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U.N. AGENDA 2030
We have been trying to extract the bullet points of the ever-changing, appearing, and disappearing United Nations Agenda for the "New World Order," which has always seemed to us to be a compendium of the worst ideas and elements of the Old World Order--and, Shazaam! For once, the UN Corporation did it for us:
Whether this is an agenda based in Communism or Fascism or both, it really doesn't matter. What matters is that it is blatantly crazy, evil, and criminal. And all those promoting this have committed treason against their countries and their countrymen and deserve to be utterly destroyed. This is being foisted on the world by unelected bureaucrats working for commercial and municipal corporations that are merely in the business of providing "essential government services."
The "UN" is a corporation founded in France several years before the United Nations Charter was ever created. And here are the Principal Parties of Interest driving the "UN Agenda"—Current version UN Corp dba World Bank dba FEDERAL RESERVE—52% owned by Rothschild Bank of London and Berlin; 8% owned by Lazard Freres Bank of Paris; 8% owned by Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, 8% owned by Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam; 6% owned by Lehman Brothers of New York; 6% owned by Kuhn Loeb of New York; 6% owned by Chase Manhattan/Rockefeller Bank of New York; 6% owned by Goldman Sachs. There may be some changes in ownership(s) since this list was compiled, but the above is accurate for the most part.
So for all those who are alarmed about the UN, perhaps you should share this information about what the "UN" really is. And maybe you should be bringing appropriate political and international scrutiny to bear on the owner/operator/shareholders of the "UN." And also on the French Government, meaning the Rothschild dominated corporation dba FRANCE. It's time to bust these bunko artists and take back control of the world for sane people. Time to liquidate all those corporations and lawfully convert them—that is, "nationalize" them. Including the UN CORP.
The United Nations is an organization, like Great Britain, a company, not a country. It has no sovereign identity and cannot engage as a true Principal as party to any Treaty or Contract. As a result, all so-called "United Nations" Treaties are, yes, indeed, fraudulent. None of the moving Parties who instituted these "treaties" had the standing to issue a real treaty—each one of the sovereign countries have the right to make a treaty, but a country club with sovereign countries as members is not similarly endowed. So nobody is actually and factually bound by any United Nations "Treaty", and if the United Nations is going to be misused as a storefront for the endlessly corrupt and evil UN CORP, we would all be better off to simply disband the whole thing right now.
Any treaty enacted in fraud, without standing, under any condition of nondisclosure or deceit—is null and void. There is no need for The United States or any other actual country to get out of anything that never really was; no obligation is created by a fraudulent contract. The United Nations organization and its shadow side, the UN CORP, lack standing to enter into any binding treaty with any sovereign State, because neither of these entities are sovereign themselves, and cannot borrow sovereignty from Confederate States-of-States, which are inchoate business entities.
The only "member States" that Harry Truman could bring to the table were British Territorial States-of-States, so neither the United Nations (Organization) nor the United States (Corporation) that Truman was representing had any standing to sign an actual treaty. Instead, as with the Treaty of Manila Bay, they signed "treaties" in Bad Faith and the result was a "sea treaty"—a fraud.
Charters are not treaties and our country is under no treaty obligation whatsoever due to the fraudulent misrepresentations surrounding the actions giving rise to this whole situation. The United Nations is not a sovereign entity and the "States" being represented by Harry Truman weren't sovereign States, either. The inevitable result is that no actual treaty exists.
Two additional crucial questions to ask are—(1) Which "United States" was Truman representing and did he have authority to do so? and (2) How could Truman deliver a ratification by "States" lacking the legal and lawful standing to ratify a treaty?
Truman was operating as the President of the British Territorial United States, not The United States. He was representing British Territorial States of States, mere business organizations, not actual States with the power to ratify a treaty. It's self-evident why no such ratification was ever posted in the Congressional Record nor deposited, as required, with the United Nations. These facts invalidate every vote "the United States" has participated in since 1946, invalidate its position on the Security Council, and invalidate its signatures on the United Nations Charter. Not only that, the United Nation's status as a non-sovereign entity doubly invalidates every other "treaty" it has formed with sovereign nations. The whole thing, first to last and including but not limited to anything Joe Biden signed with WHO, Incorporated, is null and void for lack of standing and fraudulent misrepresentation. We draw your attention to the fact that the "Participation Act" doesn't actually allow participation.
The following very informative Memorandum of Law is posted by independent sources at: https://preventgenocide2030.org/un-treaties-arefraudulent/ and we are reposting it for worldwide educational purposes.
Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary The United States of America In care of: Box 520994 Big Lake, Alaska 99652 October 21st, 2024
Facts & Law:
[A] At the end of World War Two the victorious powers negotiated the establishment of a successor to the League of Nations, to be called the “United Nations.” The UN Conference in San Francisco, in the spring and early summer of 1945, following the defeat of Nazi Germany, adopted the Charter and it was opened for signatures. President Truman was present at the Conference when the US Secretary of State signed the Charter, June 26, 1945.
[B] In Article 110 the Charter requires its ratification:
1. The present Charter shall be ratified by the signatory states in accordance with their respective constitutional processes.
2. The ratifications shall be deposited with the Government of the United States of America, which shall notify all the signatory states of each deposit as well as the Secretary-General of the Organization when he has been appointed.
3. The present Charter shall come into force upon the deposit of ratifications by the Republic of China, France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America, and by a majority of the other signatory states. A protocol of the ratifications deposited shall thereupon be drawn up by the Government of the United States of America which shall communicate copies thereof to all the signatory states.
[C] Harry S. Truman, the President of the United States, and a former Senator, personally took the Charter to the US Senate asking for ‘advice and consent’ to join the United Nations.
[D] On July 28, 1945 the Senate held a Roll Call vote, as the Congressional Record shows: The Congressional Record states: “Two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein, the resolution of ratification is agreed to, and the treaty is ratified.”
[E] The US State Department, as official Depository, has published a document showing the ratifications of the original members. This excerpt shows the initial US signing of the Charter by the Secretary of State in June of 1945 and the date in August of 1945 when President Truman signed the Charter while he was in Europe at the Potsdam Conference.
[F] While the National Archives shows a photo of President Truman signing the actual Charter on August 8, 1945. There is no record of a formal “Instrument of Ratification” on file with the Depository, as required by the Charter itself.
[G] The US Constitution provides, Article VI: “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby.”
[H] The Vienna Convention on Treaties (VCLT) defines Treaties as contracts between sovereign states. ” Article 1 – Scope of the present Convention The present Convention applies to treaties between States. Article 3 – International agreements not within the scope of the present Convention The fact that the present Convention does not apply to international agreements concluded between States and other subjects of international law…”
[I] Congress initially adopted the UN Participation Act in 1945 after President Truman signed the Charter. While the Act provides for an ambassador-rank US Representative appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate it does not authorize US participation in the United Nations.
The United States relationship with the UN is unconstitutional, conceived in deceit, maintained in deceit and is thus ultra vires.
Harry S. Truman assumed the office of President of the United States when President Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945. Previously he had been Vice-President of the United States and President of the Senate, of which he had been a member prior to becoming Vice President. In an unprecedented act, Truman personally presented the United Nations Charter to the US Senate and spoke to the body in favor of participating in the UN. He stated, among other points: “I am appearing to ask for the ratification of the Charter… in accordance with the Constitution. … For this is not a static treaty…”
Although the President pro tam of the Senate inaccurately characterized the Charter of the United Nations as a “treaty,” the President of the United States specified it was not a “treaty.” This inconsistency suggests that the Senate was misinformed regarding the nature of the document. This situation is further exposed by the US State Department’s official compendium of Treaties in Force and its supplement which do not list the UN Charter as a Treaty in force. The Vienna Convention on Treaties is clear: international agreements, such as Charters, are not treaties. Therefore, by the preponderance of relevant authorities, the Charter is not a treaty.
Despite the incorrect use of the word “treaty” in the Congressional Record, UN decisions do not trigger the “Supreme Law of the Land” clause of the Constitution. The UN Charter was conceived, presented and maintained by deceit. Any action by the US Government in furtherance of participation is ultra vires and void as unconstitutional. Thus, State and local governments are not bound to follow UN dictates, including those issued by such subsidiary UN bodies as the World Health Organization.
The Charter explicitly differentiates between ‘Treaties’ and ‘international agreements’, stipulating that any Treaty brought before the UN must be registered with the Secretariat. The facts further show that no signatory to the UN Charter is bound, as if by a “Treaty,” to either the UN or its Member States. Nations which conclude the same international agreement do not enter into a Treaty among themselves by so doing. Section 102 of the Charter, the only Article referencing Treaties, states:
1. Every treaty and every international agreement entered into by any Member of the United Nations after the present Charter comes into force shall as soon as possible be registered with the Secretariat and published by it.
2. No party to any such treaty or international agreement which has not been registered in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article may invoke that treaty or agreement before any organ of the United Nations. The deception continues even today, since the US State Department erroneously refers to the UN Charter as a “multilateral treaty”. “The United States is depositary for over 200 multilateral treaties – including, for example, the Charter of the United Nations, The Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the North Atlantic Treaty.
In its depositary capacity, the United States keeps the original treaty texts and facilitates their signature, as appropriate. The depositary also receives instruments relating to the treaties, such as instruments of ratification, and maintains status lists of such actions.” Note that all of the United Nations ‘treaties’ listed on the various State Department compilations noted above appear to be operational agreements for various international agencies, not Treaties governing relations among States. International conventions and agreements to form international associations, private clubs among nations, are not Treaties under Article VI of the US Constitution and as such are not binding on the Nation or its several States.
With the very recent Decision by the United States Supreme Court, Loper et al. vs Department of Commerce, overturning the traditional ‘deference’ shown by Courts to the interpretations of law by Federal Agencies, there is no special credence that we must give to the State Department’s interpretation of US treaty obligations.
Continued participation in the UN and its subsidiary organizations, commitment of resources or public funding of same, on the basis of our alleged “treaty” obligations to them, is an unlawful act and must be immediately terminated.
There is absolutely no statute of limitations which applies to fiduciary trust fraud. It doesn’t matter if it happened in 1862 or yesterday. It taints and invalidates every authority, contract, and claim based upon it.
18 USC 1025:
"Whoever, upon any waters or vessel within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, by any fraud, or false pretense, obtains from any person anything of value, or procures the execution and delivery of any instrument of writing or conveyance of real or personal property, or the signature of any person, as maker, endorser, or guarantor, to or upon any bond, bill, receipt, promissory note, draft, or check, or any other evidence of indebtedness, or fraudulently sells, barters, or disposes of any bond, bill, receipt, promissory note, draft, or check, or other evidence of indebtedness, for value, knowing the same to be worthless, or knowing the signature of the maker, endorser, or guarantor thereof to have been obtained by any false pretenses, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both; but if the amount, value or the face value of anything so obtained does not exceed $1,000, he shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both."
The “State” Court should, if it wishes to have any credibility whatsoever, be addressing the dishonorable, deceitful, and outright criminal misconduct that is ongoing and endemic with respect to the operation of its “Judges” and Officers, and should apply the rules of the corporate United States, its employer, to its own operations.
The military has been in control of "governmental services" in this country since 1863 when Lincoln bankrupted the original United States (Trading Company). Read the Lieber Code, also known as General Order 100. Together with the Geneva Convention Protocols, this is the "martial law" that the "citizens of the United States" have lived under ever since.
Next you have to know that there are two giant "governmental services corporations" leeching off the American people—the "UNITED STATES" which went insolvent in March of 2015, and "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" which is taking over the services contract (or trying to). The "UNITED STATES" has been run by the UN Corp doing business as the International Monetary Fund—both French corporations which operated out of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to fleece us blind.
"THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" is now being run by the UN Corporation doing business as the Federal Reserve, set up under the laws and auspices of the United Nations City-State. This is where all the "UN law" comes in. Do you notice the Common Denominator? The UN Corporation owns both. The UN Corporation is owned by the World Bank. And the World Bank is owned by Jacob Rothschild, who is owned by the British Crown Conglomerate, which is owned by the Vatican, which is owned by the Holy See.
Whether you knew it or not, you and the whole world have been living under a system of "law" created in Ancient Sumeria—a system of idolatry and enslavement and every venal thing.
These two colluding corporations, both operated by the French UN Corporation, intend to kill off their Priority Creditors and seize upon their property. The greatest act of genocide in human history is being prepared against the American people and it's being done by what appears to be their own government and Allies.
This is what it means to, "Come out of Babylon!"—expatriate from having anything to do with the "UNITED STATES" now. Change your names from all-capitals: JOHN RALPH DOE back to upper and lower case: John Ralph Doe. Or even take a new name entirely. Change the owner and address on your land deeds. Change your mailing address, too, if need be. Keep nothing of the old system that they can attach to. And protest your innocence now. Place it on the public records.
You never knowingly or willingly agreed to any of this evil. Be part of "the remnant" of the American people who return to your land.
You will need fuel, water, food, and all other needful things. Store up medical supplies and tools. Get ready, because "the end"—of this system of things—is coming as surely as I am sitting here. Babylon has fallen once, and she will fall again for the final time.
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