WARNING: This website contains facts and opinions some may find offensive...
Transform Your Life With Natural Healing.
This self-help alternative medicine site offers extensive educational information on the topics of natural healing, holistic and biological dentistry, herbal medicine, live blood microscopy, cleansing and detoxification, heavy metal detox, diet, nutrition, weight loss, and the finest, tried-and-tested health equipment and products available for the natural management of health.
The word "apocalypse" is not nearly as dreadful as it sounds; it implies a removal of a veil, the pulling back of a curtain so we can see what is behind it, like Toto pulling back the curtain to expose the Wizard of Oz.

"The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it. Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. The Matrix is a computer-generated dream world, built to keep us under control..."
What you’re about to learn is truly shocking. You’ve never been told this information by the AMA or CDC or FDA or Big Pharma or the evening news. They are all part and parcel of the propaganda machine that creates the official stories that everyone must believe. But sometimes the mainstream media narratives and official stories change so fast, it’ll give you whiplash. Flip-flopping is now the norm. Just look at Fauci. Fauci didn’t just flip flop on masks. He flip flopped on vaccine mandates too.
We must search for truth and face the truth in order to remain sane on this planet, otherwise, we are doomed to react to scripted "NEWS" as if they were real, and to ignore those threats that are indeed dangerous: crackpots in control of entire nations, news media used to propagandize commercial profit narratives, bureaucracies misled and run wild, science that is politicized, financial empires built on hot air, courts run as rigged casinos, corporations masquerading as governments, and religions based on fraud.
Now, they're trying it all again with the "Bird Flu, and the fake PCR tests." This time, let's not be gullible and led like sheep to slaughter. This time, let's make it our own story with our own happy ending. You cannot comply your way out of tyranny. Now is the time to stand up. Do as you want, not as you’re told by the government. We are one nation under God with liberty and justice for all. We are not one nation under government with liberty and justice for those who comply.
Both the UNITED STATES Corp and the U.S.A. Corp were forced into bankruptcy—the UNITED STATES underwent Chapter 7 Involuntary bankruptcy; the U.S.A. Corp has been in Chapter 11 Reorganization for three years. One corporation is in receivership to the other, so that to resolve the Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the Chapter 7 bankruptcy must be settled first. This is just a further complication to an already complicated scenario which requires Donald Trump, as Receiver, to conduct an audit of all departments and agencies of what remains of the Federal Government.
The panic in D.C. is because a reckoning has come, one that is long overdue. Many people have heaved a big sigh of relief following the November Elections, happy that Donald Trump will be back in control of the government corporations as of late January 2025, but be aware, that's only part of the story. As good as Trump is, he's a corporate employee and those corporations that have been bankrupted and liquidated and were owned by foreign powers. They have no charter and they have no contract with us. Ultimately, Donald Trump is not the answer to the problems we face. He's just a better answer than Harris.
Freedom of choice in medical decisions is everything. Without that, you have no control over your body or what goes in it. You know what’s extremely dangerous to our republic? The mainstream media bobbleheads that do nothing more than read a script, which is totally biased, to not offend their biggest advertiser, big pharma. And nowhere is their more biased information than surrounding the COVID vaccines.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. Just a quick reminder to everyone—when you witness crimes or have reasonable cause to know about them, you are required to speak up. This means that if you become aware of treasonous or other unlawful activity pursued by any part of or agent of government, you are required to go straight to your Sheriff, your Governor, your State Attorney General, or Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court, and report it. You must do this, or you become an accomplice to the crime.
The Congressional oversight committee revealed FEMA is giving illegal migrants over $10,000 while offering Hurricane Helene Victims $750 and that a FEMA whistleblower has come forward to confess that institutionally, the leadership of FEMA is actively malicious towards American Citizens who support the Presidency of Donald Trump.
We are currently living in a time when humanity is under the GREATEST attack of all time! The depopulation agenda is a call for us to come together and fight against the Elites. Because this is the only way that we will be able to save humanity by God’s grace. The BEST way for you to start fighting back is by taking charge of your health! When you stop relying on Big Pharma to take care of you, and start using expert-proven protocols, you gain a new level of health, which is not reliant on Big Pharma pills or jabs. This health is more sustainable and long-lasting. THIS is how God intended for you to be healthy. Through achieving health and vitality, independent of Big Pharma, you strip away the control they have over you, and you also build up your immunity to the point where you can withstand their next bioweapon attack.
C0VID and its “vaccines” are part of the globalist population control agenda. This is information you NEED to know. We have toxic proteins in these vaccines. There are toxic chemicals. Multiple researchers have come out and have claimed that these are some of the dirtiest vaccines that have ever hit the market. Even finding minute shards of metal in the vaccines, microscopic shards of metal in these things. Just really bizarre things. All kinds of reports on how dirty these vaccines are. The only upside of taking the shot is you increase your risk of death. And the public is starting to see this.
Anybody who gets a common cold or flu symptom this fall, please first, don’t assume that you have COVID. You don’t need to rush off and get a new vaccine. If you ever had COVID before, you would have antibodies against two things, the nucleocapsid of the virus you should have antibodies against, and you should have antibodies against the spike protein of COVID. They can differentiate the two of those in a blood test with any patient. So before you rush off to get a vaccine, have those antibodies tested.
You don’t have to worry about the nucleocapsid of the virus and antibodies to that if you never have COVID before and you’ve got the COVID-19 vaccines, because those who got the COVID-19 vaccines do not produce any antibodies to the virus. And that’s what they published in the NIH’s paper. They actually said, "We didn’t put any SARS-CoV-2 virus in the vaccines." What they actually do state that they put in the shots, they made synthetic spike protein genes.
Human knowledge is under attack! Governments and powerful corporations are using censorship to wipe out humanity's knowledge base about nutrition, herbs, self-reliance, natural immunity, food production, preparedness and much more. We are living during a complicated time. We have to deal with a lot of noise – pandemics, vaccines, various propositions for health cards/passports, lock-downs, restrictions, masks, 5G, and smart meters—just to name a few. It is easy to feel unsure of yourself, like you are standing on shaky ground.
What you mistook for your government was actually a swarm of government subcontractors that snuck through the backdoor after the so-called Civil War and proliferated for decades under False Pretenses. These jokers have operated under color of law the entire time. They have never actually been your government. They have been commercial corporations and they have also organized as municipal corporations, but at the end of the day, they are not and never were and cannot be sovereign and independent entities. Even their departments and agencies are just separate corporations: the Department of Justice, Inc., the State of Texas, Inc., FEMA, Inc., and so on. And they are all run amok.
WE THE PEOPLE need to be too big and too loud to ignore. It is no longer acceptable for elected officials to look the other way while genocide is going on, affecting American people—and the people of the world. It's essential to anchor ourselves in truth. Our commitment to providing you with vital, life-saving information remains steadfast, and we're firmly dedicated to empowering you to maintain hope and sanity in an increasingly chaotic global landscape.
The very same people who claim we should "trust the science" also tell us that men can have babies and that carbon dioxide is bad for rainforests. You have been indoctrinated by an authoritarian system of government, foreign to this country. It’s not easy to clean out your mind after 20-30 years of foreign indoctrination by experts. You are not a Federal citizen of any kind. And you Do Not stand under Any Constitutions—but, your employees do.
WHERE are the 320,000+ Children that go Missing Every Year? CPS is STEALING Kids from Christians, Gun-Owners, Un-Jabbed and Military Families! We are in a DNA war for humanity. We have to stand up now to the totalitarianism that is using medicine to take over the world. Do not accede to mandates, lockdowns, and masks. Do not put your children in harms way. Do not get suckered into a digital national currency that can be turned off based on your behavior towards the state. Ditto electric cars. In any case be prepared for power outages.
A coordinate effort is under way to "reset" human knowledge and enslave people with ignorance, censorship and falsehoods. Human knowledge, a fundamental human right, is under assault by globalist-oriented, anti-human corporations, governments, regulators and non-profit groups that are actively attempting to achieve a "global reset" that involves the mass extermination of billions of human beings through engineered famine, war and depopulation via biological weapons which are deceptively named "vaccines."
Google weaponizes its search engine and YouTube platform to squelch human knowledge, in an effort to keep everyone functionally illiterate, ignorant, and obedience to globalist agendas.
Do not let fear or anger get into your life. And never give up! They are going to be showing a LOT of ugly stuff over the corporate-owned, and State-run TV over the next few weeks and months. Don’t be afraid. This is going to be part of massive disclosure about the crimes and fraud that has gone on for centuries. Everyone needs to know and see this, so we never let these atrocities happen again!
By April 2022, the CDC data showed that about 6 in 10 adults dying of COVID-19 were vaccinated or boosted, and that’s remained true. Data suggest 1 in 317 boys aged 16 to 17 will get myocarditis from the COVID shots, and after a third booster, that number may be even higher. VAERS reporting is likely underreported by a factor of 41. Since there are over 8,000 domestic deaths reported to VAERS, and 98% of those deaths are “excess deaths,” this suggests that as many as 300,000 Americans may have died from the COVID shots thus far.
Calculations, based on government data from 35% of the world’s population, suggest we’re killing approximately 411 people per million doses on average. Moderna and Pfizer are both two-dose regimens, which pushes this to 822 deaths per million fully vaccinated. And that’s just the short-term mortality. We still have no concept of how these shots might impact mortality and morbidity in the longer term
An Italian investigation found that if the COVID mortality definition were changed to only include those cases where there were no preexisting comorbidities, the mortality from COVID comes out to just 2.9% of the overall reported number. This suggests that if a COVID death was redefined to being a death actually “from” COVID rather than “with” COVID, the death count could be substantially smaller than 760,000 deaths and may be smaller than the number killed by the vaccines. The deadliest vaccine ever made is the smallpox vaccine, which killed 1 in 1 million vaccinated people. The COVID shots kill 822 per million, fully vaccinated, making it more than 800 times deadlier than the deadliest vaccine in human history.
When you find that you’ve been deceived, you don’t want to believe it. If it’s somebody that you’ve trusted, if it’s something that you’ve trusted, America’s free or news media is. They’re people of integrity. They report accurately. They want us to know the truth. When you find out that’s not true to a lesser or greater degree, it’s heartbreaking.
Question everything. And remember that objectivity in journalism is an illusion created by the elite class to give the appearance of balanced news.
We are in an information war. We are in a battleground environment where there are no boundaries or rules, there’s no ethics. Anything goes. It is total unrestricted information and knowledge warfare, and it’s a world in. It’s very much an Alice in Wonderland world. Through the Looking Glass. Everything is upside down and backwards. And the thesis behind this is that reality can be constructed. Reality is what those that control the narrative make it to be. It doesn’t have to be grounded in facts and this is modern politics and it’s modern information warfare and thought control warfare. Journalism now, as taught at places like Columbia, is advocacy journalism, which is propaganda, in other words, a false narrative for whatever specific purpose is now much, much easier to perpetrate on the people. If you look at the definition of advocacy journalism, and you look at the definition of propaganda, they’re one and the same.
Propaganda is a virulent cancer to free speech and to the First Amendment. Almost a decade ago, propaganda was legalized in the United States with the passage of the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, which you’ve probably never heard of. The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act was buried in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act for a good reason because it repealed the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act, which authorized the State Department and the mainstream media to engage in propagandizing foreign countries, but it prohibited releasing that same propaganda in America for public consumption. This prohibition was lifted when the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act was signed into law by Obama. Obama gave it a reboot in 2012. So no matter how outrageous the propaganda may be, it’s completely legal. Due to the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, which went into effect on July the second of 2013, scripted and orchestrated propaganda can now be presented to the American public as factual news.
The magician knows how the trick is done. If you know the trick and you’re watching the magician and he does something, it’s like, “Okay, I’ve seen that one. I know how that works. But if you don’t know the trick, you’ll be wrapped in the wonder of it, just like millions of Americans are wrapped in the wonder of the CNNs and MSNBCs of the world.
When it comes to vaccines, when it comes to COVID, logic and questions are not allowed, everyone must believe the government’s version of the truth, which in many cases is nothing more than pure propaganda.
The moment that I heard about this virus, I knew it was just rubbish and spin, but flattening the curve: It was all a bunch of propaganda. It was just another talking point. They didn’t even know what the curve was. The goal was preventing hospitalizations and deaths. Fauci thought the goal was flattening the curve, a complete and total failure. It wasn’t a 50% failure. It was a total failure. When a physician leader cannot identify the goal of what’s going on, there is zero chance of accomplishing any good for the country.
It’s always been about control. If control is the idea, then everything else follows. First the virus, then put the masks on, social distancing. Oh, a new term, a new contemporary term social distancing. As you may know, the commander of the Luftwaffe was a man named Herman Gehring. At the Nuremberg trials he was asked, “How did you get the German people to go along with this?” He said, “Oh, it’s very easy. You can do it with Nazis, or communists, or even in a democracy. You simply must make them afraid. And if you can make them afraid, they will comply to any of your commands.”
The light is shining bright, the awakening is happening. Please, we’re asking you to do your part. This is an information war and they do not want you to know this, so share it with everyone you know, please. It’s time for us to all stand up together. It’s time to draw the line in the sand. You cannot comply your way out of tyranny. Now is the time to stand up, do as you want, not as you’re told by the government. We are one nation under God with liberty and justice for all. We are not one nation under government with liberty and justice for those who comply. You cannot comply your way out of tyranny because tyrants always demand more and more and more. Many people have been complying with every edict, every mandate, every illegal order and where has it gotten us more tyranny.
Just a quick reminder to everyone—when you witness crimes or have reasonable cause to know about them, you are required to speak up. This means that if you become aware of treasonous or other unlawful activity pursued by any part of or agent of government, you are required to go straight to your Sheriff, your Governor, your State Attorney General, or Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court, and report it. You must do this, or you become an accomplice to the crime.
There has been considerable discussion arguing for and against serving Notice on the corporation-employed Sheriffs. People are afraid of the consequences of speaking up. Better to fear the consequences of not telling.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard...
There is an active campaign under way to hunt down and exterminate fundamental human knowledge... in science, medicine, physiology, history, nutrition, finance, geopolitics and more. And the next step of these globalist, anti-human actors is to replace knowledge with "anti-knowledge" -- ideas that are opposite of reality (such as the claims that men can have babies or that carbon dioxide is bad for plants).
A coordinated effort is under way to "reset" human knowledge and enslave people with ignorance, censorship and falsehoods. Through censorship, "fact-checking," so-called "misinformation" initiatives and paid propaganda, the powers that be are trying to memory hole human knowledge of immune function, nutrition and disease prevention (among many other topics).
They are attacking farms across Europe, trying to destroy the very concept of growing food for a sustainable civilization. Everywhere you turn today, human knowledge is under assault by globalist-oriented, anti-human corporations, governments, regulators and non-profit groups that are actively attempting to achieve a "global reset" that involves the mass extermination of billions of human beings through engineered famine, war and depopulation via biological weapons which are deceptively named "vaccines."
Join Brighteon.AI efforts to preserve and decentralize human knowledge before it's too late!
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