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The most commonly heard heart term, cardiac, comes from the Greek kardia. The possible first use of this Greek word for cardiac or heart goes back about 2,300 years to the era of the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 B.C.). The father of Aristotle was a noted physician by the name of Nicomachus. This familial tie prompted Aristotle to study anatomy and disease under Plato. After observing the activity of an embryonic heart in an incubating egg, it was Aristotle who named the largest artery in the body: aorta. Subsequently, Aristotle tutored Alexander the Great, who later conquered Egypt and founded the city of Alexandria, which became a world center of science and medicine. The physician Erasistratos founded a school of anatomy and, by dissection, he discovered the heart consisted of four separate chambers.
We are well aware of a belief that medical radiation causes only a very low percentage of cancer mortality. That belief rests on a few estimates whose input-data are highly unreliable and sometimes inherently irrelevant.
You only have 5 liters of blood, yet you pump 7,600 liters of blood every day to 10,000 kilometers of cardiovascular tubing, which is arteries, veins, and capillaries. That blood is carrying the oxygen you’re breathing into your lungs, and all the nutrients you’re digesting to fuel your body and keep you alive.
Mercury’s Effects on the Heart
Mercury is a strong metabolic poison: it can harm any living cell or process. Although mercury is found in many forms, they all work the same way once they get into the body and reach the cells. The toxic potential of the various forms depends on their ability to enter the body. The most toxic forms of mercury, namely mercury vapor and methylmercury, easily enter the body and penetrate its cells. Inhaled mercury vapor, from amalgam dental fillings, travels rapidly and dramatically to heart tissue. This type of mercury exposure presents a far greater risk to the heart than does mercury derived from fish (organic mercury) or medications (inorganic mercury). For more than 70 years, scientific evidence, has demonstrated widespread cardiovascular effects from inorganic mercury and mercury vapor. Recent published studies have revealed that subjects with amalgam fillings experience significant mercury exposure to the tissues of the cardiovascular system and have significantly higher blood pressure, lower heart rate, lower hemoglobin levels, and lower percentages of red blood cells. They also have a greater incidence of impaired cardiac electrical and neurotransmitter function, pathological changes in heart muscle tissue, damage to blood vessels and heart valves, arrhythmias, constriction of coronary arteries, chest pains, rapid heart beat, anemia, increased potential for blood clots, fatigue, tire easily, and are tired in the morning.
These studies have demonstrated how mercury poisoning from inhaled mercury vapor from dental amalgam fillings affects the cardiovascular system. Damage by mercury occurs when it attaches to or enters the cells of the body; no matter what form the mercury is in when it enters the body. Ethyl mercury and methyl mercury are very toxic forms of mercury because they easily enter the body and its cells. Mercury vapor is also very toxic for the same reason. Medical knowledge about cardiovascular disease was minimal prior to the twentieth century. In the mid-19th century, the effect of occupational exposure to mercury in workers in mirror factories and the use of mercury in the treatment of syphilis was undertaken. In 1861, it was reported that the activity of the involuntary muscles are affected.
Together with a weakness of the voluntary muscles, there is generally an impairment of the heart. The pulse is slower, with greater lability; resting heart rate was 60-70 beats/minute, but at the slightest agitation, the rate rapidly rose to 80-100. Sometimes pronounced tachycardia occurred. In the 1930s, it was recognized that mercury caused damage to the heart and blood vessels. It was then discovered that mercury poisoning had a paralyzing influence of heart and circulation, followed by a reduction in blood pressure and death. In 1938, researchers found serious vascular damage from mercury exposure. The analysis of cardiovascular disease is dependent upon sophisticated testing and sophisticated research, neither of which was available until the 20th century. Because of these factors, the cardiovascular effects of exposure to mercury were not recognized until fairly recently. Medical scientific researchers began investigating mercury accumulations in cardiovascular tissue of humans and animals in controlled experiments in the 1950s.
The animals exposed to mercury vapor had much higher levels of mercury in the heart and brain, as well as larger amounts in the thyroid, adrenals, spinal ganglia and nerves, testes, and ovaries. Exposure to mercury vapor results in much larger accumulations of mercury in the heart than does exposure to inorganic mercury. The mercury levels in the heart were three to four times those found in the brain of exposed animals, after only one hour of exposure. In humans, exposure to mercury vapor results in a high and rapid accumulation of mercury in heart tissue. Levels of inorganic mercury, methylmercury, and total mercury accumulation were measured and significantly high levels of mercury were found in heart tissue, about the same amounts as were found in the brain. It was also found that the levels of inorganic mercury in the heart increased with age, while the levels of methylmercury decreased. In human autopsy studies, high levels of mercury were found in the pituitary glands of dental personnel and in subjects with amalgams.
Mercury absorbed from dental amalgam is rapidly taken up by the heart tissue, in even greater amounts and more rapidly than that which is absorbed into the brain. Mercury specifically derived from dental amalgam fillings also influence heart function by accumulating in the brain, pituitary, thyroid, and adrenals, and are also target organs after exposure to mercury vapor. Among the earliest widespread indications of the cardiovascular effects of mercury were in victims of Acrodynia, a disease syndrome known to be caused by mercury, and was diagnosed primarily in children who were being exposed to various mercury compounds, mostly a mercurous chloride compound called Calomel, which was commonly used as a teething powder and to combat “diaper rash.” In 1952, it was found that Calomel (mercurous chloride) enhanced the influence of epinephrine (adrenaline) in constricting arteries and causing high blood pressure and tachycardia in children.
Mercury’s toxic action on a wide range of tissues, including those in the cardiovascular system, is scientifically proven. Researchers have found that mercury affects several aspects of cardiac function, including the ability of heart muscle to contract, the electrical conduction activity in the heart, and the function of regulators of cardiac activity. Mercury toxic subjects exhibited an increased occurrence of rapid heart beat, irregular pulse, chest pains, heart palpitations, and high blood pressure. Mercury blocks the action of acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter that passes the nerve impulse from the vagus nerve to the heart muscle. Both acetylcholine and the nerve receptors in the heart muscle contain thiol (sulfur/hydrogen) proteins. When mercury attaches to the thiol protein in the heart muscle receptors and in the acetylcholine, the heart muscle can’t receive the vagus nerve electrical impulse for contraction.
Mercury accumulates in the heart muscle and heart valves, causing damage by attaching to thiol (SH-) or sulfhydryl (sulfur/hydrogen combination) proteins. This damage is indicated by EKG changes and confirmed by histologic study. The damage is found in the coronary arteries and capillaries supplying blood to the heart tissue and in the heart muscle itself. Mercury has a high affinity for and readily binds to the mineral selenium in living tissues. The higher the affinity (attraction) between chemicals or elements, the stronger they bond to each other, and the harder it is to separate them. The thiol combination is extremely common in the human body. It occurs as part of certain amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. Since these amino acids are used to build cells, hormones, and enzymes, the occurrence of the thiol combination in the body is not only common but extremely important, as normal function is altered. There are several thiol locations in the hemoglobin molecule in the red blood cells used to transport oxygen throughout the body. Mercury accumulates in red blood cells in humans and other animals.
When this mercury attaches to the thiol sites, the hemoglobin can’t carry as much oxygen as it should. This results in decreased availability of oxygen which is needed by all body cells, and explains one way that mercury toxicity can cause chronic fatigue symptoms. This same interference occurs wherever thiols occur in the body, including the cardiovascular system. Mercury and other thiol poisons affect several aspects of cardiac activity, such as the response to regulating nerves (especially the vagus nerve) and chemicals, the electrical activity of the heart, and the ability of the heart muscle to contract.
Heart muscle consists of two major proteins, actin and myosin. The function of muscle tissue depends on the interaction between these two proteins and their combination to form actomyosin, resulting in tissue contraction. The connection of these two proteins occurs at thiol sites in the myosin molecule. If mercury attaches to those thiol sites, the muscle tissue will not be able to function. With mercury vapor intoxication, there is a decreased activity of respiratory enzymes and sarcoplasmic ATPase.
Cell respiration consists of a series of chemical reactions that provide the needed energy for cell functions. Cell respiratory enzymes are very sensitive to mercury; it alters or inhibits their function by removing the hydrogen atom from the thiol group. Mercury affects heart function by influencing hormones from the pituitary gland (pituitrin). Pituitrin contains several active hormones that have a profound and important influence of the body, including one that affects the constriction of arteries. Chronic mercury exposure affects cardiovascular functioning by interfering with cardiovascular regulating hormones (dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine). In test animals, mercury exposure increases the force of heart muscle contraction, causing high blood pressure, by blocking the passage of calcium ions into the heart muscle cells. Low concentrations of various mercury compounds accelerate blood coagulation (clotting) process. Unborn babies are highly exposed to and susceptible from their mothers’ dental amalgam fillings.
Prenatal exposure to mercury produces marked toxicity to babies, including a high incidence of abnormal hearts, characterized by dilation of the heart with a thinning and weakening of the heart walls. Inhaled mercury vapor penetrates the placental membrane far more thoroughly than does inorganic mercury, thereby greatly increasing the potential for this fetal damage. The integrity and proper function of living cells depends on the ability of certain materials to pass into and out of the cells. The cell membrane contains a great many thiol sites. Mercury binds to these sites and prevents the passage of certain materials into and out of the cells. Mercury blocks the enzyme in the cell membrane that actively passes calcium in and out of the muscle cells by attaching to the thiol part of the enzyme. Calcium is necessary for the proper function of heart muscle.
High blood pressure is caused by mercury preventing the passage of calcium into the heart muscle cells, increasing the force of the heart muscle contraction. It takes time for chronic mercury exposure to cause enough damage to result in a clinically detectable dysfunction. This is a predominant characteristic of heart disease. It takes the body 30-70 days to eliminate one half of each dose of mercury. If a person is only exposed to very small doses of mercury vapor, but is exposed many times each day, the mercury will slowly build up in body tissues. Some time may elapse before enough mercury builds up in heart tissue to cause noticeable symptoms.
In 1964, investigators conducted electrocardiogram tests on victims of organic mercury poisoning in Iraq in 1960. A serious outbreak of mercury poisoning, including many deaths, resulted from farmers’ families eating organic mercury-treated grain intended for planting. All victims demonstrated EKG changes, denoting damage to the heart. Cardiac arrhythmias, abnormal beats of the ventricles, and paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia were also found. These changes were attributed to mercury damage to the heart’s pacemaker, (sinoatrial node), the electrical conduction system of the heart, and reduced blood supply to the heart muscle (myocardial ischemia). In 1977 researchers found that the pathology found in mercury poisoning is a result of damage to the blood vessels and subsequent blood supply. Nerve damage resulted from reduced blood flow. They found a thickening of arteries in the victims and hardening of the blood vessels in the brain and other arteries in the body, as well as thrombus (clot) formation is in the blood vessels. The victims also demonstrated high blood pressure, damage to heart muscle, and heart attacks. They also showed damage to the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, the cells that produce insulin.
There is evidence that even mild cases of myocarditis can lead to fatal arrhythmias. A healthy 40-year-old man experienced tachycardia suddenly two days after receiving the jab, lost consciousness and ultimately died. That patient tested negative for the virus. The researchers noted that the man’s case of myocarditis had been “focal and mild, as is mostly observed following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination.”
Researchers from Harvard Medical School, revealed that COVID-19 vaccines were responsible for a surge in sudden deaths seen throughout the world as a result of cerebral ischemia. This type of deadly brain damage is caused by insufficient flow of blood to the brain. The researchers determined that the spike could be attributed to the Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Unfortunately, just as many people feared, we are learning more every day about the damage these vaccines cause, and their long-term effects will only grow more apparent with time.
Cardiologists are idiots or worse. They simply, en-mass, have abandoned their right to call themselves doctors.
Obstetricians are quite familiar with the use of magnesium for hypertension in women about to deliver. Unfortunately, they aren’t talking to cardiologists or even to family doctors about the importance of magnesium in treating general hypertension, one of the main risk factors for heart disease, or using magnesium to prevent heart problems.
Every thirty-three seconds, someone in the United States dies of cardiovascular disease; that’s approaching 1 million deaths annually. Hypertension occurs in 50 million Americans and accounts for an estimated 29.3 million office visits a year to conventional medical doctors. Prescriptions for anti-hypertensive drugs are given at most of these appointments, even though magnesium has been used successfully for over half a century by medical doctors, osteopaths, and naturopathic doctors.
Heart disease is more deadly than all other modern scourges combined, including cancer and loss of life from car accidents, crime and war. Cancer is next, at about 20% of all deaths and deaths from diabetes adds another 5%. In the United States, cardiovascular disease is responsible for almost as many deaths as all other causes of death combined. Almost one of every two deaths in the U.S. are due to CVD.
About 935,000 people in the U.S. will have a heart attack this year, according to government figures and cardiologists will sit on the sidelines and let them have them. The cells in almost all heart patients are sick cells, empty of magnesium and often overly clogged with calcium. If you are interested in heart health, you have no choice but to be interested in magnesium.
Magnesium and calcium work together to control muscle action though calcium becomes increasingly toxic in the face of any kind of magnesium deficiency. Calcium tightens the muscles; magnesium relaxes the muscles. With insufficient magnesium the muscles stay tense and may eventually cause a cramp in the muscle. This could happen when you have too much calcium or too little magnesium. Too much calcium causes the heart to go into a spasm and this can cause a heart attack.
The ignorance of cardiologists about magnesium alone actually guarantees that heart disease will continue to kill a million people each year in America alone. Too often, people pass a cardiac checkup only to collapse with a heart attack days later. Today’s best tests can’t predict when that’s about to happen, or can they? If a doctor orders a magnesium cellular test (as opposed to a blood serum test) he can have a good idea what’s in store for the patient if those levels are too low. But any physician worth his weight in salt just has to ask a few questions to know. Do you eat white rice, white bread, white sugar, white pasta and/or white salt? If you do eat this type of diet, know that there is a 100% chance that you are deficient in magnesium! These foods are white because all the minerals have been taken out.
Clearly magnesium deficiency is a major risk factor for survival of CHF patients. For decades, the evidence has been overwhelming that Americans are very deficient in Mg, as evidenced by the 23% shortfall from the RDI, yet the FDA and DOJ have covered up their blunder, getting a Federal lawsuit dismissed before the evidence could be shown, and keeping silent about the millions of deaths indicated by over 50 epidemiological studies from nine countries. Recent studies clearly confirm that water-borne Mg is far, far better in preventing cardiovascular pathologies than food-borne Mg.
Conventional medical authorities say that consumption of saturated animal fats is bad for you and causes heart disease. But a hundred years ago, fewer than than one in one hundred Americans were obese, and coronary heart disease was unknown. Procter and Gamble started marketing Crisco as a new kind of food -- the first commercially marketed trans-fat. Crisco was originally used to make candles and soap, but with electrification causing a decline in candle sales, Procter and Gamble decided to promote the fat as a “healthier” all-vegetable-derived shortening.
Feeding high doses of fat and cholesterol to omnivores, like rats and dogs, does not produce atherosclerotic lesions in them. In fact, people who have highest percentage of saturated fat in their diets have the lowest risk of heart disease.
The demonization of saturated fat began in 1953, when Dr. Ancel Keys published a paper comparing saturated fat intake and heart disease mortality. His theory turned out to be flimsy, but the misguided demonizing of saturated fat has continued unabated ever since. Fortunately, the truth is finally starting to come out, as medical scientists have begun to seriously question Keys' findings.
Many have now realized that it's the trans-fat found in margarine, vegetable shortening, and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils that is the true villain, causing far more significant health problems than saturated fat ever could! Still, despite the scientific evidence, the low-fat dogma remains a favorite among most government health authorities.
Enjoy eating saturated fats, they’re good for you. Just make sure that it is clean as toxins are stored in fat; no hormones, antibiotics, GMO grain, etc. Grass-fed is the best choice.
Western medicine’s obsession with cholesterol misses the boat entirely. The cholesterol heart disease connection that pharmaceutical companies use to sell billions of dollars of statin drugs is still largely theoretical, and not clinically borne out in practice. Magnesium, not statin drugs, is fundamental for the prevention and treatment of heart disease, diabetes, and arteriosclerosis; it serves as a natural calcium antagonist, normalizes blood pressure and irregular heartbeat. Magnesium is the ultimate heart drug and it is tragic that cardiologists do not universally acknowledge its full utility in the treatment of heart disease. An astonishing 40 to 60 percent of sudden deaths from heart attack may occur in the complete absence of any prior artery blockage, clot formation or heart rhythm abnormalities, most likely from spasms in the arteries caused by magnesium deficiency.
Cholesterol drugs are dangerous and are becoming as common as aspirin. If you visit your doctor and have even slightly elevated cholesterol, s/he is quick to fill out a prescription for a statin drug.
A significant number of people taking statins (between 3 and 15%) develop mild to crushing muscle pain that can lead to permanent muscle problems, severe kidney problems or death. The drugs can cause severe liver damage, and some recent reports have linked the use of one statin to neurological and memory problems. Statins cause reductions in the muscle mitochondrial content of ubiquinone or Coenzyme Q10, an important part of the ATP-producing electron transport chain that employs the same precursor molecules as cholesterol.
The mechanism of statin drugs, disruption of mevalonate synthesis, prevents cells from making compounds that are essential for healthy cellular life and death. Liver cells begin to accumulate cholesterol and become distorted, while other cells all over the body lose their ability to know when it’s time be recycled or to divide. Disrupting the mevalonate pathway with statin drugs also prevents cells from making CoQ10, an essential component to energy production. Low CoQ10 results in muscle aches, muscle injuries, fatigue, and poor cardiac performance. Other statin side effects include diabetes, liver injury, hormonal imbalance, erectile dysfunction, depression, memory loss/dementia, and more.
50% of all strokes and heart attacks have absolutely nothing to do with elevated cholesterol levels. Drugs like Lipitor, Zocor, Pravachol, Crestor and Mevacor carry serious health risks — destruction of muscle, liver damage, increased risk of cancer, suppression of the immune system, just to name a few. (Drug companies don't want you to remember that statins like Baycol had to be pulled from the market due to multiple deaths.) How many of the 12 million Americans now taking these drugs for their heart health understand that they are (often dangerously) treating the symptoms and not the cause of high cholesterol?
What the public is not told is that the statin drugs are associated with major complications and side effects. These include depletion of the body's essential energy molecule coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), which can lead to congestive heart failure (CHF), extreme muscle weakness, neurological disorders and even death. Magnesium deficiency is a major risk factor for survival of CHF patients. In animal experiments, magnesium has been shown to be involved in several steps of the atherosclerotic process as well as magnesium ions playing an extremely important role in CHF and various cardiac arrhythmias.
All statin drugs have been associated with causing or promoting cancer in experimental animals. This is especially important since millions of Americans have been advised to take these drugs for the rest fo their lives. It will take 20 years before the connection between the statins and a dramatic rise in cancer deaths becomes widely acknowledged--too late for many people.
In a recent report, statin drugs produced significant suppression of vital immune cells called helper T-cells. These cells play a major role in protecting us against cancer and fungal, bacterial and viral infections. The immune suppression is so powerful that it has been suggested that statins be used to prevent organ rejection in transplant patients. The drugs used included Lipitor, Mevacor and Pravachol. Imagine the devastating effects of these highly immune-suppressing statin drugs on 67 million people, the number estimated by the medical/pharmaceutical cartel.
Chronic immune suppression in these millions mean that a tremendous number are at high risk of developing cancer, and those already having cancer will see tremendous growth and spread of their cancer. And because immune-suppressed individuals are known to be highly resistant to antibiotic treatment, chronic immune suppression also would put these individuals at high risk of developing infections, and these infections would be extremely hard to cure.
Even mild cases of myocarditis can lead to fatal arrhythmias.
Medical radiation is a highly important cause (probably the principal cause) of cancer mortality in the United States during the Twentieth Century. Medical radiation means, primarily, exposure by x-rays (including fluoroscopy and CT scans). Medical radiation, received even at very low and moderate doses, is an important cause of death from Ischemic Heart Disease; the probable mechanism is radiation-induction of mutations in the coronary arteries, resulting in dysfunctional clones (mini-tumors) of smooth muscle cells.
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