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Don’t Waste Another Minute Researching Ineffective, Outdated And One-Sided Cancer Treatments…

“There’s actually no such thing as a cancer-causing gene…” —Dr. Bruce Lipton

Most commonly, people think of cancer as something that they get, or not something that they catch, like a communicable disease, but something that they get, rather than something that they develop from within, based on ignorance or arrogance.

A 2023 study published by the CDC found that 6 in 10 Adults in the USA suffer from at least ONE chronic disease. “Six in ten Americans live with at least one chronic disease, like heart disease and stroke, cancer, or diabetes. These and other chronic diseases are the leading causes of death and disability in America, and they are also a leading driver of health care costs.” Right now, the US spends about $1.4 trillion on annual healthcare costs Because of these deadly diseases. Studies show that 4 out of 10 Americans will have cancer at some point in their lifetime!

There is a rise of cancer rates among the young! These are called “early-onset” cancers, which are diagnosed in adults between the ages of 18 and 49. In fact, they’re starting to notice that the most common cancers among those in their 20s are blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma, as well as thyroid cancer and testicular cancer. For those in their 30s, have noticed an unusual commonality of breast cancer, melanoma, colon cancer, and rectal cancer.

That can NEVER be normal! But, of course, the Elites will always blame it on genetics. And force you to take their deadly “medications” that leave your body worse than they found it. Chemotherapy is so toxic that the people who make it have to wear hazmat suits and gloves. And radiation on the other hand, damages your DNA. And what's the consequence of damaging DNA? Potentially cancer. Cancer patients deserve to know all their options. But sadly, money rather than moral ethics is the deciding factor behind the war on cancer. And it’s also the driving force behind the so-called war on drugs.

We're unfortunately seeing the HIGHEST record of cancer cases America has ever faced. And the conventional treatments that many are relying on… just aren’t helping, or cause more damage! It’s been proven that chemo kills 50% of cancer patients. And if you survive it… your immune system is often totally wrecked! But if Big Pharma knows that this isn’t the most effective treatment out there, and that there's far better, more natural treatments that can actually help, Then WHY is this the main treatment they push?

If you're not aware of the toxicological burdens that accumulate in your system, because the liver, the kidneys, the spleen, the lymph, the colon, all of these things are overwhelmed by the burden that we're exposed to since man took to Earth and tried to synthesized it into his own benefits or purposes. But it disregarded the detriment. So you have a biological accumulation of numerous toxic poisons that the body has a very difficult time processing, binding, excreting, altering it to get rid of it. And those things accumulate in the tissues and result in what could be chromosomal damage.

So you have aberrant genetic protein synthesis, aberrant proteins are developed, but oftentimes, despite the oncological profession not acknowledging this so readily, you have an accumulation of toxins, a walling off of those toxins resulting in a cancer tumor. And the body knows what it's doing is it has some resilience and strength left and immune function left to protect you from something that doesn't belong in the body. And if it isn't able to eliminate it another way, the body will wall it off. And that 's classically called a cancer tumor. Not all oncologists look at it that way. They just look at it as a chemotherapy deficiency, or radiation deficiency, or a surgical deficiency, as they cut these things out. The question is never asked by them, what would have caused this except bad luck or bad genes, which it is not.

It's very much within your control to heal from. When we work with someone our primary focus is to reduce or stem or stop the inflow of the non-native EMFs and microwaves from the environment and synthetic toxic poisons that result in aberrant metabolic functions that's called dysfunction, and or damage to the cells themselves or the DNA protein synthesis apparatus, chromosomal damage caused by additives, preservatives, colorings, flavorings, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, excess exposure to heavy metals, xenoestrogens coming from plasticizers.

Now, we have the added detriment of nanoparticles, of microplastics, which are xenoestrogens as well. When we mess with the endocrine substances and endocrine creations, we have also aberrant growth, abnormal growth that can lead to cancer. We have them stop the intake of the things that contribute to cancerous growths or aberrant cellular metabolism or DNA or chromosomal damage.

The allopathic community has not been trained in nutrition and detoxification. Even though they know what a liver is, they destroy it with their drugs. And oncologists, in particular, don't like to acknowledge that organic food and minerals are really the important missing substances that counteract the growth of cancer in the body because cancer cells exist within all of us. The difference being that the immune system is able to handle, neutralize and get rid of these things along with liver detox, etcetera, but the allopathic community is slow to catch on.

There certainly some within the medical community that are seeing the error in many of their ways, including toxic injections called vaccines, or mRNA injections that are causing aberrant proteins to develop that way. Another thing we look at are pesticides, being synthetic, being not natural to the existing world that we've lived in for thousands to hundreds of thousands to millions of years, depending on how you perceive time, we have not the enzymatic tools to break down easily these synthesized components.

The physical body has certain needs in terms of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, fats, proteins, et cetera. And if at any point it becomes deficient in any one or all or many of these things, then what grows there is altered. Again, you alter the terrain, you alter what grows there, and the microbiome that sustains you can be something that also degenerates you. We have lost respect for caring for this body in a way that we would be much more concerned if it was our automobile, if it's to change the oil on time or to give it the best, cleanest gas, we do that, but we don't think this way in terms of our body, it's not the same because it's a living machine, as opposed to just pure mechanics.

If we don't give the body what it needs, it will not function the way we would like it to over time. Over time, if you ignore the fact that you are now operating in chronicity or with chronic disease and you continue to treat chronic disease with drugs to suppress symptoms, you end up manifesting cancer as an inevitable result because you've just completely poisoned the body to the point where it can no longer withstand the presence and wall it off. And now you have the decay and degeneration. And then you see life forms like infectious agents, bacterial, fungal and certainly parasitic. We don't believe viruses are the cause of disease, we believe that, if anything, 'virus' is the original root word, which in Latin means "toxin, especially from snake venom."

When we are cellularly dysregulated when we lack things like selenium, then suddenly things spew out and they call them viruses. They could be communication tools, they could be detox tools, et cetera, but we often are convinced that they're something that needs to be attacked again, or you need to be injected with something to protect yourself from it. And many of these injections, vaccines prior to mRNA technology or even after, have precipitated or facilitated cancerous growth like the HPV vaccine, facilitating abnormal cellular dysplasia on the cervix or in the vagina. These things are causing cancer, not protecting you from it.

So where we normally can address metabolic waste from food or other exposures and the body knows exactly what to do and can do it, we don't have that easy ability to take these synthetic toxic poisons or excesses of them particularly and bind, and excrete them. That's why we see a walling-off as a defense mechanism. As they bioaccumulate, that's where you get the tumor. Whereas, in many cases, you lose the strength of vital force of the body and the cellular function over time with much exposure and mineral deficiency that you can't retain, or contain, or constrain a tumor.

And now we have the growth of cancer everywhere, because the toxins are spreading everywhere. And the growth of cancer by chewing through the connective tissue, they release some of their own enzymes to eat up the tissue. There are other issues to consider regarding the strength of connective tissue to protect against metastasis or growth beyond a tumor. Also, doctors in their moronic lunacy or idiocy will then needle biopsy a tumor very often, which then takes that wall that was protective and punctures it so that these cells can now escape. these toxins in the cancer can grow and systemically, basically metastasize, grow and go everywhere. The industry profits handsomely from the growth of cancer. It's an industry to treat, not in any way altruistic, to prevent or help people recover genuinely from the cause or causes of cancer.

The microbiome is made up of biological life forms, primarily bacteria that facilitate many processes, including digestive processes, elimination or excretion processes, production of endocrine compounds or healthy youth hormones, and production of neurotransmitters. The pesticides are designed and targeted to eradicate these things. So we lose function when we're exposed chronically to these toxic poisons. As we upset the balance of the microbiome, we are much more susceptible to opportunistic pathogens as these bacteria express, from stored genetic material, new DNA to survive the hostile environment that man has created via pesticides and or antibiotics. And now glyphosate, which is the active ingredient in Roundup, is in everything.

The result of a degrading terrain, an environment or milieu, you have a balanced healthy terrain. You have the microbiome teeming with millions of different life forms, species, et cetera, more of them than there are mammalian cells in your body. You must have a balanced healthy terrain. Relating infection to cancer, you already have an immune system that's been run down chronically for years or maybe cross-generational at this point, or due to the reliance on various forms of antimicrobial drugs. And that brings up opportunistics. You change the environment, you change what grows there. These microbes have DNA and reservoir that are unused unless the environment calls for it. The environment alters gene expression.

It isn't the infectious agents that are the real cause. They're the result of an environment that they've been given. You alter it, then they grow so they can be present. When we have cancer present, you see an immune collapse and you see all kinds of what they call coinfections, comorbidities, and then we get into the fungal issue. And if we look at the outer environmental world, and if you have ever witnessed the decaying of a tree that has fallen in the forest, it will often have fungal growth. Mushrooms will grow on it because it's part of the process of turning that which is no longer living entity or life form into the basic building blocks for new life. So when we see a fungal overgrowth or even parasitic overgrowth, it's part of the natural process that's acknowledging the life force is diminishing in somebody's body and therefore it give s rise to, by definition, what should be happening is a recycling of that life or that substance that is the vehicle for the life.

This website explains the world of parasites (see links above) and how they are linked to cancer, the side effects and unknown symptoms of parasites, the types of cancer caused by cancer, and testimonials from cancer fighters. Certain parasitic infections can lead to cancer. For example, infections from certain parasitic worms like schistosomiasis, opisthorchiasis, and clonorchiasis are known to be highly cancer-causing. Also, a parasite called Trypanosoma cruzi, which causes Chagas disease, can both promote cancer in some cases and fight it in others. Malaria itself doesn't directly cause cancer, but in areas where malaria is common, there's a link to a type of cancer called Burkitt lymphoma. Another parasite, Strongyloides stercoralis, may be connected to certain types of blood cancer, specifically T-cell lymphomas related to an infection called HTLV-1. There are different ways these parasitic infections are linked to cancer.

Cancer is influenced primarily by inflammation, and studies show that there is a definite link between parasites and cancer. The root cause of cancer can even be traced back to the presence of parasites in the body that we have failed to detox. Other toxins in the environment contribute to inflammation in the body, in addition to parasites.

"80 to 90% of every single cancer I've ever seen in my practice, it wasn't cancer, it was actually parasitic egg sacs or adult parasitic worms that were being misdiagnosed as cancer. In fact, lung cancer, I just did an entire radio show 2 weeks ago on, there's actually a published paper on lung cancer diagnosis and they were taking quarter-size lesions inside the lungs that looked like black quarters on the lung field in an X-ray, which your lungs should be white, but they're seeing these masses the size of quarters and they're calling these metastatic cancers. Well, what they found was is when they did biopsies of all of these actual lung diseases and lesions, they found that every single one of them were actually parasites, and were not cancers, but were actually misdiagnosed as cancers." —Dr. Bryan Ardis

They subject people to expensive… dangerous treatments… when, all along… MOST cancers are caused by parasites. For centuries, it was believed that cancer was solely a result of genetic mutations. However, recent research has uncovered an intriguing possibility: parasites might also play a role in cancer development. According to the CDC, certain parasites have been found to have the potential to induce tumor formation.

Cancerous tumors, called turbo cancers, are actually excessive amounts of really fast-growing human cells. You have a certain number of glioblastoma cells in your brainstem. If snake venom from the COVID injections hits them, the body makes a whole bunch of more nerve cells around the venom, so you just get this huge growth of your own cells. That is not what most cancers are from. The most common cause for what you’re being diagnosed for, as a tumor or a metastatic cancer of any kind, is actually parasite infections. Parasites have been misdiagnosed as cancerous tumors for the entire history of cancer, and this is smoke and mirrors. They have actually made sure that every person going through med school believes, and they tell you in med schools all throughout America and Canada, parasites don’t exist in America.

Have you never owned a dog or cat in this country?” The moment you do and you take that dog or cat to your veterinarian for a checkup, the first thing they’re going to check for is heartworms. And what are heartworms? They’re parasites called roundworms or nematodes. Every dog and cat has parasites called roundworms or nematodes? Heartworms are contagious to their owners, and every veterinarian in America knows it.

“Scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have discovered cancer cells originating in a common tapeworm may take root in people with weakened immune systems, causing cancer-like tumors. It is the first known case of a person becoming ill from cancer cells that arose in a parasite—in this case, Hymenolepis nana, the dwarf tapeworm. The report, in the Nov. 5 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, raises concern that other similar cases, if they occur, may be misdiagnosed as human cancer, especially in less developed countries where this tapeworm and immune-system-suppressing illnesses like HIV are widespread.”

This shocking piece of information has brought a lot of controversy to the forefront of the medical field, leading to new questions being asked on a daily basis: What is really causing cancer? Do all types of parasites cause cancer? How can I find out if I have parasites? Moreover, how do we treat parasites?

Another thing allopaths like to do is give you ionizing radiation scans like mammograms where they smash breast tissue between the plates and they radiate it. And that can create inflammation, damage and chromosomal abnormalities much less. If there is a cancer tumor there, it can compress it, even spread the cells. So these detection technologies re also know for causing the very cancer that they're trying to detect and then they, or course, profit handsomely from.

Ionizing radiation is firmly established by epidemiologic evidence as a proven cause of almost every major type of human Cancer. Some of the strongest evidence comes from the study of medical patients exposed to x-rays – even at minimal dose-levels per exposure. Mounting mainstream evidence indicates that medical x-rays are 2 to 4 times more mutagenic than high-energy beta and gamma rays, per rad of exposure.

MEDICAL radiation causes a very LARGE part of the nation's cancer problem. Medical radiation is a highly important cause (probably the principal cause) of cancer mortality in the United States during the Twentieth Century. Medical radiation means, primarily, exposure by x-rays (including fluoroscopy and CT scans). Medical radiation, received even at very low and moderate doses, is an important cause of death from Ischemic Heart Disease; the probable mechanism is radiation-induction of mutations in the coronary arteries, resulting in dysfunctional clones (mini-tumors) of smooth muscle cells. X-rays, smoking, and poor diet each make a NECESSARY contribution to each case of cancer.

X-rays and other classes of ionizing radiation have been, for decades, a proven cause of virtually all types of mutations – especially structural chromosomal mutations (such as deletions, translocations, and rings), for which the doubling dose by x-rays is extremely low. Additionally, x-rays are an established cause of genomic instability, often a characteristic of the most aggressive Cancers. Not surprisingly, a host of epidemiologic studies have firmly established that x-rays and other classes of ionizing radiation are a cause of most varieties of human Cancer.

Reduction of exposure to medical radiation can and will reduce mortality rates – from Cancer with certainty, and with very great probability from Ischemic Heart Disease too. Most physicians and other people appreciate the imaging capability of the x-ray, but – through no fault of their own – they are taught very little about the biological action of those x-rays which never reach the film or other image-receptor.

The biological damage from a medical x-ray procedure does not come directly from the x-ray photons. The damage comes from electrons, which those photons "kick" out of their normal atomic orbits within human tissues. Endowed with biologically unnatural energy by the photons, such electrons leave their atomic orbits and travel with high speed and high energy through their "home" cells and neighboring cells. Each such electron gradually slows down, as it unloads portions of its biologically unnatural energy, at irregular intervals, onto various biological molecules along its primary path. The molecular victims include, of course, chromosomal DNA, and the structural proteins of chromosomes, and water. Even though each energy-deposit transfers only a portion of the total energy of a high-speed high-energy electron, the single deposits very often have energies far exceeding any energy-transfer which occurs in a natural biochemical reaction. Such energy-deposits are more like grenades and small bombs.

There is no doubt that, along the path of each high-speed high-energy electron described above, the energy-deposits produce various species of free radicals. Nonetheless, it is a demonstrated fallacy to assume equivalence between the biological potency of x-rays and the biological potency of the free radicals, which are routinely produced by a cell's own natural metabolism. The uniquely violent and concentrated energy-transfers, resulting from x-rays, are simply absent in a cell's natural biochemistry. As a result of these "grenades" and "small bombs," both strands of opposing DNA can experience a level of mayhem far exceeding the damage which metabolic free-radicals (and most other chemical species) generally inflict upon a comparable segment of the DNA double helix.

The extra level of mayhem is what makes x-rays (and other types of ionizing radiation) uniquely potent mutagens. Cells can not correctly repair every type of complex genetic damage, induced by ionizing radiation, and sometimes cells can not repair such damage at all. Not all mutated cells die, of course. If they all died, there would be very little Cancer and no inherited afflictions. Indeed, certain mutations confer a proliferative advantage on the mutated cells. Exposure to x-rays is a proven cause of genomic instability – a characteristic of many of the most aggressive Cancers.

Unlike some other mutagens, x-rays have access to the genetic molecules of every internal organ, if the organ is within the x-ray beam. Within such organs, even a single high-speed high-energy electron, set into motion by an x-ray photon, has a chance of inducing the types of damage which defy repair. That is why there is no risk-free (no safe) dose-level. There is widespread agreement that, by its very nature, ionizing radiation at any dose-level can induce particularly complex injuries to the genetic molecules. There is growing mainstream acknowledgment that cellular repair processes are fallible, or entirely absent, for various complex injuries to the genetic molecules.

X-rays are capable of causing virtually every known kind of mutation – from the very common types to the very complex types, from deletions of single nucleotides, to chromosomal deletions of every size and position, and chromosomal re-arrangements of every type. When such mutations are not cell-lethal, they endure and accumulate with each additional exposure to x-rays or other ionizing radiation. Within the professions of radiology and radiologic physics, there are mainstream experts who have shown how the dosage of x-rays in current practice could be cut by 50%, or by considerably more, in diagnostic and interventional radiology – without any loss of information and without eliminating a single procedure.

For over 100 years, it has been known that Cancer is not a genetic disease, but rather a disease of damaged metabolism within cells. The root cause of cancer is a toxic accumulation of metals, pesticides, herbicides, parasites, and ionizing and microwave radiation. With the proper interventions, cancer cells can revert back to normal cells, no war necessary, no killing necessary. The co-discoverer of DNA, Dr. James Watson, said "The American public is being sold a nasty bill of goods about Cancer." The Cancer industry and governments maintain that a Cancer cell has undergone a Frankenstein-like genetic mutation and suddenly has a thirst for blood—an amazing yet dangerous fairy tale. The American Cancer Society recently released a very chilling statement. This year alone… The US is estimating over 2 MILLION new cases of cancer! From lung cancer, to breast cancer, to prostate and colon cancer. Studies are showing a major surge of all types of cancer.

The mythology of 'The Angry Cancer Cell' is so pervasive in society that most medical doctors, scientists, and the general public believe it as if it were fact. The idea that when somebody is diagnosed with cancer we must kill the cancer before the cancer kills them, is a deadly and unscientific mythology that has resulted in the unnecessary suffering and death of millions of people. Only if a cancer cell or tumor is viewed as some kind of monster-like creature that's hell-bent on killing the patient can the use of knives, poison injections, and ionizing radiation be justified as treatments.

If you happen to believe that your life-crippling diseases will just be cured through Big Pharma, then I hope you will soon realize that this is not the best approach. Unfortunately, countless cases are proving that to be a false hope. I wish it were true, and that everyone would just be miraculously healed. As much as that would be incredible, it’s just not possible. We need to take action if we want to reclaim our health. No more relying on Big Pharma pills. It’s time for you to take your health into your own hands.

When a human is sick with cancer, they deserve the absolute safest and most effective medicines know to man. Period. Yet, in this world, cancer patients are routinely rushed into oncology centers where doctors sentence them to death using treatments that make industrial animal slaughterhouses look humane.

Chemo treatments can’t differentiate between cancer cells and healthy cells. That’s why chemotherapy harms or kills healthy cells, as well as cancer cells. Many common side effects of chemotherapy are caused by the treatment’s impact on healthy cells. Big Pharma´s “treatments” actually cause more harm than good.

Oncology drugs reached $176 billion in sales in 2021, more than double that of the next item on the list, vaccines with $88.6 billion dollars in sales. By 2026, cancer drug sales are expected to almost double to $320.6 billion. Considering worldwide prescription and over-the-counter drug sales, cancer drugs are expected to approach 22% of the market in 2026.

Cancer drugs are extremely pricey and therefore generate high revenues, with costs of a cancer treatment at above $100,000 per patient. Cancer rates themselves are also rising with humans increasing their lifespans. Money funneled into cancer research means new medications coming out, which improves cancer treatment but might also increase its price as pharmaceutical companies charge a premium for the newly researched and released drugs.

If Chemo is truly a successful treatment option… then why does it kill almost 50% of cancer patients? Big Pharma is expected to profit $320.6 Billion from chemo treatments! This is their motive… Follow the money… and you will learn the TRUTH. Big Pharma simply sees you as a money tree. They want you to be their lifelong customer, by giving you fake solutions… that create more problems… for them to sell you more fake solutions. There IS hope! And it all starts by taking your health into your own hands… By following natural, proven protocols!

We are inundated with the perception that cancer is some kind of biological terrorist that’s entirely foreign to our bodies and trying to kill us—yet cancer is nothing more than a collection of cells not getting what they need to function properly. The cancer business is based on something other than science or common sense.

Cancer cells are injured cells and the breakdown of cellular respiration itself is one way to cause that injury, which is where nitric oxide comes into play. One way to turn a healthy cell into a Cancer cell is to expose it to the environmental pollutant nitric oxide. Anytime a tissue has been injured, nitric oxide and other growth factors are released to signal cells to grow and divide to replace damaged tissue. In an individual with Cancer, tumor cells also receive the message to grow and divide, which is why nitric oxide is a well-known promoter of tumor progression, including angiogenesis—the formation of new vasculature in the area surrounding a tumor.

Nitric oxide can induce carcinogenesis, tumor growth, and Cancer metastasis. Cancer metastasis occurs when a Cancer cell breaks free from a tumor and spreads to another part of the body. Cancer metastasis is the prime cause of death for 90% of Cancer patients. Nitric oxide triggers the adhesion of circulating tumor cells onto body tissues, which is the first step in new tumor formation. Any substance that can reduce the concentration or actions of nitric oxide is beneficial in Cancer.

The enzyme cytochrome C oxidase plays a critical role in healthy mitochondrial metabolism; it interacts directly with oxygen and catalyzes the final step in oxidative phosphorylation. Expose this essential respiratory enzyme to nitric oxide, and it becomes inhibited. By binding directly with cytochrome c oxidase, nitric oxide flips the metabolic switch from mitochondrial respiration to aerobic glycolysis, aka "Cancer."

Cancer is caused when you lose control of growth mechanisms—meaning autophagy and apoptosis are malfunctioning (cell recycling and programmed cell suicide, respectively). It's impossible for cancer to manifest when apoptosis is working properly because, under normal circumstances, the immune system can tell when cells are so damaged that it's not worth fixing them. When that happens, un-repairable cells are instructed to kill themselves, in order to make way for healthy, new cells.

In a cancerous state, cells aren't getting repaired properly. And they're not dying off the way they're supposed to. Quite the opposite: they're growing and dividing as fast as they can because they don't realize they're cancerous and need to be either fixed or destroyed. So, what causes the breakdown of apoptosis that leads to cancer?

Initially, before cancer shows up, the electron transport chain is slow. The slower the ETC, the less chance you can lose control over apoptosis. But later, two things happen to make cancer cells. The speed of electrons moving across the ETC must be high to support abnormally rapid cell growth, and to make huge amounts of free radicals that damage mitochondrial and nuclear DNA. Free radical DNA damage, and runaway cell growth, are partners in causing cancer. And an overdriven ETC fuels both fires. So what causes the ETC to run fast? What slows it down?

The ETC runs fast when you're solar deficient. Normally, the vitamin D receptor in Cytochrome III slows down the electron transport chain when you get lots of sun. And UV-B makes vitamin D. When you get lots of sun, your ETC doesn't need to run as fast to make energy. You're getting energy directly from the sun. So the ETC purposely slows down oxidative phosphorylation to balance out the body's energy needs.

Solar exposure also dilates blood vessels to absorb more UV light and enhance oxygen delivery. Since UV penetrates tissue under 1 mm, nitric oxide dilates vessels to bring blood closer to the surface. Through this process, Cytochrome III sees higher levels of nitric oxide (a free radical) and uses that free radical signal to know when to turn down the speed of the ETC.

To boil it down, UV light puts the brakes on the electron transport chain when you get more energy from the sun than from food. The more sun you get, the less chance you're going to experience runaway energy production that harms healthy cells with free radicals and feeds cancer. The sun is nature's vaccine against cancer. And low vitamin D is the #1 risk factor for breast cancer. Deficient autophagy, low redox, weak detoxing, and inflammation/acidity also helps pave the way for cancerous cells to overstay their welcome. They usually go together.

But, when you have poor mitochondrial function, low oxygen levels actually protect you from cancer. That's one of the reasons some people with bad mitochondria develop sleep apnea. Their bodies are purposely lowering oxygen levels to protect them from inefficient energy production, which results in lots of free radicals. Hypoxia is often a protective mechanism. Even though most cancers cause a low-oxygen condition, supplementing with oxygen—like in a hyperbaric chamber—is not always a good idea.

With some types of cancer, the addition of oxygen can make a person sicker. It can kill them faster because it speeds up the ETC in the absence of apoptosis, making lots more free radicals. Hyperbaric oxygen can be deadly when your ETC is prone to making free radicals because you produce more of them. Conversely, oxygen can be helpful for other types of cancer when autophagy and apoptosis are still working, and your heteroplasmy rate is improving.

The metabolic shift of cells to glycolysis, that brands a cell cancerous—induced either by a nutrient deficiency or environmental toxins—causes free radical electrons to leak from the respiratory chain, which then reacts with unsaturated fats and ultimately damage cells. Cancer cells are not just cells lacking nutrients; they’re cells that have been injured.

Rudolph Virchow was the first to notice that tumors commonly form at sites of chronic injuries. Tumors grow from scars or old injuries—previous injuries are a precondition for tumor formation. There is virtually no difference between a wound and cancer.

When a medical doctor looks at a mammographic image and thinks s/he sees cancer, s/he’s actually looking at a collection of injured cells that the body is attempting to heal. A cancer doctor is trained to respond to injury by using treatments that cause further injury. That’s the sum of their medical intelligence. Far scarier than a diagnosis of cancer, is what a doctor will try and do to you if s/he thinks you have it.

In contrast to successfully healing wounds, the healing process of a tumor is exaggerated and prolonged; an “over-healing.” Chronic inflammation has been strongly associated with cancer development and progression because an inflamed cell is an injured cell that has lost its ability to respire; it is swollen with water, produces lactic acid, and rapidly divides to try and replace itself with a fresh functioning cell—the same archetypal characteristics as a cancer cell.

Persistently injured and inflamed cells, like cells within a tumor, are evidence the body has been unable to properly repair the damage. The opposite of a wound that won't heal is a wound that regenerates rapidly and without scarring.

It is utter nonsense to claim that catching cancer symptoms early enough will increase the patient's chances of survival: not one scientist or study has proven that in any way. There is simply no evidence that early detection of prostate cancer improves the health of patients. This is one of the most barbaric periods. It's going to be called the Dark Ages of Medicine.

When somebody survives the total onslaught of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, they have not survived because these war weapons have somehow healed them, they have survived despite these so-called treatments, because they are extraordinarily strong and have an unrelenting will to survive.

Sometimes diseases—cancer or any disease are actually supposed to be a wake-up call for someone to change their life and to transform their life. However, this is where the medical manipulation comes in where they’ve been brainwashed to run to the medical doctor and not look at changing their life. And usually, when you change your life and your lifestyle, your disease goes away. So the question we would ask them is, “Has anyone ever explained to you why you have cancer?” Don’t you think it’s a good idea to understand why you have cancer first, to then understand how to get rid of your cancer?

All cancer, all disease is caused by a toxic external and internal environment. And we go through the things in your home, your air, you got mold, you’re sleeping on a memory foam mattress, you have chemicals in your bathroom, you’re cooking with toxic cookware. And it is very enlightening for them and shocking at the same time, to go through this and realize that, “Oh my gosh, the amount of chemicals and toxins and disease-causing agents that I’m exposed to in my external environment is out of control, basically.” Then we explain to them about their internal environment.

Look at your internal environment. What are you eating? What are you drinking all day long? And once they understand that it’s an accumulation of all these chemicals and poisons and toxins from their external and internal environment that’s shutting down their self-healing mechanism, and that’s the root cause of their cancer, then we can start teaching them about some of the therapies and the modalities that are going to work. We always start with detoxification. It’s very simple. And I’m always about teaching people about the things that they can use for free, such as grounding and sunlight and urine therapy, and getting good sleep and prayer, breathing exercises they can do, and the things that they can actually use to raise their vibrational frequencies because chemicals, toxins, lower your vibrational frequencies and good things that you do cleansing and prayer and all these other things are going to increase your vibrations.

In the year 1900, only 1% of deaths in America were from cancer. Now it’s 24%. It's been 53 years since President Nixon's War on Cancer was declared in 1971, and yet, more people are diagnosed with cancer and dying from the disease than ever before. After spending $500 Billion on cancer research, since 1970, the cancer establishment has come up with literally nothing useful for preventing or curing the disease. They're incompetent and their astonishing lack of advancement is undoubtedly the most spectacular failure in human history. Their actions are criminal in nature and blood from 530 million people is on their hands.

What else are we to expect from an enterprise claiming that butchering sick people with knives, poisoning them with mustard gas, and burning them with ionizing radiation will improve their health?

The American Cancer Society estimates that almost half of everyone alive today will develop cancer at some point in their lives. The future of human civilization is at stake, and the answers are out there. Our primary mistake has been entrusting the same people who profit from treating cancer, to provide us with a cure. There is no money in a cure. Why would an industry that generates over $125 Billion dollars a year put itself out of business? It wouldn't.

Untreated cancer victims live up to four times longer than treated individuals. If one has cancer and opts to do nothing at all, s/he will live longer and feel better than if s/he undergoes radiation, chemotherapy, or surgery, other than when used in immediate life-threatening situations. Cancer deaths have increased in parallel to the number of people treated.

Society is awash in cancer awareness campaigns that, ironically, tell us next to nothing about the true nature of cancer, and most importantly, how to avoid it. Our bodies were designed by God to effectively thwart cancer on their own, given the proper environment and circumstances. Most people don't have a clue what this entails, because nobody is telling them, especially not those profiting from the failed treatment of cancer with chemotherapy and radiation.

From the time we're born, till the time we die, most of us are deprived of the knowledge we need to keep ourselves healthy and disease free. The Medical Industry has basically locked away the "owner's Manual" and thrown away the key, leaving the average person starved for understanding as he or she stumbles down the pathway to chronic disease and possible early death. We must break free from our prison of ignorance, and grab hold of our God-given, unalienable natural birthright, which includes having a proper understanding of how the human body works.

Since COVID, we now have what’s called turbo cancers. Chronic immune activation is suppressing your immune system. It’s telling your T-cells to stand down. Your T-cells are the cells that surveil for cancer and kill cancerous cells. At the same time that you’re suppressing the immune system and the ability of the T-cells to surveil for and kill cancerous cells, the spike protein binds to the body’s major tumor suppressor, P53. P53 is the major tumor suppressor because without it, a lot of mutations accumulate in cells. And when that happens, some of those mutations are likely to become metastatic or cancer that is able to spread.

The tumor is not the disease, it’s what precedes the tumor. What the spike protein is doing and other constituents in mRNA, and even to some degree the spike proteins or snake proteins challenge your body and they cause a reallocation of resources. Any poison that’s around a parasite can now perpetuate and go from sort of a stealth mode to a much more active mode. And we find that a lot in cancer. Some people, whether they knew it or not, they already had cancer and it’s the immunosuppression that allows it to just go out of control very, very quickly.

We’re also possibly creating cancers, if we are binding to and activating the body’s major tumor suppressor, P53. There are some other issues with immune dysregulation that can possibly be contributing, but it’s somewhat complex. The immunosuppression is the most important one because when the immune system is not killing cancerous cells, you might have cancer for 10 years and it’s always a balance between your body, your T-cells attacking and killing the cancer, and then if your immune system’s not working well, the cancer grows. And you might actually hear people say, “It just disappeared.” Your immune system got on top of it.

Sometimes it’s like you left a bad marriage because it was suppressing your immune system and now your immune system is strong. It destroys the cancer you may not have ever known you had. Likewise, you could enter a bad relationship and a cancer that your body was keeping in check because of your negative emotions, now your immune system’s not working as well, then cancer spreads.

So there’s always this balance in your body, especially in terms of small tumors that you already had. And when you have enough stacked up, in terms of immunosuppression, in terms of negative thinking, or poor health, all of these different things allow the cancer to get ahead. You change that balance to one where the body can no longer keep it in check. And so, it’s the balance that’s key. And the COVID vaccine has absolutely destroyed that balance.

When the shots rolled out, there were cancers of the uterus, endometrial cancers. Usually, pathologists see 1 or 2 a month in their labs and they were starting to see 2 or 3 a week after the shots rolled out. And then, melanomas of the skin were thicker and starting to appear in younger patients. And the melanomas would go up. The melanomas were thicker and they were more aggressive in terms of mitotic activity.

Pathologists usually see one brain tumor per decade in a young patient. After the boosters, they've seen five in one month. pathologists usually see a kidney cancer every 5, 10 years, and now, in the months after the boosters, they're seeing five in one month. Some patients, were stable, and clear of cancer. They came to the clinic, their Stage IV disease, were cleared. By all scans, they were clear. Then, the patients snuck in, got the booster against their doctors wishes and orders. Their Stage IV disease came back again. Like that, like a wildfire. And it’s all these different mechanisms of this synthetic mRNA, these lipid nanoparticles, the persistence spike proteins, suppressing our immune cells, our killer T cells, etc., that’s allowing cancers to wake up.

We all have some cancer cells right now. If we have competent immune systems, our natural killer cells throw little hand grenades and clean out and clear out those abnormal cells. All day long, our body is just cleaning house, making sure everything’s healthy and well, recognizing friend or foe. But what’s happening with these shots is it’s allowing cancers to wake up because it’s suppressing our body’s own defenses against the cancer.

We’ve understood that cancer normally takes 5, 10, 15 years to develop. How could someone either have their first occurrence of cancer or a resurgence of cancer so quickly after having a shot? The short answer is because the shot and the spike are so devastating to the immune system, the cancers that would normally grow slowly, like you’re mentioning, they don’t have anything to stop them. So, you get one shot, okay, you may be slightly immunosuppressed. We know from the Pfizer data that you’re suppressed for weeks after that shot. That’s why everybody got COVID after the shots. But at the same time, some of the blood panels we look at in the lab are showing that these patients that get that second or third shot their CD4 and CD8 T-cell counts are down for a long time and your CD56, natural killer cells are down as well.

If those aren’t awake and in harmony, fighting off those malignant cells that are constantly brewing in our body, then you don’t have the ability to keep that in check. Some people call them turbo cancers or wildfire cancers. They’re behaving in a way that we normally don’t see cancer behave, because all these mechanisms have been suppressed. And that explains it because, in any given setting, usually you do have a moderately competent immune system. And we’re not seeing that after people get these shots.

To sell chemotherapy as a ‘therapy’ is most likely the biggest deceit in the history of medicine. Whoever masterminded this chemo-torture deserves a monument in hell. Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does NOT eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors. Chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy will make the ancient method of drilling holes in a patient’s head to permit the escape of demons look relatively advanced. Toxic chemotherapy is a hoax. The doctors who use it are guilty of pre-meditated murder, and the use of cobalt and other methods of cancer treatment popular today effectively closes the door on cure.

Doctors see first-hand that surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy commonly increase the rate of cancer metastasis 100-fold, and that's why almost 90% of doctors have said they would refuse these treatments for themselves if they were terminally ill and dying.

Three large mammography screening trials, all reported no mortality benefits from mammography screening. A closer look at the data from two of those studies reveals that mortality was actually increased in women who underwent mammography screening. There's a reason why women and men are never fully informed about the dangers and potential implications of mammography screening, PSA screening, surgery, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy--because if they were, nobody would ever agree to undergo them.

Reversing cancer the biophysical way revolves around restoring mitochondrial efficiency to reduce:

  • (1) free radicals and inflammation;

  • (2) degenerative programming; and

  • (3) the resulting (epi)genetic mutations.

    You need to expand your redox potential "gas tank" and fill it up with net negative charge, so your immune system wakes up. Cells can then communicate with each other effectively.

Some mito-hacks to consider:

  • Correct bipolar magnetic fields in your home—especially around your sleep and work spaces.

  • Increase energy production and detoxification with strong earth-type magnetism.

  • Decontaminate your home environment of unnatural frequencies—including dirty electricity, blue light, and microwave sources such as Wi-Fi, and 4G/5G.

  • Get copious amounts of full-spectrum sunlight in the eyes and skin, as close to the equator as possible (or at altitude).

  • Cut fluoride out of your water and food.

  • Deplete your deuterium level with a seasonal diet or specific protocol.

  • Undergo a parasite detox protocol.

  • Cut down on foods that acidify, and increase foods that alkalize.

  • Do a heavy-duty detox, and continue detoxing daily.


Fenbendazole, which has been used to treat parasitic worm infections in dogs since the early 1970s, is classified as an anthelmintic medicine. However, multiple peer-reviewed scientific publications published in journals have shown that this medicine may also be used to cure a variety of harmful malignancies in humans. According to the research, the following critical factors distinguish fenbendazole from all other cancer treatments. It has been proved to be successful when used to treat various forms of deadly cancer in humans.

Fenbendazole has been shown to successfully cure tumors and promote regression in multiple cancer patients suffering from large B-cell lymphoma that had metastasized, as well as other metastatic malignancies, bladder cancer, and renal cell carcinoma. Fenbendazole is available without a prescription in several countries. Fenbendazole is quite inexpensive to produce.


Spontaneous regression, or the complete disappearance of cancer in the absence of treatment, was the first documented in the medical literature in 1742. Since then, spontaneous regression has been documented in virtually every type of cancer; including breast, prostate, sarcoma, seminoma, melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, leukemia, stomach, kidney, colon, cervical, liver, lung, and brain.

In the early to mid 1900's, the frequency of spontaneous regression of cancer was believed to be 1 in 80,000 - 100,000 patients, but modern research is showing that spontaneous regression is vastly more common. One of the reasons that spontaneous regression of tumors seems so rare is undoubtedly that most tumors are quickly cut out by surgeons.

When patients aren't scared-to-death and rushed into treatment by their doctors, rates of spontaneous regression can be seen as high as 7% in renal carcinoma patients, up to 15% in melanoma patients, and up to 20% in patients with low-grade lymphoma. Some studies have recorded even higher rates of spontaneous regression.