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Snake Venom Phosphodiesterase Purified Lyophilized: $133.00

This is so common, you can order snake venom online:

Dr. Bryan Ardis is a tireless researcher, always seeking to weed out deception in health and medicine, and seeking and provide truth through his personal research and product formulations. Dr. Ardis deserves a Nobel Peace Prize in our opinion. Dr. Ardis gives his very well researched expertise backed by official data on how COVID-19 was accomplished. He reveals the conotoxins and snake venom and poisons inside ALL the current vaccines. The only truthful answer behind this sinister substance that was added to our water and vaccines is that there is massive depopulation operation and agenda being conducted on a global scale. The symptoms and deaths were simply due to venom within the tap water and vaccines. Nicotine stops the "COVID virus" and vaccine injuries dead in its tracks? Now you know exactly why the agenda against NICOTINE has gone into overdrive. The VENOM attacks NICOTINE RECEPTOR SITES.

The development of technology has taken a scary turn. For quite some time now, the elites have been secretly inventing bioweapons and have been unleashing them in our environment. Their inventions can now change human DNA and can even manipulate the environment that we live in. This agenda is BIG. However, we can protect ourselves by staying informed with true and unbiased information backed by scientific studies and by being prepared and vigilant.

Right now, there's over 500 million people worldwide who have some type of diabetes. Diabetes is the inability to control blood sugar levels and maintain normal blood sugar levels. All diabetics have excess blood sugar. Diabetics are the ones most prone to have E. coli bacterial infections and Candida or yeast overgrowth anywhere in their body, including in their bowels, in their kidneys and in their bladder. You'll often see this reoccurring in diabetics called a urinary tract infection. It's usually caused by E. coli bacteria or yeast. The problem for you is you are the highest risk group for now having your own mammal cells manufacture the trans-spliced alpha-cobratoxin mRNA in your body, in your own cells, but you not only have mammal cells that can engineer full venom proteins now.

You also have E. coli bacteria eating on the blood sugar in excess in your body and replicating in your body and then you yeast in your body that's replicating by feeding on the sugar in your body and those E. coli bacteria and those yeast, we've known since 1999, have been engineered to suck in plasmids with venom spike protein genes in them and manufacture relentlessly, and faster than mammal cells manufacture the venom in your body. And this is exactly how they created the COVID-19 pandemic.

We all suspected that they were putting the venom proteins that are synthetically manufactured around the world, in our water systems and we were just drinking it. No, they didn't even need a viral vector. In fact, they didn't need a viral vector at all for this entire pandemic. They have been manufacturing DNA plasmids with the spike protein genes that are venom proteins in those plasmids and they published that. They can release them in the air, they can drop them in the air, they can put them in your water systems, which they are. They also can inject it inside of our food.

When you're hearing about Bill Gates and his Gavi group, orchestrating farmlands around the world that he's buying up and he is injecting avocados, tomatoes, and lettuce with the mRNA injections. They're creating mRNA-injected food for us when they are injecting the plants with these DNA plasmids they call mRNA injections. The DNA plasmids get sucked into bacteria and yeast, I don't know if you know this, but fungus and bacteria live in the soil of all your farmlands and it gets drawn up into your plants. The plants need bacteria and fungus to grow. So, in every single one of your vegetables, every single one of your fruits, they're injecting DNA plasmids in these mRNA injections they're calling them, they're injecting them into the plants. Inside those plants, the E. coli bacteria and the yeast are going to start replicating venom proteins and then you're gonna eat them. This is how they're going to continue to get these venom-laced plasmids into your body.

And who needs to be investigated for these crimes against humanity, in my view? Fauci, NIAIDA. Collins, a former head of the NIH. Walensky of the CDC. And the leaders of the FDA and the leaders of big tech and the leaders of big pharma who put this out knowing what it was going to do to the public, and even working to hide the documentation of the early clinical trials to prevent that from becoming public so that the people would not know the truth that they already knew inside the vaccine manufacturers, that this was a deadly intervention that would kill untold numbers of innocent people. In some cases, up to 90% of patients who were put on respirators died. And yet, where did you get this idea that everybody in the hospital in the ICU unit needs to be on this respirator? The CDC.

The CDC just reported recently, there are outbreaks of E. coli bacteria on all spinach farms in America. Oh really? Really? Why do you think they want you eating E. coli bacteria on your vegetables and on your plants because they need to get E. coli bacteria into you. Why? Those E. coli and yeast have been manufactured and engineered to replicate venoms as they do what's called conjugating. They suck in the plasmid and that plasmid holds the instruction for the bacteria and yeast to manufacture venom proteins inside of you. This has been one of the biggest things we've realized.

The Nuremberg Code criminalizes forced medical experimentation, any kind of coercion without informed consent. But how can you have informed consent as a patient if you’re not informed? And so there’s no question that what’s being pushed on people today, these vaccines without proper information, without the truth being revealed to the potential users of this intervention, this is a direct violation of the Nuremberg Code.

We're actually presenting to the whole world what it is they're utilizing in the form of plasmids in engineering bacteria and yeast in our cells and what is called trans-splicing technology to get microorganisms in our body and our own cells to manufacture venoms, which will have a detrimental disease-causing turbo cancer-creating side effect which you're seeing worldwide from these shots. There are solutions, anybody who's having continuous post-COVID, long-hauler syndrome they're calling it. Anybody you know at home struggling with, still years later, numbness and tingling all over their body, tinnitus, 6 ringing in their ears since having a mild case of COVID, loss of taste and smells since having COVID? How about brain fog, motor deficits, new onset of diabetes, new onset of diagnosis of high blood pressure, insomnia? Anybody you know struggling with any of these scenarios or symptoms they call long-hauler COVID symptoms?

It was already proven by Dr. Carlo Brogna in Italy that long-hauler COVID patients, 100% of them, have in their bowels bacteria called E. coli replicating snake venom peptides, starfish venom peptides, and cone snail venom peptides in their bowels. The exact same collection of venoms confirmed in the published study October, 2021, titled Toxin-like peptides found in blood, urine and feces of every COVID-19 patient, when Carlo Brogna and his team confirmed 36 different animal venom proteins were only found in COVID-19 patients. The entire COVID-19 narrative, this post-COVID syndrome called long-hauler COVID symptoms, that isn't related to the vaccines. That's with COVID.

COVID is DNA plasmids with venom spike proteins in it and they used bacteria and yeast in our bodies to replicate the venoms and if they got enough plasmids into us, our own cells would splice them together and spit out these venom proteins that are neurotoxic leading to neurological symptoms of every kind. Venoms do that. They also affect the blood with hemotoxicity, they call it causing blood clotting or hemorrhaging, which you're seeing after the shots and after COVID. They also cause multiple organ failure with a substance called phospholipase A2 that's in every venom and they have those in the plasmids also. So, as we were exposed to the plasmids they called SARS-CoV-2 virus with the spike protein genes, we were exposed to these and then our body manufactured the venoms to lead to all these horrific outcomes we're seeing longstanding.

In the 2017 study titled “Antiviral Therapeutics from Animal Venom Peptides,” they suggest the use of scorpion venom for fever, blisters, and cold sores, which is supposedly the herpes simplex virus. They also recommend scorpion venom as a vaccine for HIV. They also recommend snake venoms for HIV. It actually reads” “snake venom molecules are homologous with HIV-1 glycoprotein.” That means HIV could have the same evolutionary origin as snake venom. They know it’s venom. They just call it a “virus.”

They know it's venom. They say it’s identical. They say it’s homologous. “Adenoviruses” and “retroviruses” is code language for “venom.” They’re just using language that doesn’t allow us to understand or interpret what they’re actually saying or meaning. The definition of homologous reads similar to, or similar evolutionary origin, meaning HIV could have the same evolutionary origin as snake venom.

They are creating E. coli infections in people everywhere, and they’re aerosolizing conotoxin, venoms, or others. You’re breathing it in. When it reaches your bloodstream, if you have E. coli in your body, E. coli generates more venom. Look at the study from Utah State University in 2018. They call it synthetic snake venom phospholipase A2 with genetic engineering. All they did was put it in the presence of E. coli, and E. coli overproduced more and more synthetic venom.

The actual people who are being targeted with this COVID-19 weapon are diabetics. If you look up who’s dying the most often, being hospitalized, dying from COVID? It’s always diabetics. It’s always been diabetics the whole time. Native Americans were the highest percentage people dying in America. Blacks and Hispanics, in that same order, are the highest percentages of diabetics by race in America.

What is it that diabetics struggle with? Managing blood sugar. When there is excess blood sugar in the body, guess what that does to yeast and E. coli? They can’t beat it because bacteria and yeast thrive on sugar.

Millions of Americans have been injecting themselves with GLP–1 drugs such as Ozempic and Wegovy. Each of these drugs is made of Gila monster lizard venom, which, outside of being as toxic as a rattlesnake bite, also has a black box warning of thyroid cancer within 12 months of use. Gila monster lizard venom was as “toxic” as “western diamondback rattlesnake” venom.

Every cell in your body has nicotine receptors including the gut, a few people, when chewing and swallowing nicotine gum get nauseous and vomit or get loose stools. This is because so much of the venom spike proteins are attached to the nicotine receptors that line your entire bowel lining, and when nicotine is present the massive amount of venom in the bowel lining gets released and you will feel like you have food poisoning. Why because venoms are poison, and god designed the human body to throw up poison and poop out loosely, all poisons.

If this happens, please switch to nicotine patches. The nicotine skips the bowels and gets absorbed into your blood stream through your skin in less than 30 seconds. This is why we do patches every day. Most people have no reaction to the gum or nicotine orally but some do, that get mitigated by using a topical nicotine patch. Many people can benefit from buying organic tobacco leaf online and boil the leaves and do a foot soak for 20-30 minutes several times a week to absorb nicotine that way.

The media giants helped cover up the truth about how Ivermectin and Quercetin and zinc and vitamin D could save lives. So, they were just pushing pharmaceutical propaganda and essentially, driving innocent people off a medical cliff to their own deaths, while the media was being paid sponsorship money by the pharmaceutical companies that were murdering humanity.

We will never lose a single soldier. We will lose nobody. Nobody that has finally investigated vaccines, recognizes how dangerous they can be, how bad the science is, can ever be won by a Sanjay Gupta or Anderson Cooper or whatever media whore it is. You will never win them back. If they attack, we win. If they leave us alone, we win. They cannot figure out what to do because every day, we win and they lose, and they’re getting more and more angry. They’re swinging more and more wildly, which means martial law attempts to control us, burning books, censoring. These are foot stomping Hitler’s, little babies that have not pulled off their agenda. These are the dying gasps of a dying regime driven by money and greed and a desire for power that is losing to people who speak the truth. And that truth flows through us from God.