increasingly acquiring devices equipped with this technology for everything from video conferencing to monitoring their home appliances, the situation could explode in the years to come. The world has gone from almost no mobile devices to 17,000,000,000 of them. The radiation that they produce, together with the radiation that they force all the cell towers and satellites to produce, has eradicated most of the insects, birds and wildlife on this planet and sickened the majority of its human inhabitants. Who among us sleeps well, thinks clearly, and does not suffer from one or more respiratory, neurological, cardiac, digestive, metabolic, arthritic, or psychological ailments, or from cancer or diabetes?
Rates of stroke in China have more than doubled since the advent of cell phones. The global rate of diabetes has quadrupled. One billion people are obese. The fantastic rise in diabetes and obesity are purely a result of the slowing of metabolism due to interference with electron flow in everyone’s mitochondria.
60% of all Americans today have one or more chronic illnesses. One-third of the world’s people have more than five ailments, and less than 5% of people worldwide have no health problems. The number of drug prescriptions dispensed annually in the U.S. has increased from 1.5 billion in the 1990s to 4 billion in 2009 to 7 billion in 2022. 42% of older adults in the U.S. take five or more prescription drugs, more than triple the rate before there were cell phones. 70% of all American adults take one or more prescription drugs daily.
When there are 17,000,000,000 mobile devices on Earth in the hands of people traveling around the planet in airplanes and automobiles and “needing” them wherever they go, no amount of organizing, protesting, litigating or legislating is going to change anything. Neither is using your cell phone less. If you want to be able to make even a one-minute call in an emergency even once a year, all the cell towers on Earth have to be there at your beck and call, irradiating the hell out of all of living creation 24/7.
As long as it is socially acceptable to use a cell phone at all, whether in public or in your own home, hundreds of millions of people who have been severely injured by them, including me, are condemned to lonely lives of perpetual torture, unable to socialize, make a living, go to the movies, stand next to you in line at the grocery store, travel, live next door to you, or even have a home at all, until they die or commit suicide—which too many of my friends and contacts have already done.
A cell phone emits the same radiation as a cell tower, and the radiation travels just as far. If you put your cell phone 20 feet away from you it exposes you to as much radiation as any cell tower. Cell towers only emit enough radiation to enable the cell phones that are in use at that time to work. When you make a call or send a text, the nearest tower (or satellite) turns on frequencies just for you and irradiates your entire neighborhood (or entire city) and everyone and everything alive in it, just so you can make your call or send your text. Simply owning a cell phone, no matter how little you use it, requires all the cell towers and satellites on Earth to be there so that your phone will work when you need it. If you make enough calls in an area with poor cell phone service, your provider is required to put up a cell tower there.
A single cell phone call causes permanent damage to your brain cells. A two-minute call can take your body hours or days to recover from, if ever. Distance does not protect you. You cannot “neutralize” radiation. There are no “safe frequencies.” Your phone was manufactured with rare earth minerals that were mined by child slaves in the Congo. The willingness to use cell phones ensures the demise of landlines —and of birds, insects and wildlife. When you turn on your phone for any reason, you are torturing anyone who happens to live near you or be near you, whether they know it or not. A cell phone emits radiation, even when it is off. The only difference between “electrosensitive” people and other people, is that “sensitive” people know what is sickening them and other people do not know what is sickening them.
Cell phone use is linked to gliomas [malignant brain tumors] and acoustic neuromas [benign tumors of the brain’s auditory nerve] and are showing up after only ten years. There are over 3 billion cell phone users in the world and some of them are children!
This year, (2024), the Environmental Health Trust exposed the FCC because they’ve been hiding from the public and the courts that well-known cellphone brands actually exceed the FCC’s safety limits for human exposure to wireless radiation. The result? A cancer surge! The FCC is intent on hiding this information because they knew how bad it would reflect on the commission and the industry it serves. This is horrible! They chose to protect big industry over people’s health!
Harmful effects of electromagnetic fields come from such seemingly innocuous devices as mobile phones, computers, power lines and domestic wiring. They include an increased risk of cancer, loss of fertility and unpleasant physiological symptoms. The power and mobile phone companies, hoping to avoid litigation, often assert that because the energy of the fields is too low to give significant heating, they cannot have any biological effect. However, there is evidence that electromagnetic fields can have “non‐thermal” biological effects.
Defense mechanisms have evolved by natural selection over countless millions of years of exposure to natural electromagnetic radiation, such as that from thunderstorms. They can often hide the underlying effects of man‐made fields so we do not always see them in our experiments.
Pulsed EMFs, PEMFs that pulse up and down rapidly, are, in most cases, much more biologically active. And therefore much more dangerous than non-pulsed EMFs. And part of the reason this is important, is that every single wireless communication device communicates, at least in part, via pulsations. So, these are things we are exposed to all the time. And even radar has as its own sort of pulsation because it uses something called phase arrays, which exposes us to pulsations. So, almost everything we're exposed to is highly pulsed, and the smarter the device, the more the pulsations. And potentially, and I believe actually, the more dangerous it is.
So we're getting smarter devices, with the whole issue of pulsations being key, and this is totally ignored. The whole role of pulsation is totally ignored in the safety guidelines and totally ignored by the regulatory agencies. Even though we've known about these things. The first review on pulsations was published back in 1965. Believe it or not, and so it's bizarre where we are. This is especially important with regard to 5G, because 5G is terribly highly pulsed.
What the EMFs do is greatly increase the influx of calcium ions through voltage gated calcium channels (VGIC). What happens is that the VGCCs get activated by the EMFs and we know now why they get activated. And this is very important. The VGCCs have a structure called a voltage sensor, in which the normal physiology, it detects the electrical charge across the plasma membrane.
These are channels in the plasma membrane, the membrane that surrounds all of our cells. And they occur in every single cell type, not necessarily at the same levels, not necessarily the same types; there are actually 10 different types of these things. But they occur in all of cells. And when the channels open up, they allow large amounts of calcium to flow into the cell. And most, if not all, biological effects are produced by excessive intracellular calcium. And intracellular calcium is designated Ca2+i
The human body acts as an antenna for the electromagnetic waves produced by AC electrical transients, much of it in the 50 to 100 kHz range. In October of 2007 The World Health Organization recognized the danger of these frequencies and stated: "high levels of exposure to electric and magnetic fields in the frequency up to 100 kilohertz can affect the nervous systems, resulting in acute health effects, including nerve stimulation." Armed with this knowledge it only makes good sense to protect yourself and your family from these dangerous EMF frequencies.
Standing under a power line would expose you to an electrical voltage gradient due to the difference between the voltage of the line (set by the power company) and earth. You would also be exposed to a magnetic field proportional to the current actually flowing through the line, which depends on consumer demand. Both types of field give biological effects, but the magnetic field is more damaging since it penetrates living tissue more easily. Magnetic fields as low as around one microtesla (a millionth of a tesla) can produce biological effects. For comparison, using a mobile (cell) phone or a PDA exposes you to magnetic pulses that peak at several tens of microtesla, which is well over the minimum needed to give harmful effects. Because mobile phones are held close to the body and are used frequently, these devices are potentially the most dangerous sources of electromagnetic radiation that the average person possesses.
Extremely low frequencies (ELF) such as those from power‐lines and domestic appliances are more potent than higher frequencies. There is usually little or no biological response to the much higher frequencies of radio waves, unless they are pulsed or amplitude modulated at a biologically active lower frequency (i.e. when the radio signal strength rises and falls in time with the lower frequency). Regular GSM mobile phones and PDAs emit both pulsed radio waves (from the antenna) and ELF (from the battery circuits), and are especially dangerous.
We are like the monkey who cannot not get his hand out of the jar unless he lets go of the peanut. We are grasping it more tightly than ever. We have been sucked into the jar and its lid is closing over us, suffocating us. We must let go of our cell phones now. Not after you figure out how, which may be never. First throw it away, then figure out how to live without it. You won’t be able to do everything you are doing now, but you will be living as if the world will be here tomorrow. We don’t have until next year, we are killing ourselves right now. Throw it away, tell everyone you know that you are doing it and why, and tell them to do likewise. It is the only way we and our children and the animals and plants around us — the ones who are still here — will survive.
The process of converting solar energy (DC—direct current) to electricity (AC—alternating current) generates a high amount of EMF (electromagnetic field) and EMI (electromagnetic interference) as a result. It has the potential to cause serious harm to individuals sensitive to the frequencies produced.
You can create a somewhat safe environment with EMF blockers in your house, you can use a Faraday tent. It goes around the bed, it's a silver-coated fabric that blocks EMFs. You can lay in bed and the tent goes around you. They're a few hundred dollars. And if you are inside of the tent, your cell phone won't even get a signal.
We don't use Wi-Fi in our house/clinic, we use only wired connections through ethernet cables. The perfect scenario would be no Wi-Fi and only wired ethernet cables. The new Cat-8 ethernet cables are faster than wireless, and much more secure. We also don't use Bluetooth devices, especially when trying to sleep because sleep is when you heal and repair. You heal and repair the nervous system, the limbic system, the inflammation in the gut. And so you have to focus on getting exceptional sleep.
We can't avoid EMFs that are all around us, but you can check online for all the towers are around you to find a place that is away from 5G, but eventually, it'll come to your town. But it's not only that you pick up Wi-Fi routers from all around you at any given time, you're probably picking up 10, 12, or 15 Wi-Fi routers. By the time the signal gets to you, it is somewhat diminished, but, you're still getting hit with Wi-Fi even if you don't have Wi-Fi in your home.
If you live in an apartment or condominium, or townhouse, you've got people potentially above, below and beside your unit, so you're getting more Wi-Fi than if you just had an old 2.4 gigahertz Wi-Fi directly in your house. So, the only way to mitigate that is the Faraday tents and grounding your body. You can get grounding pads that you put your bare feet on or put your computer or keyboard, if they're metal, on a ground pad to protect your body while using them. But the best way to get grounded is to go outside and walk in on the ground with your bare feet for at least 30 minutes to ground out a lot of the electrical hypersensitivity, that electrical charge that you have, again from the EMFs activating and oscillating those metals in your system.

Well‐replicated studies have shown that weak electromagnetic fields remove calcium ions bound to the membranes of living cells, making them more likely to tear, develop temporary pores and leak. Calcium ions bound to the surfaces of cell membranes are important in maintaining their stability. They help hold together the phospholipid molecules that are an essential part of their make‐up. Without these ions, cell membranes are weakened and are more likely to tear under the stresses and strains imposed by the moving cell contents (these membranes are only two molecules thick!). Although the resulting holes are normally self‐healing they still increase leakage while they are open and this can explain the bulk of the known biological effects of weak electromagnetic fields.
Exposing brain tissue to weak VHF radio signals modulated at 16Hz (16 cycles per second) released calcium ions (electrically charged calcium atoms) bound to the surfaces of its cells. Weak fields are often more effective than strong ones. Leaks in the membranes surrounding lysosomes (tiny particles in living cells that recycle waste) can release digestive enzymes, including DNAase (an enzyme that destroys DNA). This explains the serious damage done to the DNA in cells by mobile phone signals. DNAase leaking through the membranes of lysosomes (small bodies in living cells packed with digestive enzymes) explains the fragmentation of DNA seen in cells exposed to mobile phone signals. When this occurs in the germ line (the cells that give rise to eggs and sperm), it reduces fertility and predicts genetic damage in future generations.
Exposing human cells for 24 hours to simulated mobile phone signals gave DNA fragmentation similar to that due to the gamma rays from a radioactive isotope! (Gamma rays also make lysosome membranes leak.)
The biological effects of electromagnetically-induced DNA fragmentation may not be immediately obvious in the affected cells, since fragments of broken DNA can be rejoined and damaged chromosomes (elongated protein structures that carry the DNA) can be reconstituted. However, there is no guarantee that they will be rejoined exactly as they were. Pieces may be left out (deletions) joined in backwards (inversions) swapped between different parts of the chromosome (translocations) or even attached to the wrong chromosome. In most cases, the new arrangement will work for a while if most of the genes are still present and any metabolic deficiencies can often be made good by the surrounding cells. However, things go badly wrong when it comes to meiosis, which is the process that halves the number of chromosomes during the formation of eggs and sperm.
During meiosis, the chromosomes line up in pairs (one from each original parent) along their entire length so that corresponding parts are adjacent and can be exchanged (this gives each of the daughter cells a unique combination of genes). However, if the arrangement of their genes has been altered by electromagnetic exposure, they cannot align properly and the chromosomes may even tie themselves in knots in the attempt. Such malformed pairs are usually torn apart unequally in the later stages of meiosis so that the eggs or sperm have an incomplete or unbalanced set of genes, may not function properly and so reduce fertility. There is evidence from several independent studies in Australia, Hungary and the United States that this is already occurring.
Leakage of calcium ions into the cytosol (the main part of the cell) acts as a metabolic stimulant, which accounts for reported accelerations of growth and healing, but it also promotes the growth of tumors. Leakage of calcium ions into neurons (brain cells) generates spurious action potentials (nerve impulses) accounting for pain and other neurological symptoms in electro‐sensitive individuals. It also degrades the signal-to-noise ratio of the brain making it less likely to respond adequately to weak stimuli. This may be partially responsible for the increased accident rate of drivers using phones.
There have been many studies suggesting that exposure to weak electromagnetic fields is associated with a significant increase in the risk of getting cancer. This could be caused by gene mutations resulting from DNA damage. A gene is a section of DNA containing the information needed to make a particular protein or enzyme. There is also a section that can turn the gene on or off in response to outside signals. The growth of an organism from a fertilized egg involves a hugely complex pattern of switching genes on and off that regulates growth, cell division and differentiation into specific tissues. DNA damage can sometimes give unregulated growth to form tumors. However, the effect may not be immediate.
Cancer following exposure to chemical carcinogens such as asbestos may take many years to become rampant. The affected cells seem to go through several stages of ever-increasing genetic and molecular anarchy before they finally reach the point of unstoppable growth and division. When assessing any carcinogenic effects of electromagnetic exposure, we must bear in mind that there may be a similar delay. It may be some years before we know the full carcinogenic effects of the recent explosive growth in the use of mobile phones.
A more detailed examination of the molecular mechanisms explains many of the seemingly weird characteristics of electromagnetic exposure, e.g. why weak fields are more effective than strong ones, why some frequencies such as 16 Hz are especially potent and why pulsed-fields do more damage. There have been many studies suggesting that exposure to weak electromagnetic fields is associated with a small but significant increase in the risk of getting cancer. This could be caused by gene mutations resulting from DNA damage.
The growth of an organism from a fertilized egg involves a hugely complex pattern of switching genes on and off that regulates growth, cell division and differentiation into specific tissues. DNA damage can sometimes give unregulated growth to form tumors. However, the effect may not be immediate. Cancer following exposure to chemical carcinogens such as asbestos may take many years to become rampant. The affected cells seem to go through several stages of ever increasing genetic and molecular anarchy before they finally reach the point of unstoppable growth and division. When assessing any carcinogenic effects of electromagnetic exposure, we must bear in mind that there may be a similar delay. It may be some years before we know the full carcinogenic effects of the recent explosive growth in the use of mobile phones.
If the arrangement of genes has been altered by electromagnetic exposure, they cannot align properly and the chromosomes may even tie themselves in knots in the attempt. Such malformed pairs are usually torn apart unequally in the later stages of meiosis so that the eggs or sperm have an incomplete or unbalanced set of genes, may not function properly and so reduce fertility. This is already occurring. Heavy mobile phone use appears to reduce both the quantity and viability of sperm. Human eggs may be similarly affected, but since they are formed in the embryo before the baby is born, the damage will be done during pregnancy but will not become apparent until the child reaches puberty.
It is not only humans that are affected. Well‐researched responses in other organisms include the more rapid growth of higher plants, yeast and changes in the locomotion of diatoms. The last two are significant because they are both single cells, implying that the effects occur at the cellular level. Furthermore, we can explain virtually all of the electromagnetic effects on humans in terms of changes occurring at the cellular level that may then affect the whole body.
The electromagnetically induced loss of fertility is the good news, since it means that badly damaged embryos are less likely to be conceived. The bad news is that any damaged genes needed for embryo development but not for normal egg or sperm function will not be weeded out in this way. They can still find their way into the fetus and cause permanent genetic damage. The effect may not be apparent in the first generation since a non‐functioning gene from one parent can often be offset if the other parent provides a good version of the same gene. In fact, serious trouble may not arise for many generations until by chance two faulty versions of the same gene end up in the same fetus. What happens then depends on the gene concerned, but it is unlikely to be beneficial and may be lethal.
The overall conclusion is that the genetic damage from exposure to electromagnetic radiation can have an almost immediate effect on fertility, but damage to the offspring may take several generations to show up. If we do nothing to limit our exposure to electromagnetic radiation, we can anticipate a slow decline in the viability of the human genome for many generations to come. It is ironic that having only just discovered the human genome, we have already set about systematically destroying it.
A major effect of electromagnetic radiation is the leakage of free calcium ions, either through the cells’ external membranes or those surrounding internal ‘calcium stores.’ This can have dramatic effects on many aspects of metabolism and explains most of the mysterious but well‐documented physiological effects of electromagnetic fields. These include stimulations of growth, an increased risk of cancer, symptoms suffered by electrosensitive humans and why using a mobile phone while driving makes you four times more likely to have an accident.
Apart from its role in maintaining membrane stability, the calcium concentration inside cells controls the rate of many metabolic processes, including the activity of many enzyme systems and the expression of genes. The concentration of calcium ions in the cytosol (the main part of the cell) is normally kept about a thousand times lower than that outside by metabolically‐driven ion pumps in its membranes. Many metabolic processes are then regulated by letting small amounts of calcium into the cytosol when needed. This is normally under very close metabolic control so that everything works at the right time and speed.
However, when electromagnetic exposure increases membrane leakiness, unregulated amounts of extra calcium can flood in. Just what happens then depends on how much gets in and what the cells are currently programmed to do. If they are growing, the rate of growth may be increased. If they are repairing themselves after injury, the rate of healing may be increased but if there is a mutant precancerous cell present, it may promote its growth into a tumor.
Normal brain function in humans depends on the orderly transmission of signals through a mass of about 100 billion neurons. Neurons are typically highly branched nerve cells. They usually have one long branch (the axon), which carries electrical signals as action potentials (nerve impulses) to or from other parts of the body or between relatively distant parts of the brain (a nerve contains many axons bundled together). The shorter branches communicate with other neurons where their ends are adjacent at synapses. They transmit information across the synapses using a range of neurotransmitters, which are chemicals secreted by one neuron and detected by the other. The exact patterns of transmission through this network of neurons are horrendously complex and determine our thoughts and virtually everything we do.
Calcium plays an essential role in this because a small amount of calcium must enter the neuron every time before it can release its neurotransmitters. Without it, the brain would be effectively dead. But what would happen if electromagnetically-induced membrane leakage let in too much calcium? One effect would be to increase the background level of calcium in the neurons so that they release their neurotransmitters sooner. This improves our reaction time to simple stimuli. However, it can also trigger the spontaneous release of neurotransmitters to transmit spurious signals have no right to be there. This feeds the brain false information. Similar spurious action potentials may also be triggered in other parts of the neuron if leaks in the membrane temporarily short‐circuit the normal voltage between its inside and outside. These unprogrammed action potentials will degrade the signal-to-noise ratio of the brain and reduce its ability to make accurate judgements.
Exposing nerve and muscle cells to calcium concentration about 10–20% below normal makes them significantly more excitable. Hypocalcemia is a medical condition, in which the concentration of ionized calcium in the blood is abnormally low. Hypocalcemia is usually caused by hypomagnesemia. When magnesium is low, calcium will precipitate out of solution in the blood. By removing bound calcium from cell membranes, it should (and does) give similar effects to electromagnetism.
Symptoms of hypocalcemia include skin disorders, paresthesias (pins and needles, numbness, sensations of burning etc.) fatigue, muscle cramps, cardiac arrhythmia, gastro‐intestinal problems and many others. The symptoms of hypocalcemia are remarkably similar to those of electro sensitivity. If you have any of them, it may be worth having your blood checked for ionized calcium and start supplementing with magnesium oil and magnesium bath flakes.
It is likely that at least some forms of electro sensitivity could be due to the victims having their natural blood calcium levels bordering on hypocalcemia resulting from hypomagnesemia. Electromagnetic exposure would then remove even more calcium from their cell membranes to push them over the edge and give them symptoms of hypocalcemia. If this is correct, conventional treatment for hypocalcemia (often elevating the body's magnesium concentration) may relieve some if not all of these symptoms.

Number of planned low-orbit satellites


Earthing (2nd Edition): The Most Important Health Discovery Ever! Paperback – March 15, 2014
by Clinton Ober, Dr. Stephen T Sinatra MD , Martin Zucker (Authors)

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