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“The terms oral health and general health should not be interpreted as separate entities. Oral health is integral to general health: oral health means more than healthy teeth and you cannot be healthy without oral health.” —Donna Shalala, Secretary of Health and Human Services, in Oral Health America: A Report of the Surgeon General, 2000

Choosing the right natural dentist for yourself and your family is no less important than choosing the right doctor. In fact, it might actually be more important from a prevention standpoint. This is because what is happening with and to a person’s teeth and gums is a harbinger for the health of the rest of the body down the road.

Dr. Weston A. Price discovered this during his travels to 14 isolated Traditional Societies in the early part of the last century. He wrote about his findings in the book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. Invariably, those cultures with the best dental health enjoyed the best overall health too. Cultures that deviated from their native diet began suffering from tooth decay with chronic and degenerative diseases and physical malformations including crooked teeth and dental malocclusions manifesting in the next generation.

The EPA and CDC’s current recommendation of .7 parts per million fluoride in drinking water is now outdated and not consistent with the latest science. The ADA fails to acknowledge this reality and is therefore acting against the best interest of communities that want to protect future generations. These corrupt agencies contend that fluoridated water is “one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century.” The CDC has historically recommended, and currently recommends, fluoride at a level that was found to be damaging to children’s brains. Public water systems have added fluoride to drinking water for more than 75 years. This was done in the name of “preventing tooth decay” although tooth decay still remains a serious health issue. This is because the ADA is too busy poisoning children's brains instead of working to eliminate added sugars from food.

A landmark federal court ruling recently determined that fluoride levels in U.S. drinking water pose unnecessary risks to children's IQ and cognitive development, validating what conspiracy theorists have warned about for decades. Generations of people have been poisoned through the water supply without their consent. This toxic byproduct – hexafluorosilicic acid – has been dripped into most municipal water supplies for decades. The institutions that thought they knew what was best for everyone’s dental health have instead dumbed down entire generations of people, harming their IQ and cognitive development. This widespread dumbing down of human populations helps explain the lack of critical thinking skills in the 21st century.

None of these serious matters of public health seem important to institutions like the American Dental Association, however. In fact, the ADA immediately issued a statement, doubling down and defending water fluoridation. The most important rule for selecting a natural dentist is not taking the dentist’s word for it! The ADA, representing some 159,000 dentists across the country, posits itself as “the premier source of oral health information.” The ADA claims that they have “promoted the art and science of dentistry since 1859” while advocating for the public’s health. But the ADA aren’t thinking about the big picture with fluoride and how it is destroying the cognitive abilities of those exposed on a daily basis.

Finding a natural dentist that will use nontoxic treatments and methods that will facilitate oral health without any harm to the rest of the body is tricky because many natural dentists who claim to be holistic are actually not.

Once you’ve found a natural dentist that seems promising, here are a few things to check off the list before deciding that your natural dentist is well and truly holistic.

  • 1 Natural Dentists Don’t EVER Use Amalgam Fillings

Natural dentists don’t offer amalgams as an option. Period. The reason is that they value their health as much as their patients. Hence, they don’t even want mercury or the vapors it produces anywhere near their office unless they are gowned up with a mask.

If your dentist offers amalgams as an option, find another one immediately. The mercury vapors floating around the dental office alone should be reason enough to not want to ever go there even if you don’t choose amalgams yourself.

  • 2 No Fluoride Treatments

Natural dentists are well aware that fluoride reduces a child’s IQ. It can also lead to white spots on the teeth, increase the risk of fractures by weakening the bones, and harm the thyroid. No truly holistic dentist in his/her right mind would ever offer this type of damaging treatment to a child. Even if a dentist offers the parent a choice to opt-out of fluoride treatments, simply having the option in the first place is a red flag that the dentist is not really holistic.

  • 3 Crowns a Last Resort

Truly natural dentists are very conservative with their drilling practices. This means when a cavity requires a filling, holistic dentists leave as much of the tooth intact as possible and use non-toxic filling material.

If the cavity or hole is large, an inlay should be considered. Since crowns typically involve removing up to two-thirds of the tooth, a holistic dentist would use this type of dental restoration only as a last resort. If your dentist is crown happy, find another one.

  • 4  No Tooth Sealants

Dental sealants are generally made with hormone-disrupting Bisphenol A (BPA). A truly natural dentist would never consider using this material with any patient let alone a child. Don’t be fooled if a dentist says that “BPA Free” sealants are safe to use either.

In that case, the cousin chemical BPS is used which is just as bad. According to Rene Vinas, a researcher at the University of Texas who conducted a study published in Environmental Health Perspectives, BPS is essentially the same as BPA.

  • 5 X-Rays Used Sparingly

The natural dentist who cares for my family won’t do an x-ray on a child ever until he/she is 13 years old.  While this is probably an unusual practice even for natural dentists, beware of those who insist on a round of bitewings with every cleaning or even once a year. Radiation exposure is cumulative over a lifetime so the fewer x-rays, the better.

Digital x-rays are only about 50% lower in radiation on average than the old-time dental x-ray machines, so don’t buy the argument that the radiation is insignificant from these devices. As mentioned earlier, a study published in Cancer by Elizabeth Claus, of Yale University, suggests those who have had dental X-rays often have a significant rise in the risk of developing a brain tumor.

  • 6 Filling Materials Tested on Patient First

A natural dentist trained in holistic dental practices will test patients either via blood test or Applied Kinesiology (manual muscle testing) to determine which filling material suits them best biologically. Dentists who only think they are holistic don’t test and use their favorite composite materials for every single patient and situation regardless of the patient’s health status or history.

One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to dental materials. A truly holistic dentist knows this and acts accordingly in his/her practice.

  • 7 Use of Homeopathy and Vitamin C for Invasive Surgery

I had dental surgery last year and was administered homeopathy drops instead of drugs prior to the procedure. This permitted a minimum of painkillers to be used during the actual operation.

After the surgery, I was immediately administered a whole food-based, oral Vitamin C. Not synthetic ascorbic acid! The drinkable supplement helped jump-start the healing process. The upshot is that I recovered from the surgery with no antibiotics needed. In fact, the dentist didn’t even write a script for meds.

  • 8 Infrared Devices for Healing from Surgery Instead of Painkillers

After my dental surgery last year, I was given a handheld device that emitted gentle near-infrared heatwaves to take home. I was instructed to hold it very close to the area of my jaw where the surgery occurred for 20-30 minutes at a time, several times a day. The healing benefits are similar to what is experienced in a near-infrared sauna.

The device helped increase the speed of healing and reduced discomfort. It felt really good and it worked! When my stitches were removed, the surgical area had healed up beautifully. I needed no painkillers at all during my recovery.

  • 9 Removal of Wisdom Teeth Avoided

Over two-thirds of cases of wisdom tooth extractions are completely unnecessary says Dr. Jay Friedman DDS in a study published in the American Journal of Public Health. Of the approximately 5 million people who endure wisdom tooth extraction each year, 11,000 suffer what’s called “permanent paresthesia.” This is a fancy name for numbness of the lip, tongue, and cheek, resulting from nerve damage during surgery.

Wisdom teeth should only be removed if they are causing a problem. When and if they are removed, a holistic dentist takes great care to ensure no cavitations are created which can cause health problems down the road.  If your dentist routinely removes wisdom teeth even if there is no pain or infection, that is a big clue that dental office is not a holistic establishment.

  • 10 No Root Canals

In many cases, inflamed teeth that conventional dentists diagnose as needing a root canal will quickly respond to homeopathy, herbs, and/or clearing away toxic dental materials in and around the tooth. Nutritional support can rapidly reverse any need for a root canal as well.

If you are told you need a root canal, seek a second opinion before you do anything! This is particularly important if the dentist suggests doing a root canal and placing a crown over the top of it. Such an approach not only completely destroys the tooth but also virtually guarantees chronic bacterial outflow into the bloodstream.

To find a holistic dentist, go to the International Association of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT): https://iaomt.org/