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“Urotherapy is a 5,000-year-old practice, the rejuvenational method of Urotherapy (also known as Shivambu) uses your own perfect medicine to heal the body from the inside out.” ~Dr. Group

There is an extraordinary natural healing substance PRODUCED BY OUR OWN BODIES that modern medical science has proven to be one of the most powerful natural medicines known to man. Unlike many other natural medical therapies, this method requires no monetary investment and can be easily accessed and used at any time. The extensive medical research findings on this natural medicine have never been compiled and released to the general public before now, but those who have been fortunate enough to hear about this medicine and use it have found that it can produce often astounding healing even when all other therapies have failed.

Many medical researchers know that far from being a dirty body waste, fresh, normal urine is actually sterile and is an extraordinary combination of some of the most vital and medically important substances known to man. Now this fact may be unknown to the vast majority of the public today, but, it is nothing new to modern medicine. To the public, urine seems like an undesirable waste product of the body, but to the medical research community and the drug industry, it's been considered to be liquid gold.

Right from the earliest weeks in your mother’s womb, a God-given golden nectar plays a vital role in your development. By week eight, babies start producing urine in the amniotic sac; by week 20, most of the amniotic fluid is urine. This mix, which babies begin drinking around week 12, shows us the natural and essential function of urine even before birth. For centuries, people have used urine for medicinal purposes. But after the fall of the Roman Empire, this amazing healing protocol was forgotten, leaving today’s medical system to dismiss it as merely a waste product with no therapeutic value.

Not only is urine a sterile body compound, but there are 4,690 identified elements, compounds, and nutrients in human urine. Here is a list of nutrients contained in urine:

Adrenaline, Alanine, Albumin, Allantoin, Antibodies, Amino acids, Arginine, Ascorbic acid, Bicarbonate, Biotin, Calcium, Carbohydrates, Chloride, Choline, Cortisone, Creatinine, Cystine, DHEA, Dopamine, Enzymes, Epinephrine, Estrogen, Folic acid, Glucose, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Hormones, Inositol, Insulin, Iodine, Iron, Leucine, Lysine, Magnesium, Manganese, Melatonin, Methionine, Nitrogen, Ornithine, Oxytocin, Pantothenic acid, Phenylalanine, Phosphorus, Potassium, Progesterone, Proteins, Riboflavin, Selenium, Serotonin, Stem cells, Sulfur, Testosterone, Thiamine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Urea, Vasopressin, Vitamins A, B-6, B-12, C, D, E, K, & Zinc.

In addition, urine is an excellent biofeedback machine. It contains the broken-down products of the metabolism of each of our trillions of cells. These particles carry up-to-date information on the exact status of the health of each individual cell at any given moment of time. It also contains other products manufactured by the body to counteract any ailment. Urine is a perfect diagnostic agent. Vitamin A is not normally excreted in the urine but in patients with cancer and tuberculosis large quantities of Vitamin A can be detected.

The presence of antigens and antibodies in urine strengthens the immune system when it is reintroduced into the body. the reintroduction of small amounts of bacteria or parasites found in urine may stimulate the production of IgA. IGA is found in mucous and in excretions of the body, and also in urine.

Urine-derived stem cells as an example, they were discovered first in 2008. And since that time, there’s never been any circumstance in which a urine-derived stem cell has ever formed a teratoma or a tumor. Part of the reason why amniotic stem cells are so expensive is because of how that event of birth and pregnancy only happens a few times in a person’s life, or in this case in a woman’s life. Much to everyone’s debate right now, whether men can do this, but from my knowledge, only women can do this. Because of this scarcity of this event it’s very expensive, but it doesn’t need to be that way. If it came from yourself, the extraction methods wouldn’t need to be expensive, then you can inject locally, whereas if urine’s in its whole form, then you’ve got other information and that other information is potentially very helpful and supportive and may support the transdermal function.

UREA is the major component found in urine and is the end product of protein metabolism. It dissolves fats and other body secretions and is finally released into the urine. As a strong antibacterial agent, urine specifically prevents the growth of the tubercle bacillus and other pathogens. Urea is one of the only clinically proven skin moisturizers in the world, and it makes sense because the baby bathes in it. It comes from you, it’s your filtered blood, and now it makes sense that it would absorb back in. And this is the reason why it gets used for eyes. And it’s interesting why the eyedrops, Murine, in which is urine with a letter M in front, it is actually an attempt to model urine. Same with the urine for the ear infections, which is carbamide.

Then you’ve got a transdermal aspect that is in not just the stem cells, but it’s actually in the urea. Applying it, soaking in aged urine, makes a lot of sense for it to go transdermal. It must go transdermal for the baby in the womb because the stem cells are there and they’re attaching. If people soak them on their skin and then if they are using red light to stimulate those stem cells in that area, it is an amazing combination.

URIC ACID is similar in action to urea and has strong antibacterial properties. It helps to control cancer-causing substances. If nitrates present in the urine, come in contact with the skin or sweat, they will react with the acid producing nitrous oxide, which is antibacterial.

MINERALS from urine can be very easily absorbed when reingested and become more efficient compared to minerals derived from food. Urine contains different kinds of useful mineral compounds than those derived from fruits and vegetables. All the minerals in the biological substances were once absorbed from food, processed, and then eliminated as surplus.

Urine becomes turbid (cloudy or hazy) when left alone for a while, because when enzymes in urine change urea into ammonia, urine becomes unstable and strongly alkaline. Therefore, evolving urine looks cloudy. Urine with higher ammonia content, when applied to the skin, plays an important role in beautifying it.

Minerals in urine purify and activate body tissues, which were not purified by the blood. They mobilize the toxins, while facilitating their excretion. Minerals help rebuild tissues.

CORTISONE found in urine counteracts inflammatory conditions, allergies, and other skin diseases.

MELATONIN (maintains your wake-sleep cycle) and SEROTONIN (a chemical needed for the nerve cells and brain to function), present in the morning urine, have a stress reducing effect. It boosts the immune system, supports glandular functions, inhibits cancer, and reduces heart disease. It is known to have a rejuvenating effect. Many who practice UT prefer to drink the first collected urine of the day.

UROKINASE detected in urine dissolves blood clots, helps cure heart disease, and improves blood circulation.

EPITHELIUM GROWTH FACTOR (EGF) helps repair and regenerate damaged tissues and skin cells.

COLONY STIMULATING FACTOR (CSF) is necessary for cell division and multiplication.

GROWTH HORMONE (GH) shows different bioactive effects, such as promotion of protein production, cartilage growth, and fat decomposition.

ERYTHROPOIETIN, a hormone secreted by the kidneys, promotes production of red blood cells in response to falling levels of oxygen in the tissues.

GONADOTROPIN HORMONES, which have a stimulating effect on the gonads, normalizes the menstrual cycle and sperm production.

KALLIKREIN releases kallidin, which expands peripheral veins and reduces blood pressure.

TRYPSIN INHIBITOR is effective for prevention and healing of mucosal tumors (neoplasma).

ALLANTOIN (which is also found in beets, comfrey, aloe vera, and wheat sprouts) heals wounds by repairing tissue and tumors, and reversing aging.

ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE (ACTH) stimulates adrenal cortex to make cortisone.

THYROTROPHIN (TSH) stimulates thyroid gland and controls energy (ATP) turnover in the body.

LEUTENIZING HORMONE (LH) stimulates sex hormone production.

FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONE (CSF) supports menstrual cycle and pregnancy.

PARATHYROID HORMONE regulates calcium metabolism.

Anti-cancer substances like ANTIANEOPLASTON H-11, BETA-INDOL-ACETIC DIRECTIN, 3-MENTY GLYOXAL, differ from chemotherapeutic drugs that kill or injure all kinds of cancer cells. They strongly prevent the multiplication of carcinogenic cells and help return them to normal.

There’s two approaches to urine. One is the medical approach, the other one is the natural approach. And the medical approach, which started its whole teachings or pushing of that narrative, started in 1917 when the Rockefeller Foundation established healthcare systems on the planet. And they didn’t like competition, so they started demonizing, and propagandizing against all the alternatives, which included urine therapy. And what urine really is – ultra-filtered plasma water.

The body comes with a blueprint or an intelligence that remembers what perfect cells are. So it reads the plasma as it’s coming into the kidneys to be filtered over a million times to see if there’s a threat, see if there’s a contamination. So it can go to work, building antibodies, stem cells, antigens, whatever it needs to counter that and to sterilize it and to raise it so it merges with the urine, and it’s no longer a threat or contamination of the body. The best time to start is when you’re ready, regardless of your health conditions, regardless of your situation in your life. When it comes to when to drink? What part of the stream to drink? How often? Let’s remind everybody it’s an intuitive elixir. It’s a personal water designed by you for you. So it doesn’t have rules or dogma to follow. It’s a lot easier than the medical approach.

When it comes to reversing cancer, traditional Western medicine offers treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Aside from being expensive, these treatments are notoriously known to do more harm than good. Chemotherapy is known to kill both your good cells and cancer cells. Surgery can lead to organ dysfunction and nerve damage. Lastly, radiation can cause damage to healthy organs and can even cause infertility in women. Even further, we know that these treatments are not even effective at reversing cancer. Healing comes from within, and this is especially true when it comes to urotherapy, which is the golden secret to health that traditional Western medicine does not want you to know about.

Urine is not what you think it is. As a matter of fact, you probably have no idea what urine is or how your body makes it. Urine is NOT a waste productIt is an ultra-filtered blood plasma or blood filtration, purified by the liver and kidneys. This plasma ultra-filtrate contains 3K-5K minerals and antidotes specific to you at the moment in time (enzymes, amino acids, hormones, etc.). Urine is a snapshot of everything your body NEEDS in that moment, at the appropriate proportions for your body.

Obviously, most of us are operating under a gross misconception when we wrinkle our nose at the thought of using urine in medicine. Urea was discovered and isolated as long ago as 1773, and is currently marketed in a variety of different drug forms. Urea, the principal organic solid in urine, has long been considered to be a "waste product" of the body – it's even been considered to be dangerous or poisonous, but this too is completely untrue. Like any other substance in the body, too much urea can be harmful, but urea, in and of itself, is enormously valuable and indispensable to body functioning. Not only does urea provide invaluable nitrogen to the body, but research has shown that urea actually aids in the synthesis of protein, or in other words, it helps our bodies use protein more efficiently. Urea has also been proven to be an extraordinary antibacterial and anti-viral agent, and is one of the best natural diuretics ever discovered.

Scientists have discovered that urine, because it is actually extracted from our blood, contains small amounts of almost all of the life-sustaining nutrients, proteins, hormones, antibodies and immunizing agents that our blood contains: Urine can be regarded as one of the most complex of all body fluids. It contains practically all of the constituents found in the blood.

Cancer and autoimmune disease are two health conditions that traditional Western medicine tries to make us believe are incurable and irreversible. Despite what traditional Western medicine has programmed us with, effective treatments for these conditions do exist, and the golden secret to this condition has already been discovered and utilized as early as the 12th century BC, or the time when Ancient Egypt marked its New Kingdom Period. The golden secret to health does not only offer temporary relief to cancer or autoimmune conditions – it has been shown to the set the body in a complete state of healing. This is one of the ultimate secrets to health that Big Pharma does not want you to know about, and the reason is as clear as day – their pharmaceutical interventions will not sell.

When it comes to reversing cancer, traditional Western medicine offers treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Aside from being expensive, these treatments are notoriously known to do more harm than good. Chemotherapy is known to kill both your good cells and cancer cells. Surgery can lead to organ dysfunction and nerve damage. Lastly, radiation can cause damage to healthy organs and can even cause infertility in women. Even further, we know that these treatments are not even effective at reversing cancer. Healing comes from within, and this is especially true when it comes to urotherapy, which is the golden secret to health that traditional Western medicine does not want you to know about.

Urine therapy is one of the oldest forms of therapy, always available to everyone and what is also very important in our modern times, free of charge. Urine therapy is definitely not a subject people like to talk about. The only people who are quite happy to talk about in public are those who have saved their lives with AUT (auto-urine therapy) and wish to share its lifesaving success with others. In Western countries, urine therapy is, nearly, without exception, only used when every other treatment has been unsuccessful and urine therapy is the last chance. Even if our own urine is our best customized medicine for even the most severe illness, and even if it is sterile and non-toxic, it is for most people in the modern western world the most undesired treatment. That is normal and understandable, due to our education or lack thereof.

Urine therapy is highly effective, most probably the most effective customized medicine available to man. The fact that it is free to anyone at anytime, effective without side effects, is the biggest problem in urine therapy. Why? If something is free and available to everyone, it means that nobody advertises or educates people, at least in western countries. Education in our free western world costs money and with no product to sell, nobody is interested in showing people free ways of healing. Urine is free, fresh, freely available without prescription and free of negative side effects.

Urine therapy belongs to the oldest forms of traditional healing. The ancient Ayurvedic practice of urine therapy is undergoing a resurgence, as its myriad health benefits are being explored by scientists, health practitioners and the general public. Urine is free, fresh, freely available without prescription and free of negative side effects.

Urine therapy is always available to everyone and what is also very important in our modern times, free of charge. Even if our own urine is our best customized medicine for even the most severe illness, and even if it is sterile and non-toxic, it is for most people in the modern western world the most undesired treatment. That is normal and understandable, due to our education or lack thereof, urine therapy is highly effective, most probably the most effective customized medicine available to man. The fact that it is free to anyone at anytime, effective without side effects, is the biggest problem in urine therapy. Because, if something is free and available to everyone, it means that nobody advertises or educates people, at least in western countries.

With urine therapies, despite the fact that there are many research papers about the benefits of urine therapy published and available to professional medicine, the perfect form of treatment is simply ignored. Only very few doctors in the western countries use urine therapy and inject their patients' own urine.

As with other good traditional treatments becoming fashionable again, some professional strongman, most probably backed by the pharmaceutical industry, will find something negative with urine therapy with one or two people, and the rest of the world will be warned to stop using this treatment.

The water in amniotic fluid originally comes from maternal plasma and passes through the fetal membranes. Swallowing its own urine is not only NOT dangerous, it is essential to proper development. As the placenta develops, water and solutes from maternal plasma pass across the placenta to the fetus and then to the amniotic fluid. To develop proper kidney function, the growing fetus needs to ingest fluids just as it will do post partum. Because a mini bar isn't available, it has to drink whatever is available, i.e., amniotic fluid and indeed, its own urine. Shortly after the kidneys start to produce urine, the fetal swallowing commences.

Amniotic fluid is 98% water and 2% salts and cells from the baby. Until the fetal kidneys start working during month four, amniotic fluid is made by the mother’s body. But after month 4, the fetus starts to make his contribution to the amniotic fluid by urinating into it. Production of amniotic fluid is then predominately accomplished by excretion of fetal urine (300 ml/kg fetal weight/day or 600 to 1200 ml/day near term) and the secretion of oral, nasal, tracheal, and pulmonary fluids (60 to 100 ml/kg fetal weight/day). Fetal breathing movements also contribute by efflux of lung fluid into the amniotic fluid. Removal of AF is predominately accomplished by fetal swallowing (200 to 250 ml/kg fetal weight/day).

Urine is a mere sample of what is flowing through the body's veins, and any repulsion should be used as a motivation to improve the internal conditions rather than as an excuse for not using this miraculous therapy for creating health. Urine is actually less toxic and more alive than much of the food and drink that we take into our bodies, which somehow manage to digest the junk foods and devitalized liquids and still produce a valuable, medicinal drink.

However, how much more valuable for medicinal and cleansing purposes if the urine is the product of a body fed healthy, natural, organic and raw foods? Drinking urine makes us think seriously about what we eat. Since it is a by-product of the blood, it makes sense that the cleaner the blood is, the healthier the urine will be. But even urine from relatively unhealthy blood contains valuable immunological factors that can improve health if recycled.

Urine drinking's cleansing effect on the blood can be observed by the change in taste and the color of the urine: as it is more and more recycled, it becomes purer and clearer. If one has difficulty urinatingand it has been said that a weak flow is a sign of a weak life-forcethen this practice actually strengthens the flow of urine, consequently increasing the vital life-force. Ingesting more toxic substances in the body, however, may neutralize the good effects of self-urine therapy. So it is recommended that anyone embarking on the therapy give up tobacco in all forms and restrict consumption of cold drinks, spices, fried foods, junk foods, refined foods and sugars as much as possible. Above all, it is best to avoid alcohol, meat, and coffee, as well as recreational drugs. It is also advisable to follow a low-salt, low-protein diet.

Urine is not a waste product. It is ultra-filtered blood that is only missing the red-colored cells, containing more than 3,000 enzymes, minerals, nutrients, amino acids, hormones, and compounds specific to what your body needs at that time.

The real reason you’re taught that urine is a waste product is because it would cost the medical industry billions of dollars if everyone knew of the free healing modality that is gifted by their own bodies.

Every dose of urine is equivalent to $20-30K worth of stem cells. With the ability to develop into many different types of cells in the body, these cells have the potential to repair, restore, and replace dying cells in the body – fighting all forms of degenerative disease.

Urotherapy has a rich history. It was used by Ancient Rome, Greece, China, Egypt, India, and many more – These are messages that the ancient civilizations intentionally left behind for us. Hippocrates used this elixir with his earliest cancer cases, and it is even used today on the International Space Station.

Urine compounds are the best moisturizer known to man. Used in top-notch and high-end skincare products – urea been the ancient secret for centuries! In urine, stem cells and urea repair burns, acne, boils, eczema, psoriasis, and more. This is your inner fountain of youth and the most sterile product on earth.

Dating as far back as 1954, the Journal of American Medical Association reported that ‘more scientific papers have been published on urine than any other organic compound.

Subcutaneous urine injections was practiced in 1912, under the name of auto-pyotherapy for urinary infections, and in 1919 for diagnostic purposes. There are reports from 1927 on the use of auto urotherapy for urinary infections. And in 1931 this auto-urine therapy was described for gonarthritis. Urotherapy was used in 1933 for desensitization and endocrinological problems. Patients who suffered from migraine, pruritus, asthma, urticaria, eczema, psoriasis, etc. were treated with auto urotherapy injections.

In 1936 patients were treated with acute and subacute glomerulonephritis by injection of an autogenous urinary extract. In 1938, it was reported that an extract from urine of pregnant women has a prophylactic and therapeutic effect on experimental ulcers in dogs. Shortly thereafter, an extract from urine of normal women showed a similar beneficial effect.

Urotherapy is continuing to flourish today as Shivambu Shastra, respected for thousands of years as the "Mother of Ayurvedic Medicine" and commonly known as "Self-Urine Therapy." Shivambu means literally "Water of Shiva," referring to the auspiciousness of the practice. Its "method of drinking urine for rejuvenation" is outlined in part of a 5,000-year-old document called the Damar Tantra, linking this practice back to the Vedas, the sacred Hindu texts.

Self-urine therapy has been seen as one of the divine manifestations of cosmic intelligence, and has been used as such by Indian yogis to unleash kundalini up to their third eye. There is something esoteric about urine. It is considered to be a supernatural, living food because it is a by-product of the blood and contains "life force" or prana. Using urine as a therapeutic tool mirrors to us the "healer within" who works on a mechanistic level, as well as on an energetic level. Urine, as a holographic substance, has the ability to affect all levels of being—from the physical, through the electromagnetic fields of the emotions and the mind, up to the subtler vibrations of the soul.