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In one drop of blood there are 5,000,000 living cells bringing life to our body. When we contaminate this blood through what we eat, what we drink, or what we breathe, we bring disease and death to our body! A Live Blood Analysis is a window into your health. It helps to show you the effect nutrition has on your cells. Through an Individual Assessment and proper education you are able to make important nutritional and lifestyle changes that will help improve your health and prevent sickness and disease.

A Live Blood Nutritional Assessment will help you:
* Discover how the choices you make each day affect your overall health and well being.
* See the effect certain foods, drinks, and environmental toxins have on your body and blood.
* To detect and prevent underlying sickness and disease.
* To learn how to take responsibility for your health.
* To balance your system by giving it the nutrition it needs from 100% Pure Plant Based Whole Foods.

Here are 4 prevalent conditions of the blood that lead to bad health:

ROULEAUUndigested proteins from processed food and lack of digestive enzymes cause the body to be fatigued. Consuming 100%
pure whole foods, green foods, living foods, rich in chlorophyll, enzymes and trace minerals will unlock the body’s natural
energy sources.

Heavy toxins or heavy metals are caused by food and water contamination. Therefore, it is essential to restore electrolyte
balance and pH. Adding essential fiber from whole grains, and legumes (beans, seeds, and nuts) to your diet, allows the liver
and other vital bodily functions to restore vibrant good health.

In order to properly control harmful bacteria, an internal cleanse is necessary. Many high glycemic, high carbohydrate, high fat, processed, packaged, and empty calorie foods are over consumed and nutrient deficient. Consuming pure whole plant-based foods is vital to allow the body to replace good flora and obtain a healthy balance.

Parasites and bacteria feed upon over consumption of sugars and refined flour (processed, fast food) in diet. The excess
sugar in diet leads to an over proliferation of parasites and bacteria, leading to sickness and disease when the imbalance of
good bacteria (neutral) is overrun with bad bacteria. Common cause is lack of proper nutrients in diet and poor digestion
indicating a low immunity. Signs: fatigue, indicative of overall state of health.

Eight major health risks include: air contamination, free radical damage, mineral and electrolyte imbalance, vitamin deficiencies, enzyme deficiency, lack of friendly flora, fat and sugar digestive disorders, and water contamination.

Dry Blood Analysis can confirm the presence of heavy metals and indicate whether there is evidence of parasites as well. Live Blood Analysis can reveal liver, kidney or digestive stress. It can also reveal nutrient deficiencies that may hamper the body’s ability to detox.

Royal Raymond Rife was the inventor of the Universal Microscope which he presented to the world in 1933. Besides being the most powerful optical microscope ever made up to that time, it was also the most versatile. The Universal used all types of illumination: polarized, monochromatic or white light, dark field, slit ultra and infra-red. It could be used for all manner of microscopical work, including petrological work or for crystallography and photomicrography. According to a report submitted to the Journal of the Franklin Institute it had a magnification of 60,000x, and a resolution of 31,000x. The ocular of this instrument was binocular, but it also had a detachable segment lower in the body for monocular observation at 1800x (x=power) magnification.

One of the most attractive features of this microscope is that, in contrast to the Electron Microscope, the Universal Microscope does not kill the specimens under observation and affords observation of natural living specimens in all circumstances, meaning it does not rely on fixing or staining to render visibility or definition.

Rife achieved this by using various modes of lighting to bring virus into visibility in their natural colors. He first turned to this technique of using light to stain the subjects because he realized that the molecules of the chemical stains were much too large to enter into the structures he sought to visualize. Furthermore, the typical stains used in microscopy are sometimes lethal to the specimens and he wished to see them in their live state.

One factor enabling these natural images was Rife's use of a device called a Risley counter-rotating prism. This consists of two circular, wedge shaped prisms, mounted face to face and set in a geared-bezel, and so geared as to turn each prism through 360 degrees in opposite directions by means of an extended handle. Rife built a special mount under the stage to accommodate these instruments, and through which he directed a powerful monochromatic beam from his patented lamp. At various declinations of the refracted and polarized ray normally invisible bodies would become visible in a color peculiar to their structure or chemical make-up.

All optical elements in this microscope were made of block quartz, which permits the passage of ultraviolet rays.

By this means Rife revealed that virus and bacterium have a natural range of refraction to various light environments. This suggested that organisms could be classifiedif not specifiedby their index of refraction in the Risley prism under the Universal Microscope.

Anna Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD shared some updated images of what she sees now in C19 unvaccinated blood. Previously the most dominant form of advanced nanotechnology self-assembly seen were the long filaments. Now there are numerous spherical construction zones and dense hydrogel/ nanotechnology islands and more unusual constructions, in addition to the filaments.   In her mind, the size of these certainly raises concern about their contribution to clotting events. She has seen very unusual presentations of blood clotting correlated with this blood contamination, ranging from deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, heart attacks and strokes.

She also has seen turbo cancers in the unvaccinated. It is quite interesting that in cases of couples where one person is injected and the other is not, the C19 unvaccinated one often exhibits way more vaccine injury symptoms than the one who took the shot. It appears to that women are more sensitive than men, however, she has seen men with debilitating chronic symptoms.

Once contamination has happened and significant symptoms have manifested, with the detoxification protocols a stabilization and improvement of symptoms can be achieved. These include but are not limited to nutritional optimization, high antioxidant load, alkaline diet, EDTA in different forms, high dose food-based Vitamin C, Methylene Blue, Humic and Fulvic Acid, Malic Acid, NAC, DMG and other treatments.

These approaches also work for vaccine injury, and she has encouraged health providers to consider these in their own repertoire.

The most treatment resistant symptoms for the C-19 shedding injured, appear to be electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Once you have it, getting near a cell phone or being around Wi-Fi is challenging to tolerate, regardless of detox regimens and often triggers a flare up of symptoms. Mitigating EMF and realizing 5G as a contributing factor to this technology is important.

Recently some people have criticized that proposed treatment regimens contain nanotechnology. Everything does! If you want to be clean and uncontaminated of nanotechnology, then stop breathing now. Our air, water, food, environment, including contamination via C19 vax shedding, is bombarding us every second of our lives. We are in a war against an invisible technology at a nano scale. Remember, the Satanists want to kill 90% of the world population by 2030. That is just around the corner.

Dr. Anna shares her clinical experience and research information as she is a servant unto God, on a mission to help preserve the human species and its genetic lineage into the future. What people do with the information given to them is their choice and free will, and it is their God-given right to experience their choices and evolve according to their vision.

We can help people with treatments and many feel much better. But the days of cleaning up completely are over. There is no such thing as a pureblood anymore. We are fighting for our survival by detoxifying as best as we can and supporting the body nutritionally as best as possible.

Anna recommends you stay away from those people who sow hate, discord, and attack others who fight for the survival of our species. If you want to survive this war, you must consciously raise your vibratory frequency. Water seeks its own level, and those who wage war will reap war. Remember the handlers of the Cabal, inter dimensional reptilian armed forces—who have invaded earth thousands of years ago and who’s technology is being deployed against humanity now—feed off the emotional negative energy of what they see as the human slave race. Those who are religious call these entities Satan and his legions. We know what we are fighting against because we have seen it. If you can imagine 25 - 30 feet tall about 2000 pound orange red scaly dragon with a large tail and wings, of pure hate, pure evil and technologically very advanced—then you get some idea of what these inter-dimensional shape shifting entities can look like.

And if you then look at the red dragon emblems of, for example, the royal satanic blood lines, some lights might go on in your head. This technology is not originally from Earth, but has been deployed by the military industrial complex, and part of that is the Majestic 12, going back to the Eisenhower administration. The real mind control grid goes back thousands of years.

The human mind-controlled herd will blindly crucify anyone who speaks the truth—but many people are waking up. This Great Awakening is a rise in frequency vibration, that allows greater thought processes to enter the receiver brain—more unlimited thought.

Regardless of what people say, the best thing you can do for yourself is to take counsel with your own soul, listen carefully to your own intuition. Do what you think is best for your health and life. You cannot go wrong with that, because at least it is your decision, and you will learn from that.

People who just follow others and then are disappointed, are victimized by their own choices. Many people who are screaming loudly now and might persecute you or me, may not survive this war. We are 2-3 years out from the bioweapon deployment. Soon people will really understand the word—depopulation.

The test at the end of the day, is will you survive? And will you have evolved in wisdom? Will you have conquered the beast in your own self, the destroyer, the competitive cunning, jealous deceiver, the self-saboteur, the fearful coward, the blind lethargic follower, who wants the approval of others asleep in the Matrix? That is the only thing that matters really, have you spiritually evolved in these days of Armageddon?

Those who know about the reptilian occupation of earth and the mind control grid, understand advanced technological civilizations that have created humans as a slave race. If you want to escape their realm, you must go where they cannot see you—the frequency of love, allowing, wisdom, truth, and consideration for all life. Without that vibratory ascension in consciousness, we will never win this war.

Since many have personally been injured by the bioweapon when it was initially deployed as a “virus” (aka aerosolized self-assembly nanotechnology), we share with people the methods that have saved lives and kept us functional. We take our own medicine, in the truest sense of the word.

Anna Mihalcea has treated well over 1000 individuals for C-19 shedding-related issues, ranging from heart palpitations and other cardiac manifestations, chronic fatigue, neurological impairment called brain fog, autonomic dysfunction, accelerated aging, severe progressive peripheral neuropathy and more—in people who come from all over the United States and other countries.

Live blood analysis is one of several tools that allow us to assess health status and impact of blood contamination and toxicity and make decisions for the benefit of the individual patients. Hence this gives us a good sample to assess the severity of contamination of C-19 unvaccinated individuals. And that is a critical barometer in assessing, on a micro scale, how is the human species doing.

Her work has been confirmed by other awake doctors and self-motivated Americans, like us, who started looking at human blood around the world.   We answer to no human, only to God. The opinions of anyone are their choice, We are awake human beings and we simply state what we see and know.

Here's what your live blood analysis will reveal:

  • B12, iron and folic deficiencies.

  • Anemia and allergies.

  • Poorly digested proteins and fats.

  • The current health of a patient’s red blood cells and blood.

  • The presence of heavy metals and uric acid crystals in the blood.

  • The alkalinity and acidity of the blood.

  • Candida, yeast, parasites, fungi, and bacteria measured indirectly.

  • Free radical damage to the blood cell.

  • The levels of antioxidant needed in the body.

  • Detoxification requirements, including the duration of detox time or the type of detox program required.

  • Oxygen and hydration levels in the blood.

  • Helps identify the types of vitamins, mineral and nutrients needed.

  • Helps Identify the type of digestive enzymes needed in the body.

Here are some live blood images:

Image: extensive hydrogel/ advanced nanotechnology construction site with multiple spheres as self-a
Image: extensive hydrogel/ advanced nanotechnology construction site with multiple spheres as self-a
Image: Many spherical dark self-assembly sites with surrounding micro robots that conglomerate into
Image: Many spherical dark self-assembly sites with surrounding micro robots that conglomerate into
Image: Crystalline-looking hydrogel conglomerates, grown out of spherical construction sites.
Image: Crystalline-looking hydrogel conglomerates, grown out of spherical construction sites.
Image: more spherical construction sites that form a large structure.
Image: more spherical construction sites that form a large structure.
Image: construction sites filled with smaller spheres, all of which can grow more filaments and hydr
Image: construction sites filled with smaller spheres, all of which can grow more filaments and hydr
Image: higher magnification of micellar hydrogel construction, 2000x.
Image: higher magnification of micellar hydrogel construction, 2000x.
Image: Large hydrogel construction with small spheres around the rim. Many light-emitting microbots
Image: Large hydrogel construction with small spheres around the rim. Many light-emitting microbots
Image: spherical construction site that builds hydrogel with many micro robots included. Surrounding
Image: spherical construction site that builds hydrogel with many micro robots included. Surrounding
Image: different states of construction of solid hydrogel with red blood cells in rouleaux and oxida
Image: different states of construction of solid hydrogel with red blood cells in rouleaux and oxida
Image: Geometric hydrogel construction with multiple surrounding spherical construction sites.
Image: Geometric hydrogel construction with multiple surrounding spherical construction sites.
Image: large sphere with microrobots forming dense material with encased red blood cells used as an
Image: large sphere with microrobots forming dense material with encased red blood cells used as an
Image: Spherical construction site with a brownish golden hydrogel. Surrounding red blood cells are
Image: Spherical construction site with a brownish golden hydrogel. Surrounding red blood cells are
Image: perfect sphere with innumerable smaller micellar spheres growing and replicating from nano to
Image: perfect sphere with innumerable smaller micellar spheres growing and replicating from nano to


There is ongoing scientific research into biological fluids by research institutions continually mapping the diagnostic markers available from a single drop of blood. They have been able to confirm that the presence of certain disease processes do indeed generate specific characteristic patterns within dried drop of blood.

The Dry Blood Analysis procedure involves puncturing a client’s fingertip and allowing a bead of blood to form. This is left on the finger for 30 seconds to allow the clotting cascade to develop. A microscope slide is then pressed onto the drop of blood eight times. The slide is left to dry, which takes about 15 minutes, and in that time the eight blood layers will go through an extraordinary transformation.

As blood is a biological fluid - it behaves like a non-Newtonian fluid. This means that as the water evaporates from layers of blood it generates currents within the fluid. This moves the contents of the layer around and creates the distinctive patterns.

How the contents move and where they end up within the layer is determined by the electro-biochemical properties of the red blood cells, the quantity of the various clotting factors in the plasma, toxins that have been circulating within the blood, by-products of pathogens, by-products of oxidation, free radical damage and degenerative disease processes. This is what generates the distinctive patterns within the dry blood layers that are indicative of various issues going on within the body.

Dry Blood Analysis can:

  • Detect the presence of inflammation

  • Assess the progression of inflammatory processes - chronic or acute

  • Determine the location of the inflammatory process – organ, tissue or system specific

  • Monitor the progression or reduction of the inflammatory process

  • Detect heavy metal toxicity

  • Reveal the presence of parasites

  • Show mineral and vitamin imbalances

  • Show antibiotic damage

  • Detect bowel inflammation

  • Assess the lymphatic burden

  • Assess protein metabolism