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There is an invisible, unchecked, malevolent nano-world, controlled by criminal minds, who are presently serving as the self-appointed custodians of our future. The criminally insane appear to be guiding the direction of the ship of state and have usurped the authority of being the guardians of our human DNA. The contents within the COVID-19 vaccines of a biosynthetic nanotechnology, never publicly seen before, including but not limited to: programmed nanobots, graphene oxide, toxic nano-metals of aluminum, barium, strontium, and titanium, self-generating hydrogels, and spike proteins, which are attacking and decimating human red blood cells and the immune system, and causing a myriad of diseases, including huge, rubbery blood clots.

Neither proven to be safe and effective, nor to stop infection or transmission, the COVID-19 vaccine push is an attack with a bioweapon aimed at the immune system of the human race. The proof of genocide is in the contents of the COVID-19 vaccine.

This globalist assault on human beings is amazingly not confined to COVID-19 vaccines alone, but also through constant geoengineering spraying of our skies with the aerosol spraying of our skies, which has an effect on human blood and the immune system. The same poisons that are being injected into humans via COVID-19 vaccination are also being constantly sprayed on the human population, contaminating with nanoparticles all life, including the food and water we are eating and drinking.

The global architects of transhumanism do not believe human beings are entitled to freedom, nor basic human rights. To them, we are stupid, hackable animals, meat on the table by choice and consent. The thousands of years of human history have been marked mostly by tyranny and oppression. Freedom is only a recent human experience and must be watered, cared for, and protected against its enemies.

In February 2020, a pandemic was declared by the globalist World Health Organization, which served as a subterfuge for implementing globalist, New World Order, century-old designs of depopulation and control of the human race in what is called the "Great Plan." In March, 2020, a shut-down of the United States economy began and draconian measures ensued. People were controlled like cattle with face masks, social distancing, and vaccinations that didn't work. Mandates were all part of the elites' pre-planned rehearsed scenario of regimentation and submission.

This was a psychological operation, a global psy-op causing panic and fear and then allowing governments and those that control them carte blanche. During the fraudulent pandemic was the draconian lockdown measures and the "safe and effective" hoax concerning the COVID-19 bioweapon called a "vaccine."

In the United States of America, tens of thousands of people have died from the vaccines and hundreds of thousands were permanently disabled and seriously injured. Texas and Kansas have filed civil actions against Pfizer for fraud and misrepresentation, seeking millions of dollars, because they were neither safe nor effective in stopping transmission.

There was intent, design, and planning to create an alien technology of harm and unleash it upon mankind. The globalists and their organizations and allies need to be indicted for murder, crimes against humanity, and genocide of the human race. All Nations and States and men and women of good will need to join in the fight to save humanity.

The trans-human agenda is one of the most significant challenges humanity faces today. It's not just about merging man with machine, it's about the potential loss of what makes us truly humanour sacred connection to nature, our spiritual essence, and our inherent freedom. It is even more of a challenge to our sovereignty and health; it touches the very core of our soul. This is not the path to true enlightenment or progress, but rather a detour away from our natural, thriving existence, which is beautifully aligned with God and nature.

One of the most urgent issues of our time is the merging of humanity with technology under the banner of so-called progress and enlightenment.

The nanobiotechnology industry—a multitrillion-dollar behemoth with staggering profit margins—has been shrouded in secrecy by industry leaders and regulatory bodies alike. This deliberate obfuscation has resulted in a profound and often devastating impact on human health and the environment.

Not only the opportunistic and disingenuous behaviors of nanotechnology leaders and regulators, but also the Machiavellian and inhumane nature required of these men and women to transform a covert bioweapons-based technology platform into a global, multi-trillion-dollar industry encompassing consumer, medical, and military applications. Despite mounting concerns about the potential risks of nanotechnology, key stakeholders had decided that consumers would be best served if the industry remained primarily "self-regulated," with little to no government oversight or consumer accountability.

The titans of nano-tech determined that "secrecy" would be the ultimate key to avoid civil and criminal liability. This unspoken agreement of denial has led to the widespread introduction of toxic nanoparticle technologies into our medical products, food, air, water, and natural ecosystems, causing untold disease, disruption, and death.

Citizens, politicians, and legal authorities are now able to see with their own eyes these highly advanced, self-assembling, genetically programmable nanoparticle technologies that are currently being used as biological weapons, changing the genetic make-up of humanity and the Earth's biodiversity.